Why do leftists love to bring up and address the argument being made on this issue?

Why do leftists love to bring up and address the argument being made on this issue?
They always strawman and argue with an imaginary boogeyman in their heads when it comes to this issue
Obviously if some game promoted and shunned abortion and called it out for being vile leftists would lose their minds and the argument "all games are political" would be thrown out the window
Same thing with the Doom Eternal comparing demons to third world immigrants, leftists and shitlibs lost their minds and never said "all games are political"

It just seems to me that leftists want us to ignore overt social engineering coming from the status quo in video games because some games mention the military
It's extremely dishonest

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Other urls found in this thread:

store.steampowered.com/app/1404850/Luck_be_a_Landlord/#:~:text=Luck be a Landlord is,last 30 days are positive.

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You know that game 6 days in Faluja? The devs actually had the balls to say that the game wont be political. Maybe it wasnt balls maybe it was just them being retarded.

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not saying they aren't, but leftists do love to shut down opposing speech calling out leftist and shitlib social engineering propaganda
They call you out instantly and say black, gay and trans people are not political
I only see leftists doing this

what's an instance in a game that came out this year that pushes politics that you don't like?

Why is Doreen dressed as a Nazi?

this, "all games are political" is such a pathetic platitude in order to get people to not engage in the debate in the games political issues and representation because they it would be sexist and racist if you're against leftist politics in video games

Hit the nail right in the head.

so, what recent game specifically do you have a problem with?

>no argument
I accept your concession

Solution: games shouldn't have story, or cutscenes, or dialogue, or voice acting. Only shitty movies like MGS, Final Fantasy or Uncharted would waste my time trying to tell a cliched plot about war being LE BAD or some other pretentious crap.

Infact, if your game has more plot than a shmup like Gradius, take it back and throw it in the garbage.

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Every game these days has representation of minorities and gay people
Represenation is inherently political and a result from a liberal and leftists push for more diversity and less white men in video games, their presence is 100% political and a representation of the current zeitgeist and status quo, simple as

What's your point?

okay, but name one.

what's your endgame, buddy?

>It's extremely dishonest

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horizon forbidden gender, anything else?

>Doom eternal, demons are immigrants
Lol shit is the funniest thing I've heard.

>Doom Eternal comparing demons to third world immigrants
You're not retarded enough to think a one line joke is a real political statement, are you?

liberals think homosexual negro trannies are the equivalent to anti war sentiment, that their extreme dogma isnt politics but sorta common belief

I just wanted to know if you play video games or if you're a culture war tourist.

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thank you

They like it when their politics are glorified, they hate it when their politics are demonized.

Which means objectively that it is normal and human to enjoy art whose politics agrees with you and hate art whose politics disagree wtih you.

they treated like it was a political statement, wether it's real or not it's rooted in current day political discourse and controversies

Subtlety is always the key.
Making one of the bad guys in Mafia 3 look identical to trump and using him as the strawman vehicle for you to insult trump is hackneyed. Making a game about jumping around and over spikes and then saying "UHHHH, THIS GAME IS ABOUT TRANS RIGHTS" is also retarded. People like MGS because it's kind of retarded but also vague enough that you can kind of sit and ask yourself questions about it and it's more than just "WYPIPO BAD"

Not him, but Triangle Strategy was rewritten by English translators to remove many of the threatening vibes and to rewrite women's roles into cringe "respect women" memes in various ways that completely changed the characters.

>it's ok to have politics in games? then why are you against racism genocide, huh?
You... can't be this retarded

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I think you're just biased. MGS is just as bad as any of those hackneyed games.

>war is... LE BAD!
>le context Raiden! put down le controller! see, I'm being wacky and subversive and fourth wall breaking tee hee

Uncharted and TLOU unironically have more subtlety, and I'd sooner have my teeth pulled than play either of those.

Orcs are like black people.

>skilled craftsman
>honorable warriors

Don't insult Orcs with that comparison.

I'm not saying MGS is masterful storytelling but TLOU and uncharted are not more subtle.

Jesus Christ, rightoids are fucking brainlets. "All games are political", whether that's true or not, doesn't mean you have to like all politics in video games.

I agree 100% seems like only right wingers are willing to have a discussions, leftists seem to want to shut down discussions on people talking about overt leftist and liberal politics in video games
"All games are political" until some game starts promoting pro life anti abortion messages, watch how quick their tune changes

So why do leftists say that black, gay and trans people in video games are not political?

What does that have to do with the topic at hand?

