Is this game any good? It’s like $140 for GameCube

Is this game any good? It’s like $140 for GameCube.

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Okay but, what if Zelda was a horse?

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Becomes the best 3D Zelda by the water temple (3rd), first two dungeons and intro are a bit of a drag. Master sword and on is kino.

It's extremely good. Starts pretty slow but is a legitimate contender for some of the best atmosphere and dungeon design of any 3D zelda. Wii U version is nice because you can menu without needing to pause. GC emulation is also pretty solid so try that as well.

Never played it. Almost bought the Wii U version when it was on a clearance sale for $29. Coincidentally looked it up just today and all available copies over $100.

Yeah it's pretty good

the tutorial is fine. Establishing link as a farmhand is fine since ordon village is a ranch town, and exploring the vilalge to locate stuff and learn mechanics works fine. The forest temple isnt anything special but it works as a tutorial dungeon. The attack by the twilight beasts is neat, because you get to see the real fear of the villagers and see how they think link is one of them. The ToL segment sucks ass. But it picks up from Death mountain

great dungeons and bosses
a great arsenal of tools and weapons(ball and chain is GOAT)
swimming around lake hylia
spidermanning with the clawshots

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It's very good but they're likely to release a Switch version this year so wait for that instead.

I highly doubt it

Fundamently fails at being a piece of entertainment imo, boring games are worse than bad games

It's not $140 good, but yeah it's pretty good if you can withstand the looooong and sloooooow start.

BotW2 was delayed to 2023 and they've been releasing a Zelda game every year.
It's either this, Wind Waker HD or both.

I have this for wii, god damn I wish I had the GameCube version

It's good but I would recommend the GameCube version.

Emulate it if you can. $140 is just too much. I picked up an old busted up Wii at a flea market for $25, cleaned it up, and soft modded it to play roms off SD. If you can find an old Wii, you can probably do the same and get a good experience.

if they do they will only release one and charge $60

I'm with this guy.

I truthfully believe it will be coming to switch eventually.

seems more like very 2 years,
2017 botw
2018 nothing
2019 la
2020 nothing
2021 sshd

It's good, but don't shill out 140 buckaroos, Dolphin is more or less perfect at this point.

Just emulate it on Dolphin or Cemu. If you really want original hardware you can softmod a wii with letterbomb.

2020 had Age of Calamity, 2018 was the only year without a release.
And yes it does still count no matter how much you sperg about it.

just emulate it wtf

It's free on PC

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forgot about that game
but still do you have any idea how lazy nintendo is?
if you're lucky you will get WWHD without the tingle bottle, and for $60

Which version do you guys prefer to emulate? GC or Wii U? I'm replaying on Cemu because I wanted the new wallet upgrade and Wolf challenge dungeon, but I'm annoyed that the gyro aiming is unusable.

GC all the way. Fugg that gyro nonsense

yeah, makes the game even easier because it doesn't take 10 tries to hit anything

Its yearly series since 2011
2011 - OoT 3DS
2012 - Zelda 1 & 2 for 3DS VC
2013 - WW HD
2014 - Hyrule Warriors
2015 - Majora 3DS/Tri Force Heroes
2016 - TP HD
2017 - BotW
2018 - Hyrule Warriors DE
2019 - Cadence of Hyrule/Link's Awakening
2020 - Age of Calamity
2021 - SS HD
2022 - definitely not BotW2

>did not beat the game


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Gyro aim is god tier in Zelda. I first tried all the OoT and MM shooting challenges with it. It's also impossible to emulate in this game specifically because of how they implemented the gamepad.

as shown by SSHD, nintendo puts less and less effort with each hd port, don't expect much if they do another

It's good but not that good.
Weakest 3D console Zelda. It had the most potential but they fucked it up.

I haven't tried TPHD yet but in WWHD you can get gyro by using a DS4/5 or Switch Pro just make sure you use SDL and check use motion in the input setting

Point proven.

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It's good but not $140 good unless you're a big Zelda fag. Just get the worse (but still acceptable) Wii version or emulate on Dolphin. Beginning is shit but game gets much better when you're in the first dungeon.

