You anons think they'll give us another event till this season pass ends?
Master Duel
Where's the content? What is stopping me from closing out the game so I can go first without fail using my fairly consistent ftk?
Probably in May, seems like Konami wants to make them a monthly thing.
The question is what it'll be.
I thought they'd time the synchro festival with the release of BODE for gouging money out of people with Swordsoul, but we got it already.
>Where's the content?
In Path of Exile.
IRL YGO is even worse. You don't have gems and achievements. No even dailies.
>IRL YGO is even worse.
At least there are new cards and ban list updates
Prease understand
We've gotten one a month so far.
If they don't do one in May, they'll definitely do one in June since that's the last month before the next Duel Pass and cards added. I really hope they add some more cosmetics. I need more waifu cosmetics. Ash Blossom is the closest we have to a waifu mate.
>You don't have gems and achievements. No even dailies.
You have to play ranked for the gems and achievements. Also your IRL dailies are your job.
How bad is plat 1? I haven't gone there since season 1 but I'm sick of tanking my rank in gold where the variety is pretty good.
it's also the month where banned list gets updated, they can not ignore important event like that one.
Less Drytron/Tri-Brigade shit
More decks designed to abuse the lack of a side deck
It's not Plat 1, it's Platinum in general since you can no longer rank down back into Gold.
It's pure hell if you aren't running meta shit.
full of eldtards and drynpc
Why does Yea Forums hate meta decks?
No banlist no play
What are some decks that can make use of the spellbook engine?
I'll suck it up and stay here
I've seen Endymion use it.
Endymion probably.
>Path of Exile.
Lol lmao
>listening Yea Forums to put 7 hand trap in one deck
>4 hand trap on first draw
It worked
Now you can interrupt their plays
the solution is to have 7 different handtraps along with 3x crossout designator
It's brick or be bricked. Personally, I chose both.
Game over user...
>he doesn't go to events
>he doesn't go to ranked tournaments
>he doesn't even go to YCS Tournaments
No wonder you ain't getting anything, lmao!
skill issue.
I think 3 ash and 3 maxx C´s are mandatory tho.
breakout my gravekeepas
Why yes, I too practice my destiny draw skill everyday
Who the fuck play like that !!?? You play 2x ash 2x maxx C 1x crossout and 1x belle
It only works when the rest of your deck can combo from one card.
If you're running handtraps, go second. That way you start with six cards and you can play your handtraps on turn 1.
I don't get out bed without at least 12 handtraps
>The virgin blue eyes.
>The chad sacred beast
No shit
Hello OCG bugman ratios
In what context are you talking about? Meta or kitchen table fuckery?
Nearly every meta decks that’s ever existed wants to go first and uses handtraps, simply due to the high consistency of their engines and the possibility to play through choke points. Having 3 cards with 2 handtraps off rip isn’t anything close to a death sentence for adamancipator, tri-brig, even Drytron can almost always get going and it’s known to be a brick fest amongst mega decks.
Even for casual players, when going first Ash AND Called By both out a Maxx C, and cross out designator can cuck your opponents other plays.
Unless you are specifically playing a go second OTK deck, a brick-filled kitchen deck, or something that is specifically built to go second, you are basically crippling your win rate by forgoing go first.
Shame how shit the Uria support was, the deck works fine for Hamon and Raviel but completely shits the bed when it comes to Uria.
They should be updating the game card poll on a monthly basis desu
i think they stopped them because they got botted to shit and became a nightmare to maintain.
skill issue
I would geninuely won't be surprised if the game dies because of the bots
They could at least add more crosspatform options, I play on xbox so I see no bots and barely asian tryhards, but I would like the option to disable regions and choose what platforms to enable
I orginally disabled it because of the connectivity issues after all, just allow me to filter out asians and mobile shitters
I just trashed a Dragonmaid player with my big atk Machines thanks to drawing Jizukiru turn 1, but I looked at their decklist and they had Guardragon Pisty in their ED.
