What video games did your stepfather enjoy?
What video games did your stepfather enjoy?
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White "men" are so pathetic lol
This is why white men are laughed at and ridiculed these days
i would laugh my dick off if the baby was black
white mans burden
why are White men like this
I don't have a stepfather.
But my dad plays Tomb Raider and Monkey Island, he's based.
Which one is less manly ? Being a stepdad or impregnating a bitch and getting the fuck out ?
That is the face of a woman who has taken miles of dick
>dating a pregnant woman
>"taking on a fatherly role"
Well he's fucked, but he was fucked from the get go.
>dating while pregnant
way to admit to the world that you're nothing more than a parasite
baby sneed
ok schizo
so all white women
The man played any fps he could find, and the man put them on the hardest difficulty to play on PC. I'd of shown some respect for it if it wasn't for the fact he was absolutely fucking terrible at the games and didn't read shit. 90% of his game was staring at a corner waiting for someone to cross it. Also played some RTS games but no online ones.
As for how much of a bitch he was? Already had 3 kids with the woman, she had to get a job and paid for everything. Dude just made her clean the house and make traditional meals from my birth forwards. Poor guy got stuck with a stupid whore who popped out all 4 of us by accident if I'm being honest about it.
i want to punch the cuck outta him
Take med fags
Being a stepdad easily.
at least when you spread your seed into fatherless homes, you still get to spread your seed
Still funny how he had a breakdown and quit
At least the baby is white
Isn't it state dependent?
Also i'm amazed the baby is white.
King of Fighter 1997
>why are white men like this xd
niggers abandon their kids, adopting a kid is less pathetic than that. Stop hating your step parents Yea Forums
the same people who shit on single mothers also shit on step fathers. literal cognitive dissonance
lol do wypipo really?
>wife died
>her husband died
>bonded over being widows
>have a child of my own and she has two children
I'm going to be a stepdad Yea Forums and you can all seethe over it.
My step-dad is the reason I have a Dreamcast. Brought it over when he started fuckin my mom.
He's alright.
If the man has a birthing fetish, I can't blame him. He just has to get out before she gets a ring on him.
White men, why are you like this.
Widows don't count.
still a cuck, retard.
stepdads enable bad behaviors
just because your stepdad touched you doesnt mean they all do
At least the kid is white.
Guarantee he would have nope'd right the fuck out of there lmao
impregnating a bitch and getting the fuck out 100% unless you're black
This is why white women fuck black men and dogs rather than be fucked by white boys.
I would break up immediately if she tried to make this shit public. Cant let some dude be nice, have to show everyone your new boy toy. Fucking women.
Nah. She shouldn’t have been having sex out of wedlock. Anyone who aids and abets her whoredom must be mocked.
Because single moms, except for widows, are always garbage so it's only natural that you'd shit on someone who'd be retarded enough to date one.
>it's always the woman's fault
Why are incels like this?
Reminder that all of this is born from. Rugg's insecurity of his small dick
Fuck off libtard
Take your meds holy shit
The woman got into the shitty relationship and then went and got pregnant as well. Which just proves that she can't make good choices in life and should be avoided.
If she got raped and kept the kid then she's retarded and will have baggage from the rape no man will ever be able to help her with.
But why would they record it? Literally incriminating yourself. God, people are so fucking stupid.
Just because the single mother rate for blacks is 75% doesn't mean it's 0% for whites.
Women are sluts, and sluts birth bastards. That's life.
ok groomer
>white baby
Nobody counts widows you dumb fuck.
Contraception is always the woman's responsibility. She's the one that gets pregnant. This is why abortion should be illegal. It's essentially allowing women to absolve themselves of responsibility for their action by legalizing the murder of children. It's fucking insanely immoral and not only is that allowed but actually celebrated these days. That just blows my mind.
I hope he khs
this always confused me, every now I then I can't think of how can a man take care of a broken woman and their 3 kids, I always thought my stepdad is the most stupid man for doing such thing, but the man is so happy living like this... now I think he's the most based person I ever knew and I'm never going to be as great as he is.
Totally acceptable. Hope you have a great life user.
why can't women not be whores, or develop a personality that isn't fixated on filling holes, and sucking cocks?
That looks like my gf cousisns bf (except he's bald).
They're having kids after 1 year of relationship because her fertility window is closing lmao.
Full horse, full human, or fuck off.
What does that have to do with anything?
Do white men really?
what's wrong with this? they're still dating.
he's not in a commitment or anything he just helped deliver a baby.
Should men leaving women they've concieved with also be illegal since it allows men to absolve themselves of responsibility? Or is it ok because they're only ruining a child's life instead of ending it?
Niggers abandon their kids
White “people” take care of them
>he started fuckin my mom.
>He's alright.
you could tell by the moans?
>wut dis button do?
Did you really ask this stupid question? Seriously.
And there is nothing wrong about that
Well at least the baby isn't black.