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I have properly configured gyro. But the game is only playable on Cemu when set to its Wii U Pro control scheme which has no gyro support. The gamepad control scheme that supports gyro puts all menus on the second screen with touch emulation being the only way to interact with them. To use it that way would require some insane inconvenient setup where you dual monitor a tablet, or constantly switch between controller and mouse with dual monitors, or connect a real Wii U gamepad or Switch to it.

This is one of the easiest Zelda games ever made, the only thing that could be remotely hard is if you play a 3-heart run or use Hero mode and Ganondorf amiibo on the Wii U version. It's more impressive to beat Link to the Past with a full twenty heart health bar than it is to beat TP on a challenge run, the game is completely trivial. You play it for a fun comfy adventure, not a challenge.

>I truthfully believe it will be coming to switch eventually.
Why would it not?

WWHD is kind of similar in that regard, I just bound a button to switch between screens and it works mostly fine, and touching can be done with the mouse (in fact you can still use the touch screen even if it's not the one visible if you remember where everything is on it)

I wonder if BOTW2 being delayed is what pushed Xenoblade 3 so close to release. I'll be mad forever if the game got rushed and became shitty, I loved Xenoblade 2 and the Xeno 1 remake. Because 2022 is absolutely dead for big name releases, literally only Elden Ring and Kirby have been the only good releases of this year so far.

just emulate the improved HD version on CEMU, WiiU emulation is basically flawless for the zelda games

In my experience, everyone who liked Twilight Princess also liked Pandora's Tower and Lacrimosa of Dana.

Is there a soul here who'll vehemently disprove me on this?

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>Zelda 3D All-Stars with OoT3D, MM3D, WWHD, and TPHD
It'd never happen, but I like the idea of it.

What are Pandora's Tower and Lacrimosa of Dana? Never played TP since I dropped off Nintendo after the 64.

They already put OoT and MM on Nintendo Shit Online
They will probably release WWHD and TPHD for their 20th's, most likely with minimal changes from wii u and for full price each.

Other games that scratched my Zelda-itch even though they don't have much in common.

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I've never played either but TP made me want to replay Okami, which I loved and 100%'d. It's an enjoyable TP clone aside from not having dungeons and Issun being an insufferable companion who's infinitely worse than midna in every way. The dragon princess had to explain to him four times in a row that we didn't need the old water dragon, and he wouldn't fucking listen because he was literally just staring at her tits every time she explained it.

I hated Issun, everything else in Okami was fun but that little shit actively made the game worse. Felt no remorse when Amaterasu leaves him for good, fuck that little bug.

I do own Okami so I'll thank you for the reminder to try that out. I got it during a busy time and mistakingly forgot about it.

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Xenoblade 3 swapped places with Splatoon 3, Xenoblade has already been done while Splatoon needed a bit more development time so it had no connection with the Zelda delay.

You can emulate it for $0.

It's a fun Zelda clone. Amaterasu is a cool protagonist, and there's some dungeon gameplay mixed in to the story, but don't expect traditional long Zelda dungeons.

i got it on Wii and Wii U, i've always loved it but never ever can it get a decent thread on this god forsaken website

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Hmm I have this on GC, maybe I should sell it

Lots of games almost never get good threads here, it hurts. Mario is ruined forever thanks to that damned "Mario if he real" picture.
Even more painful is when I'm lurking Yea Forums on my phone someplace out of home and a really good thread shows up I'm unable to participate in.

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i dont even understand the mario if he real or the mother will die in her sleep shit, it just happens and nets replies, wish we could have discussions instead of all this adhd meme shit

No. It's the worst 3D Zelda.
Just fap to the Midna r34.

if you MUST try it out, just emulate it.
Both Dolphin and CEMU run it fine.

No way is Twilight princess worse than Skyward Sword. At least Twilight Princess has a lot of side content such as the Poes, golden bugs, the cave of ordeals, and 5 pieces of heart per container (Skyward Sword gypped us out of 20 by starting Link with 6 containers and having 2 containers being replaced with medals)
But yes I do enjoy Midna lewds very much, she is precious.

Skyward sword is so shit i don't blame him for forcefully forgetting about it

Is the Wii version really that much worse?

>No way is Twilight princess worse than Skyward Sword
Yes way.

I've not "forgotten" anything. I played SS for the very first time just weeks before BotW dropped, and it was a magnificent experience. Great world building and characters, best dungeons in decades.

Decent but not essential