I miss the dark, grim atmosphere of old Star Wars games

Had so much fun with Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire, Jedi Knight and KOTOR. Even TOR.

Out of everything Disney destroyed, the atmosphere of the franchise was its most heinous crime. It's so fucking Marvel-like rn its disgusting.

I want to go back.

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I miss Mark Griskey.

I miss when Chris Avellone directed and solo wrote games.

tor still cranking out good shit. dont fall for the Yea Forums memery

Yeah I agree. My first interaction with anything post kotor 2 was fallen order and it just feels weird, like its star wars in name only.

>"So Bastila let me show you the things I have done so you will understand my passing to the dark side... this is me watching Swoop bikes races on Taris... Do you see? DO YOU SEE?"
>"This is me at my Holidays on Manaan with Saul fishing Firax Sharks, do you see? DO YOU SEE?"
>"Aaaah... Yes I see!"
>"This is me cleaning a Bantha for the election of the most beautiful Bantha, and I won the annual Tatooine competition! HAVE YOU SEEN IT? HAVE YOU?"
>"AAAAaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah"
>"This is me at my vacations on the beach of Lehon with Rakatas playing Ukulele, DO YOU GODDAMN SEE?"
>"Please Malak.... stop... stop... aaaaah! ..Oh this is so boring SOMEBODY HELP ME! please.."
>"LOOK! Look at the things i've done! here i'm celebrating my birthday on the Cantina of Korriban, Do you see? with all my friends and also my apprentice Bandon acting as a PiƱata, DO YOU SEE?"
>"Oh...yes i see now! i see...."
>"Yes you see!"
>"Oooh yeah i see!"
what did she mean by this?

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I believe you, but Disney killed the love I had for the franchise. I seethe so much at this shithole of a company I don't want to spend time anymore on the series.
Perhaps if someday Disney sells SW to other people and the franchise is rebooted then it can flourish again I guess.

completely the opposite with the star trek universe, they turned it into grimdark shite

He is past his prime even if he was offered that same gig today.

Mandalorian was good, next films will probably be good again as well, just ignore the woke feminist garbage recent films

It's so weird to me that manchildren are so ashamed of liking kids entertainment that they delude themselves into believing Star Wars was a gritty R rated franchise

SWTOR is like literally the last bastion of the old expanded universe, its allowed to keep making its own stories that are consistent with the original lore.

Reddit the game

Impossible, the sequels are canon, and they ruin the whole series.
And its not even about feminist things believe me, its the complete and utterly disregard of the lore. They turned Anakin from the chosen one into a fucking failure and a joke. I hate JJ Abrams so fucking much.

>Yea Forums tourist detected
go back

>They turned Anakin from the chosen one into a fucking failure and a joke.
This was exactly part of the girl power agenda though.

yeah but they are at the endpoint of the timeline, they will just keep making better stories before the sequel trilogy period and pretending it doesn't exist

nah, this was an unintended result of ep ix bringing back palpatine, they didnt plan marginalizing anakin they were just too incompetent to realize the implications of their own shitty cash grab story telling

>pretending it doesn't exist
Maybe, but I can't pretend it isn't there and it isn't canon.

KOTOR 2 scared the shit out of me as a kid. I didn't play 1 at that point, just knew it's Star Wars and asked my dad to torrent it for me. Not the Jar Jar adventures I was expecting. By the time I got to Sion I was a mess, and I was allowed to play whatever I wanted since I was old enough to grasp gameplay. Max Payne was Teletubbies compared to that mining planet.

FPBP, soundtrack is half the soul of KOTOR 2

Sucks to be you then I guess. Star Wars is so ubiquitous now that everyone can just pick and choose the parts they like. You know your head cannon is better than the bullshit Disney came up with so just pretend George Lucas never sold.

How do you know he's past his prime?

>this was an unintended result of ep ix bringing back palpatine, they didnt plan marginalizing anakin they were just too incompetent to realize the implications of their own shitty cash grab story telling
Absolute this.
They were(are) so fucking retarded I can't explain how the fuck they were hired in the first place.
Disney doesn't allow headcanons anymore like in the old EU. They have a stone set canon now, and the new content must either respect or at least not contradict the sequels, evne if they don't even mention them. Its so fucking bs m8. I hate them. Can't enjoy the series anymore.

Reminder that this was the last star wars and the last lucasarts game before the brand was sold to disney

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>Disney doesn't allow headcanons anymore
I'm trying to tell you that Disney has no hold over you. You can literally ignore everything they do. YOU own star wars NOT Disney.

I miss Star Wars in general. I've started reading the EU novels, pic related was the last one I read and it was surprisingly good for a zombies in space story.

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But they have power over the franchise.
Just the thought of every single new content will absolutely have to keep the sequels in mind or it wont be relased makes me vomit.

give up, he willingly embraces his mind slavery

past his prime or not, hes definitely won't be getting any work for the foreseeable future

>They turned Anakin from the chosen one into a fucking failure and a joke.
Ah yeah, the chosen one who will become more powerful than any other and all he does is chuck grandpa over a railing into a ditch before dying from the exertion

>The HK-50's recording of the miner's death

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Except grandpa is made of hate and force lightning, kind of an important detail.