But still
>wh*Te """men"""
Rethuglican moment
Men can't absolve themselves of responsibility for their children. The law compels them to be responsible and their only out is if the mother decides to murder the child. Bring back shotgun weddings I say.
more gay
>what is divorce
god I love T-Hoodie
Why are seething whitecels spamming mlp porn lol
*laughs in eastern europe accent*
> God, people are so fucking stupid.
Didn't the litteral baby punching part tip you off?
>Aw lawd hell naw man dem raciss ass cops gon be comin foh me nah nigga I ain't spendin no mothafuckin time in prison fuck dis
That was quick.
thats like one of the two acceptable situation to become a stepfather
>highest rate of pornstars in the world
nothing, Yea Forums anons are fatherless niggers so that means other kids don't deserve a dad
Your child will never feel a real connection to their step-family, and will secretly look at you with disgust.
>dumb whore who made bad choices and retarded cuck
>wow how could you shit on both of them
>Didn't the litteral baby punching part tip you off?
No, not really. I don't like children, can't stand them actually. I wouldn't punch a baby, but it definitely doesn't make me mad.
I am also not really mentally stable, so there you go.
What a retard if this guy is in the US. Even if he never marries her, he's stated publicly that he is a father figure to the child so he'll be liable for child support if she chases him for it when they break up.
>white men are so pathetic that "STEP UP TO THE PLATE" actually happened
you may be the only, ONLY race in the history of mankind to support sluttery on a nationwide bases. Its literal natural selection you're getting bred out
There is nothing wrong with raising another man's child.
I just think she's from eastern europe if she had labor on her 4th date with a new guy
strangers help mothers deliver babies all the time. this is no different. they've been on 4 dates. that means they've only known each other for what? a month if they're slow daters?
if the dude wants to fuck pregnant chicks on tinder what's the issue
>divorce is always the womans fault
like i said, literal cognitive dissonance
>he's not in a commitment or anything he just helped deliver a baby.
With how family courts work these days he may actually find himself on the hook for child support payments as a result of this.
>Which one is less manly ? Being a stepdad or impregnating a bitch and getting the fuck out ?
Other anons are retarded. Spreading your seed as much as possible as animal is Chad behavior. There are genetic mental issues similar to middle life crisis that still exist simply because it allows for another round of impregnation in your 50s (and this is a valid strategy for nature)
>>divorce is always the womans fault
yes. she either chose a bad man or she's a bitch who made a good man fuck off
Better that than letting a single mother raise it alone and become an incel loser with mommy issues or a whore
My ex-gf aborted our kid behind my back. How come as a father I don't have any say about her decision? That was my kid as well. I've never been the same ever since that happened.
What's going on in this thread?
He's right. Nothing wrong with raising another man's kid. It's only bad when you don't know it's another man's kid and, depending on the circumstances, that's either on the guy or the woman.
These sorts of threads always make me feel better in the knowledge that I've still got a long way to go before I hit rock bottom.
is the demoralisation thread?
>yes. he either chose a bad woman or hes a dick who made a good woman fuck off
say it with me:
its for the best. Frogposters shouldnt propagate
>The law compels them to be responsible
Only if the slut can find/identify them.
I know this because I was sent a government notice on back child support for some chick in Mississippi despite being a wizard.
It's okay user, your parents didn't love each other and it's not your fault or your mother's fault. These things happen.
>divorce is always the womans fault
in current day western society, women actually have MORE reasons to divorce and take it up to paternity court than they do to stay married. Fuck off retard
bbcel discord thread
Epic tranny discord raid sisters, we got those chuds
Why do jnaitors let these threads stay up, everyone know there is no intenntion of game discussion and that they are just made to shit up the board.
widows get a pass. Godspeed, user
Rent free kek
>My ex-gf aborted our kid behind my back
Of all the crazy fucking bitches out there you choose to complain about the one that saved you hundreds of thousands of dollars?
>How come as a father I don't have any say about her decision?
Welcome to the world, it never matters what the man wants. If you wanted to kill it and she wanted to keep it you would be economically fucked for the next 18 years.
I hate women but she did you a favor.
Cuck. Unlike blood related children they won't become more respectful to you in late 20s
at least the baby is white
Enjoy chad's babies
You've never even had sex why are you posting shit like this lmao
imagine having a preggo fetish. getting a good looking preggo to date you is not an easy find to begin with. then after a few weeks you got enough of the preggo for now. she gives birth to daughter and having a regular body again to fuck, after a few years you can also fuck the daughter since its not yours and it even would be legal. so jokes on you for having sloppy nigger sex with filthy stinky women.
>get horny preggo strange
>not legally liable for child support
honestly this sounds kind of based in a way
Nigger moment
you sure replied fast
only redeeming factor is that it's not some fucknig niggermutt lol
that is not how family law works you retard. in most states (see: not flyover hick shitholes) if you aren't married you have to be in an equivalent of a marriage. ie have been fucking and living together for 20+ years in the same house and practically raised the kid together.
in no fucking state is four (4) dates enough
women are much more likely to be irrational, fake who they are and change after marriage