Blacks didn't even exist in Tolkiens universe even as different races
Orcs were supposed to represent the Norf type englanders (white)

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Do zoomers even remember when CoD was an anti war series? CoD4 was pretty clearly against american imperialism

Race is a political issue nowadays. Its relevant.

sounds more like a desperate plea to get hippy liberals to not cancel them again like the baptist soccermoms did a decade ago

I played this game last year where "you have to defeat capitalism" with "the help of friendly communist" and one of the way to win is to kill billionaires with a guillotine, the billionaire is the only human character that don't release a ghost when killed (because billionaire don't have a soul) and the only character the dog isn't friendly with, other human character include a thief, and a serial murderer that kills all the other human character which includes toddlers
That's right, a serial killer that kill toddler is more human than a billionaire

All call of duty games are critiquing American adventurism, turns out zoomers are just like boomers and are completely fine if their side is doing it

I agree, we should using words and start killing people.

and what exactly is so bad about less white guys and more diversity?

>"All games are political", whether that's true or not, doesn't mean you have to like all politics in video games.
>b-b-b-but muh race!

You sound like a schizo, name the game or fuck off

and what exactly is so bad about white guys and less diversity?

so no arguments then?

If we're going to do it, I at least want all sides represented. I want openly racist or transphobic games, and I want them on Steam, and if anyone objects I want a legion of smug people to come out of the woodwork and say "dude... All art is political...".

representation is inherently political user, wether you like or not

Outer worlds, honestly was expecting a fun rpg with action and adventure almost every town had the same "men bad, stupid, women intelligent and levelheaded" the reason I even noticed it more was because the rpg elements were terrible and the gameplay aspect was very mediocre seemed more like an afterthought to push a message than getting a good game out the door.

Kek, you'll end up dead on a street or serving a life sentence.

You're still not a meme Doreen, stop spamming your wojak selfies already.

unbelievably based

CoD stopped doing that on purpose after MW2. Black Ops can be argued as a parody of it but I don't respect the devs enough to say its intentional

At least that user will take you down with him

you openly advocate for less white video game characters cause you're an anti white racist fuck

I can feel the fear behind this post.

Why are you concerned about racism when you're racist, cracker?

You are fucking braindead holy shit. It doesn't matter if it's political or not. The point is you are implying that if you claim all games are political then you have to be fine with ALL political messages in them, which is nonsense.

store.steampowered.com/app/1404850/Luck_be_a_Landlord/#:~:text=Luck be a Landlord is,last 30 days are positive.

I didn't advocate for them, I asked what was the issue with less of them and then you avoided answering my question

This picture has always struck me as retarded. >Oh no, they've identified us as hypocrites!
>Hurry, call their demographic dead! It worked during GG, right??

Leftism is the epitome of dishonesty, what did you expect?

why don't make your own games nigger?

6th January
Kill yourself unironically you future mass shooter

>That one /pol/cel crying about characters in games no longer being majority white
Lmao I would agree if there were no white characters in gaming at all anymore but you don’t see that.

why are libtards, faggots and trannies so obsessed with finding and/or introducing politics in every piece of media in existence

I don't care if Hitler shitting himself in Wolfenstein 2 is muh political, I only care if the game is fun or not, stop telling me how I should enjoy a game

Because when you put a nog on the cover it doesn't sell lool

I didn't avoid anything, you're just a dishonest clown pretending to care about the argument, you openly advocate for less video game characters and diversity, as if white people are not diverse and brown shitskins are, there are way more "white" cultures with different beliefs and customs, yet you think just because someone has brown skin he's more diverse

You wouldn't have to complain about less whites in video games if they weren't made by non-white people, cracker.

I think you mean extremist. We liberals don't want to be associated with faggot bully sjws.

As if you would be fine with that. When developers make their own games and you don't agree with their politics you throw a fit every single time.

it matters because leftists are the only ones parroting this platitude in order to get people to ignore leftist social engineering propaganda in movies and video games, and when someone starts discussing, leftists want to shut it down and say it's not political, you're just racist, sexist, bla bla bla, the usual stuff

politics in games = good
niggers and trannies in games = bad

Did I specifically say I wanted more brown people? I just said I wouldn't have an issue with non-white ethnicities

I want social media posting newfags

>They always strawman
You mean exactly like you're doing now?

Better question is why are leftists, trannies, and kikes so desperate to try and turn Yea Forums into another leftist circlejerk like every other popular site on the web? Why's it so important that one of the very few places you can no bow down to the almighty nigger, jew, and tranny be destroyed?

but you don't even make games nigger, you rely on white people to write, program and design your video games

>When developers make their own games and you don't agree with their politics
The game becomes a failure. I would have thought Deathloop would be an eye opener.

It's Alinsky tactics, they've been doing this shit for decades and conservatives are too spineless to properly fight back.

