>100 hours in
>just finished Leyndell
How in the world, did you people finish the game so fast? Did you rush through everything?
I literally explored every single pixel of this game.
>100 hours in
>just finished Leyndell
How in the world, did you people finish the game so fast? Did you rush through everything?
I literally explored every single pixel of this game.
I think it’s veterans that played souls games before. Otherwise, you are stuck the first 50 hours dying to everything you meet.
neets have nothing better to do, user some put 100hrs in just in the first week
60 hours for one run if you're taking it easy and not metagaming, I reckon.
Did you stop and pick every flower growing in Limgrave, Lucaria and Altus?
I didn't rush until after entering Farum Azula.
After that I just didn't give a fuck
>300 hours in
>just entered liurna of the lakes
why are you speedrunning
No idea. My playthrough took 225 hours and I'm pretty sure I still missed stuff
Not really, I only ever faced these boss roadblocks at the very end, just platinum'd it yesterday, only one save file and it took me like 160 hours.
I got everything. Every weapon, every incantation, spell, smithing stones, runes.
i 100%'d the game in around 80 hours. didn't check a guide until i was sure i was done exploring and it only ever turned up one or two things per region. idk user
I beat it in about 90 hours on my first playthrough, but I stopped exploring optional caves, heroes graves and catacombs almost entirely after Caelid.
I clocked in at 195 hours to defeat the last boss. Still ended up missing a couple of minor dungeons despite combing the world for secrets. Absolute kino though. On my second playthrough now
Catacombs are shit, youre literally an NPC if you bother with them
That's like saying I didn't rush FF7 until I got to Northern Cave
I've already spent 500 hours in the tutorial zone because i'm exploring every nook and cranny! Not my fault you guys are speedrunning.
reminder that if you did any of the below in your first run
>read the wiki to check literally anything
>watched any gameplay other than the trailers
>know about any of the NPCs quest or endings before doing them
you did not and therefore will never truly beat the game
There's not even that much content in Elden Ring. Even with multiple playthroughs I barely reached 50hrs. It's too straightforward and the ubisoft tier repetitive content is too easy and not worth it most of the time. They spent too much time padding the game than they did making quality content.
>500 hours in
>still stuck in fringefolk hero's grave
Name 5 RPGs with more content than ER.
Even if I had more free time I can’t imagine playing the game so long without breaks. Seems exhausting.
It took me 350 hours to beat the game on my first playthrough
OP, you can out run everything in this game minus cinema bosses. It was just a matter of that and exploring. Finding Farming spots here and there to level up and increase survival.
Also most of us stuck to one weapon and build to maxime DPS.
I respec maybe twice before post farming everything to 40
I fully clreared limgrave, weeping peninsula and liurnia
after that I just didn't bother and only did whatever side content caught my eye
now I only have leyndell 2: hellectric boogaloo left at 80 hours
Anyone else make a slightly hairy barbarian woman and can't bring yourself to equip anything that isn't backless/has midriff?
I've beaten Demon Souls and all 3 Dark Souls games and I still spent 170 hours on my first playthrough. If you play the game without a guide and explore all the content especially catacombs it will take you a long time. Even playing this long I still missed tons of shit like Patches and the Jarburg area. This is a 100 hour game minimum unless you're skipping a ton of the content
>700 hours
>finally killed soldier of godrick
holy fuck stop speedrunning content, you troons
Took me 134 hours to beat the game and I’ve 100% dark souls 3 and sekiro. I didn’t reach the Altus plateau until 90+ hours
I realized most of the side content was shit and offered no decent rewards, so I just did what I felt like doing, which is to say the legacy dungeons.
I dunno, finished the game blind in 106 hours and only missed one place because I literally just forgot to go there after discovering it. Explored everything I found, no idea why people take this long unless they actively partake in multiplayer for hours.
>did you people finish the game so fast? Did you rush through everything?
I didn't. I got to nearly 500 hours before I explored, found and completed everything myself without a guide. I spent DAYS in areas; Liurnia took me nearly a week.
Once you finish the Royal Capital, the amount of new areas left in the game and ones you get to explore are much more reduced. I like the way they did it.
>I literally explored every single pixel of this game.
Thats what you think. Im 200h in the game and I saw someone complaining about them reusing boss encounter in two mini dungeons. I somehow missed both mini dungeons.
100 hours in and Im still grinding Volcano Manor. Then again once I beat the game boss I summon bro for 3 hours or so. I
I did it in 80 hours.
Don't think I missed more than 5 locations. I know I missed War-Dead catacombs, the place under Hidden Path to the Haligtree and I just skipped the lava hero tomb.
Same people that had a problem with Margit. By the time I went to the Stormveil castle I was level 40, I explored the entirety of Limegrave first. Imagine encountering an open world game and just straight up doing storymode. How stupid do you have to be?
ER is my first souls game and I was struggling in the first bosses, decided to reroll to sorcerer and I steamrolled the entire game lol
Most ""people"" just googled "best weapon location elden ring" and just zipped through all the main content with moonveil + rob
Because not everyone is a loser that thinks tiny 2 minute dungeons are hard.
>leveling past 125
>in NG
if you did this, you did not beat the game
Because people use 100% completion wiki guides and then brag about how amazing they are at a game. It's a massive world, and on my first playthrough it took me 200 hours to find 99% of the stuff, not including the things I apparently missed.
>finished the game blind in 106 hours and only missed one place
bullshit user. You missed a shit ton of side content.
>200 hours in
>just made my perfect waifu on the character creator
I just made literally Griffith
How are you that slow, I'm at fire giant in 95 hours and I've done most of the dungeons
I started Elden Ring and have literally zero clue what to do after being exposed to the open world from that elevator ride up...