Kreia is an old hag. Even thought it was comfy to travel with this grandma who needed attention.

Fun game, played it with family. Not every game needs to be deep or incredible, sometimes you just want a fun time with friends.

Better than the sequels unironically. Or least less damaging.

Are you dead yet?

Not even that one, the one where the droids are burning the fucking guy's leg off

KOTOR3 would've given us alien races to play as

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oh yeah that one's pretty dark

SWTOR should've ended perfectly at Echoes of Oblivion. It ties up everything from KOTOR and effectively ends its storyline with a final battle against Tenebrae.
Instead they went for the "somehow...Malgus returned" route and churned out years of bullshit instead of tastefully ending things with one final Malgus vs. Satele fight.

The most depressing thing is that nothing changed 4000 years in the future. Kreia thought she could really change the fabric of her universe to only end up in the Same place over and over again. Worse even, now we are left with literal kids enternainment where nobody takes responsibility for any qualitiy and just says "its for Kids lmao". I stay with the expended universe stuff I guess, there is no hope for the disney stuff

If the had at least finished 1313, but no the mouse had to destroy that to.

The newest expansion is shit. The game is on life support right now with a minimal dev team. It only exists to milk somem ore moeny from the retards still paying them.

I prefered Red Harvest

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Who'd want that?

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I hate that so many of the games focus on the jedi and the force. Even Dark Forces fell into this trap with its sequels.

TOR was meh at best but yes you are correct

Been enjoying Rouge Squadron 3d, just wish I could figure out how to Alt-tab out of it. anyone have any experience with it on steam?

>We'll never get another original Battlefront 2 campaign
I'm tired of becoming a jedi or joining the rebellion, I just wanna be a fucking mook. Even the cancelled Battlefront 3 was gonna pull that shit.

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I'm getting that one next.

Just read this, very neat book. Not a huge fan of the ending though.

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Gave it a shot due to some recent threads. Still on act 2 of sith inquisitor story but it's been enjoyable so far. Trying to be light side but when the game gives me an option to shock idiots every other conversation choice it's been a tempting experience

I would be fine with continuing my Jedi Jesus playthough.
God, why don't any of my favorite games get proper sequels, why does everything decent turn to shit, fuck this gay earth.

In Tie Figher, you served the Empire from the first to the last mission, including expansions, and I will always deeply respect it for that.

tell me about bane
why does he have only one apprentice?

The Mandalorian was good for a TV show and it remained consistent with the themes of Star Wars.

Canon doesn't matter. People who do are idiots. The only thing that matters in terms of canon is the G-canon, namely the six movies by Lucas.
While JJ is to blame for the shit sequels, the real problem is that he merely copied the original first three Star Wars movie because JJ didn't like the prequels and fans at the time didn't like the prequels. In a way, this made people appreciate the prequel movies and the TV shows now stick much closer to the original feel of the prequels such as an expansive universe and emphasizing the main theme of letting go that binds it all, as it was for the Clone Wars TV show.

The real problem is that Star Wars is stuck in limbo because the Sequel movies make it so that you can't go past them, so you can only do stories in-between the prequel era and the original movies, which is what all the recent Star Wars properties have been about for the past few years. It's going around a bad problem but they're doing a good job at it. Right now Lucas Arts is trying to create an era before the prequels to mixed success but they'll likely try to make movies in a decade in that era.

The sequels ruins it for me m8. Can't help it.
My childhood memories were tarnished in a way I lost the love I had for the franchise.
What they did to my boyz Anakin n Luke were unforgivable.
I want Disney to bankrupt.

The shitquels aren't the only problem, the problem is all of Nu Wars is shit.

>My childhood memories were tarnished in a way I lost the love I had for the franchise.
Fuck off, you crying baby. Jesus. You're like the same fucking whining babies who cried that Lucas ruined your childhood with Jar Jar. The Sequel movies were milk toast movies because you people like you who hated Lucas' prequel movies and JJ liked the original movies and emulated them, and Disney agreed with him because of shit Star Wars fans who cried that Lucas tarnished their childhood memories of Star Wars. You are literally crying for the shit idiots like you cried about a decade ago.

The worst part of you fucking idiots is that you don't even know what Star Wars is about, yet you'll cry crocodile tears that it was ruined.

I loved the prequels m8, tf you're talking about. Grew up with them, and Clone Wars. Anakin was my fav character, and they ruined him in the sequels.

Yeah, sure, now you like them, but only after everyone agrees that they're good because no one really likes the sequel movies. Where were you a decade ago when idiots like you cried that Lucas ruined Star Wars?

Also, the Sequels didn't ruin Anakin, you big fucking baby, they ruined the concept of the Chosen One which makes no sense with Rey, but that doesn't matter because Anakin has one fucking line in the Sequel movies and they don't touch on his character.

he starts the rule of 2 after listening to revans holocron

>The Mandalorian was good for a TV show
It basically reinvigorated my interest in Star Wars after decades, it was this good

>sure, now you like them
Why do you project so much? I always loved the prequels.
>they ruined the concept of the Chosen One
That was central to Anakin's character. They spend 3 fucking movies and an animated series developing this just for the sequels to shit on it.