Yes, they are in power and will argue to defend that power. It’s kind of like how they can burn half the world with full government endorsement while claiming oppression.

you say you wanted diversity and implied it was good, diversity means only browns and blacks, not whites

for them either everyone should be sucking BBC or nobody does


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>ugh why do you want to get rid of cancer
Tough question.

Learn how to make your own video games instead of complaining about what non-whites do in games they make, you porcelain porch monkey.

>Libs are so fucking gay that they'll portray Hitler as some pants shitting retard which only highlights how fucking weak they are for being beaten by a pants shitting retard
>When they could have made Hitler a hyper competent monster that you get to kill in a giant mech suit at the very end and everyone would have loved it....

representation of minorities is extremely political

When people write about politics it usually exposes their incredibly simplistic view of the world in a way that I can't ignore. Let me be perfectly clear: politics is the real lowest common denominator. It takes zero effort on your part to either support things that benefit you or go with what your social group wants. To actually understand politics beyond base level "what can it do for me?" is hard.
The other point I want to make is that most politics nowadays has the stink of the internet on it. People have now accepted online discourse as a real way to engage with politics, which has murdered general political discourse and murdered almost anything modern as a result.

liberals have build up their arguments on strawmen and being dishonest for a very long time.

It's not the diversity, it's the principle behind forcing representation.

I don't care about leftist hypocrisy becauae it's all about power. Just don't fund them. Simple as they hate me. I don't need reasons why "it makea games worse yaayayayay" just don't give them money.

Something tells me you're 14, at most. Anyway, Battlefield 1.

leftists are under psionic alien mind control

Fuck off ACfag.

I said I wouldn't shit my diaper over seeing minorities (I count non-black and brown minorities in this too) in my vidya and yeah I think it can be a good thing

the don't say gay bill is a good start to fight against leftist dogma and foothold in schools, that's how they convert kids, when they are young hopefully this is just the start and republicans do way more

It's a really more an issue of politics in video games propagandizing their viewpoint rather than engaging an idea/issue in a critical and literary manner. I hate the phrase "Politics in Video Games" also and think it's more apt to describe it as "Contentious Issues in Video Games". But of course there are people who play video games for escapism and don't want to engage in stuff life critical analysis and literary concepts, and that's fine, but when people do to even games that seemingly aren't political, it's most often not an attack on the game or gamers but rather an attack on the cultural zeitgeist / implicit assumptions that build a game's story or narrative. Just remember, you are not immune to propaganda

>Just don't fund them.
No worries, BlackRock will do that for you.

You can do a good thing even if it's for the wrong reasons

The most important designers, writers and programmers in the video game industry are white men monkey boy

>less white guys and more diversity?
That's unironically racist.
>inb4 some US partisan shit
I'm a lefty.

They have to be disingenuous because no one cares a out politics in media, it's preachy politics that irk everyone but these smarmy faggots. Happens with animation too to an infuriating degree. Now all modern media, barring select examples, have to preach a moral as if you are incapable of understanding this deep complex story about a little girl on her period.

go rebuild Atlantis space criminal

what games even came out this year aside form elden ring?
I guess Horizon features pre industrial revolution societies being mostly women, black and tranny run with white men all being depicted as weak and stupid to push some leftwing anti white male agenda despite every society before the 21th century being male run, males doing all the hunting and fighting and white men dominating science and on the battlefield

who mentioned trannies?

They're Japanese, but they are honorary.

>Why do leftists love to bring up and address the argument being made on this issue?
>They always strawman and argue with an imaginary boogeyman in their heads when it comes to this issue
>Obviously if some game promoted and shunned abortion and called it out for being vile leftists would lose their minds and the argument "all games are political" would be thrown out the window
>Same thing with the Doom Eternal comparing demons to third world immigrants, leftists and shitlibs lost their minds and never said "all games are political"

>It just seems to me that leftists want us to ignore overt social engineering coming from the status quo in video games because some games mention the military
>It's extremely dishonest

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The central thesis of gamer gate wasn't "politics" its that it was the wrong kind of politics. It was a completely astroturfed narrative used to get a stronger foothold within Yea Forums by making up a false premise that somehow (((someone))) was coming to take your games. Frankly the right is stellar at this because they have the benefit of already being the majority ideology, don't think or analyse what the left (whatever the fuck that means anymore) is trying to say, just double down in your beliefs.

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>in my vidya and yeah I think it can be a good thing

They're made by immigrants on visas while, snow roach. And those white people in game development tend to not like trailer trash, low life scum like yourself. They tend to dox people like you. That's largely why you talk shit here not places where people would set you straight.