Took me 185 hours to beat. Some of those hours were afk hours but I enjoyed exploring this game alot
It is a decent time if you've went through everything(underground areas and side dungeouns) DESU. On my first character around the 90-95 hours mark I had just killed the fire giant and I was exploring Consecrated Snowfield. I didn't know about Moghwyn palace and deeproot depths at the time.
Been playing these since console DaS1 then later the dreaded GFWL DaS1. I was 120+ hours in by the time I really started exploring the capital. My first run through was power stancing rapiers with scarlet rot poison and freeze. I also played with invader lure up pretty much the entire run so that certainly added some time. No ashes or summons, most deaths were to the obvious boss in general the game felt much easier due to how powerful shit like bleed and freeze are this time around. I've run bleed in DaS games before it was never this easy to proc. Unsure if its less hits to trigger or slower decay on the gauge. Over-all an amazing game, seriously docking it some credit until they fix anti-cheat. Game runs at a locked 60 never flinches if I run offline with anti-cheat disabled, playing with it enabled for online... hitches, stutters, average of 50FPS and dips down to 0.
TLDR: Who the fuck decided to use Easy Anti-Cheat and why haven't they been fired yet?
did you ever consider the fact that online lags worse because it's constantly rendering ghosts of other players and dozens of messages and bloodstains all across the field? fuckin idiot
NG first run is the only time I allow people to do as they please. They better shape the fuck up for the second run though
Is Moonveil worth it? I'd have to put a dozen points into INT to use it.
>"rending minor assets is what slows the game down user, not EAC™!!"
$0.02 has been sent to your Steam wallet, keep up the good work!
user, we're not fast. You're just slow.
Okay then play with EAC on without logging in on the main menu and tell me how different it is to your retarded reddit tier brain bullshit about turning eac off.
I explored 90% of Limegrave before I went to Stormveil and beat Godrick.
Yet I totally missed Sellen, she was in that remaining 10% and I wouldn't have known about her if Yea Forums wasn't constantly talking about her.
im in the azula place about 100 hours in and it just got boring but I don't feel like swapping to a completely different build
what do
I'm faith/str, mostly using shield and scythe or sword
also "minor assets", it's literally entire other player models. not to mention the game recording your movements to transmit to other players in the form of phantoms and blood stains.
they rushed everything/used prescribed builds/didn't explore/played 14 hours a day
losers today just play video games 16 hours a day and get 0 enjoyment out of it
>110 hours in
>still exploring Liurnia
>60 hours
yeah right, 60 hours by metafagging Rivers of Blood i bet. 60 hours what a joke
>300 hours in
>Only at Nokron
Other people had more time than you, but yes the people who claim to have beaten the game in less than 70 hours or whatever probably just beelined from one place to another.
the game is two fucking months old you dumbass
>I literally explored every single pixel of this game.
My nigga
>shilling for the chinks
Way to go user, the CCP appreciates your dedication!
But no seriously this has been verified as EAC being a pile of shit by multiple sources and I've done the same testing and came up with the same results. If you monitor a few things you'll see it's the blocks of EAC queries every 45 seconds that will for many people cause GPU usage to drop to like 10% or even 0% causing a full freeze for a couple of seconds. The odd thing is this is not consistent, the queries are every 45s like clockwork which can be viewed using visual studios event viewer, regardless of you closing/opening background applications the stutter doesn't always happen. It'll also spike CPU usage on core 0 but for anything not circa 2010 not enough to cause issue. 4 PCs in my house, everyone plays ER. All have the same issue on high end GPUs, vega 64, 1080 ti, 2070 super and 3080 ti. All of our systems run the game flawlessly until EAC is enabled. As for your idiotic comment on the ghosts/blood stains, you can turn them off you know? Make a group with just a couple people in it. Bam, no more blood stains, no more ghosts, no more messages. Performance issues persist. Go suck pooh bears dick some more.
Mohg needs a corncob pipe, loafers, small reading glasses, and a newspaper.
i basically finished everything in roughly 100 hours, but i have to admit that i skipped a couple of bosses like the death bird in the ice area because i just wanted to finish the game
>Yea Forums doesn't understand tech
>gets irrationally angry and claims leddit
Ah, the smell of weekend
I couldn't bring myself to finish this game. It goes from fun to boring and flip flops back and forward, it's odd.
Same here bro, I'm at 230 hours and just finishing faram azula. I'm just I could scrape half of it, but I call bullshit on everyone claiming they 100%'d it in less than 100 hours (and I wouldnt be proud of it)
>you can turn them off you know? Make a group with just a couple people in it. Bam, no more blood stains, no more ghosts, no more messages. Performance issues persist. Go suck pooh bears dick some more.
thank you for this part because it means I don't even need to bother replying to the rest of your retarded post. Go ahead and try it you stupid fucking nigger. All it does it put little scribbles around the messages from your groups, you are still spammed with everyone elses messages and ghosts just as much.
Im not a shitter like you that thinks dying 50 times is experiencing a region.
They didn't beat the game.
Ah, the post of someone who didn't try it even though I spelt it out nice and simple for him.
Same. Got to 100 hours before even reaching the capital and just dropped it.
I'm sure it would be more fun if I started ignoring shitty repetitive contrent and focused on the main path stuff, but that's what I do for mediocre games I still want to extract some enjoyment out of. If From is now putting out mediocre games I need to ignore content to enjoy, might as well just stop playing them.
They used to make some of the best content in the game optional, it felt like a great reward to figure out how to reach it, now you go out of your way to avoid optional content because it's mostly trash. That's sad.
>Lordsworn greatsword
>Brass shield
Based and knightpilled.