This doesn't seem too bad, should I slot this into my own Dragonmaid deck? Currently I just have the Dragunity one, Borrelsword, and Spheres in mine.
what the fuck tri brigade gladiator beast is so fucking good, you can bait so many negates/hantraps and have a lot of different play you can make, and it's great at going second.
Is there a more slept on deck?
If they made the game pay to play and had less mtx would that solve the bot problem?
Yes but it would also kill a significant portion of the playerbase. Bots aren't as much of an issue as I expected, I hardly ever see them now. Probably thanks to the gem cap on duels.
That would kill the game cause most people wouldn't pay for a product like this you'd have to be retarded
For how many hours I put into it I would be fine with paying for it.
How is Mecha pantom beast, they look pretty cool.
also any decks/archtypes focusing on the tanks/dreadnoughts?
How do I make a hero deck and how do I make it centered on Dark Magician Girl?
I promise you I will never intentionally overplay. I'll kill you as soon as I can so you can move on to your next game.
I don't even play MMOs because of subs
If you mean as re-releasing this game as a PAID game, as long as you only pay ONCE I could dig it as long as they make it so piad players have a more f2p experience, maybe season passes are free permanently and extra gems for dailies, nothng crazy but that will matter in the long run
I would rather kill myself than pay monthly fees to konami
Obviously, it would be more of a f2p experience. Something like LOTD but with a more ranked online focus and updated cards.
>people clearly have a path to bring down the opponent's lp to zero
>they keep special summoning anyway
Mecha Phantom Beast is generally used to support other archetypes.
The Dreadnoughts (including Dreadnoid despite it being a boat) are part of the Train archetype/series, so yes, they have a full deck focused on them. Generally it's based around summoning L10 monsters quickly to bring out the 3 Superdreadnoughts (depending on the situation, they tend to either plop down N81 and pass or they put down Gustav, burn for 2k, then direct attack for 6k after stacking Liebe on top of it). They can also be splashed into Earth Machine decks (i.e. Infinitrack + Machina + Train) as the boss monsters.
I will play any handtrap except maxxC because I despise the card deeply. So I usually play ash,call and Droll+birb.
It's very amusing to droll people who have not seen the card in ages and you know when you get them when they keep trying to draw cards and then stop for 30 seconds when no cards were drawn.
oh cool, got any good decks i can take a look at for the Dreadnoughts?
Buying game once? I don't know they aren't really updating it properly and i don't think it would be worth paying for basically just playing ranked, and monthly payments are a horrible idea
>Played against 3 PK Rhongo decks in under an hour
What the fuck is konami doing with the banlist?
iirc, Pisty is good if you want to use only Noctovision as link material so you can draw one extra card and since you'd normally special summon it after summoning Chamber, you can still do a fusion summon into Sheou afterwards. Pisty is also the cheaper option, you can also use Striker Dragon if you have it.
Are these good or just free dust?
according to some people the new archetype Splight might be broken, might be the next Zoodiac
You can add magikey dragon to dust list too unless you're planning to play the deck.
The game in its current state is not worth paying for in the slightest, let alone something like a monthly subscription. If they really want to pull people into paying, the game needs to catch up to the OCG ASAP, the last thing the players want is to feel blueballed when the newer cards are still not available in the game and won't be for a very long time.
Because while meta is inevitable, your games health depends on the sheer amount of meta decks. too few means bad game.
This game is making me racist.
For example, I've yet to see a person with an English name summon Rhongo, it's always a moonrunes. Why is this? It makes me hate them as a people as a whole.
damn they're ugly
Too bad (or perhaps thankfully) it's irrelevant for this game because we won't get it for 3+ years
I'm sick of Skull Servant wank. When is 13th Grave support?
You clearly aren't playing enough if you haven't seen any english names summon that fuck
They're just another low investment +4 endboard negate engine, sigh.
Play graverobber
>Boss monster
>3x maxx "C"
Hey, Thunder monsters got some more support, complaining is not allowed