I am really fucking sick of people defending how braindead easy Soldier is as a class. Yeah I know, he has a high skill ceiling, other classes like Scout and Demo do too but no other class (bar maybe Pyro) has a skill floor quite as low as Soldier. His kit and his weapons are made for the most autistic of people so they don't feel left out. You want examples on how bullshit this class is? I'm happy to oblige. (But I have to split this into 2 posts I think.)
I am really fucking sick of people defending how braindead easy Soldier is as a class. Yeah I know...
Other urls found in this thread:
>200 Health
>Is an excellent Medic buddy
>Splash radius is huge, and rockets explode on contact with walls and floors making them much easier to spam than pipes
>Black Box heals on hit, because having 200 health and being an excellent Medic buddy doesn't keep you alive long enough as is.
>Direct Hit deletes sentries and basically anyone unfortunate enough to cross your path
>Rocket Jumper still gives you crits with the Market Gardener, taking away a huge portion of the risk included with using the MG.
>Beggar's Bazooka taunt glitch
>Air Strike having a goddamn clip size of 8 at it's max potential
>No Soldier uses the shotgun because the banners are simply too powerful to pass up
>Buff Banner for mini crits
>Battalion's Backup gives Immunity to crits, 35% damage resistence, and 50% resistence to sentries, because he's not tanky enough as is with 200 health (likely more with the Medic sucking his cock)
>Concheror passively heals you (Because again, not tanky enough as is, combined with Black Box and Medic), and grants a speed boost to yourself and nearby teammates, plus healing 35% of the damage they deal.
>Gunboats make you take even less damage rocket jumping, making the Market Gardener even safer to use.
>Mantreads basically say "Fuck you" to Airblast, Shortstop Shove, and explosive knockback, in addition to making rocket jumping easier by 200%
>Equalizer is able to one shot pretty much anything should Soldier somehow be close to death
>Market Gardener one shots everyone but Heavy, and is incredibly easy to use once you get a basic understanding of Rocket Jumping, with no downsides aside from 20% attack speed penalty and no random crits
>Escape Plan makes him move at the speed of a Scout when nearing death at the cost of disregarding Medics (Even though they'll still keep healing him)
Fuck you, get good, learn to aim, Soldier main.
soldier is the #1 tryhard class and nothing comes close
Literally the first fucking tutorial class for a reason.
>*headshots you*
nothing personnel soulja
Mannconomy killed TF2
t. enginerd
>Not mentioning the objective best melee weapon for Soldier, the whip
I opted to mention the ones I personally have had the most issues playing against hence why I didn't mention things like the Cow Mangler, Whip, Bison, Reserve Shooter, etc.
>caring about TF2 when Overwatch exists
>thinking the black box is OP
>thinking the MG+jumper is OP
>caring about the beggar taunt glitch
>thinking the airstrike is OP
did a soldier main piss in your cereal this morning?
You sound like a fag who can't cope when being called out over his lack of skill, Soldier nigger.
Best joke I heard the entire day, thanks OP
Here's your reminder valve admitted Soldier is intentionally overbuffed because the game is centered around him, playing soldier is literally admitting you need crutches to play this game
To be fair I mainly said the high skill ceiling part since I know if I didn't, someone would cry about "muh rocket jumping though".
I main scout but it sounds like you're coping because you can't properly counter
>Longest melee range in the game, even moreso than the Eyelander
>Damage penalty barely means anything because lolmeleecrits making it deal 146 damage
>Whipping a friendly Heavy makes him move faster than a Medic/Spy
>Whipping a friendly Pyro makes it move faster than a Scout
>And whipping any teammate makes you move just as fast as an Escape Plan using Soldier who's between 41-80 health, but without any health restrictions or marked for death penalty
>You're expected to whip your teammates which means you're innately spychecking
>That faggot's using DR? You see the wind around him even though he's invisible, letting you know exactly where he starts running to
>Whip an ally, swap to rocket launcher, rocket jump across the map because of the increased momentum
Unless the Soldier's completely alone and even then the boosted range can be useful it's a safer, more universal Escape Plan with the slight downside of not being able to go full Escape Plan speed at 40 or less HP (which still isn't as fast as a Scout, and doesn't outspeed any class that a whip-boosted Soldier does)
Ah yes, sorry for being unable to counter the class that has answers to literally every situation.
Jesus fuck, I didn't even consider this shit.
>scunt defends soldierfags
You're going to post one of those gay images.
>to literally every situation.
the airstrike and shovel soldier have counters moron the other two are complete jokes learn 2 play
what gay images
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Soldierfag.
Sniper has more skill than Demo
>thinks the market garden shouldn't crit if you're using the rocket jumper
anyone who bitches about Soldier is either a Demo main or Pyro main.
Rocket Jumper, much like the Sticky Jumper, is intended to help you learn to Rocket/Sticky Jump. Nothing more. This is why it has the penalties of preventing you from carrying the intel or PASS Time JACK.
You can't pick up intel with jumpers because ctf became just sticky jumper demos trivialize the game by instantly flying across the map, maybe if you played the fucking game back then you would know that
If you're gimping yourself out of a damaging primary (can't use cheap splash damage anymore, that's what you want right?) then you more than deserve having a functioning melee
The Market Gardener is meant to be a risk/reward weapon. Risk being that you're damaging yourself with a rocket jump to get in for a potential instant kill. The Rocket Jumper takes that risk away, yet still gives you the reward. It's okay though, I know it's hard to understand simple concepts as a Soldier main.
>The Rocket Jumper takes that risk away, yet still gives you the reward
and it means getting rid of your strongest weapon. NTA but market gardening is very situational unless you are rolling a trolldier set which is a meme. It relies heavily on flanking and good rocket jumping, the former being something that benefits literally any playstyle in the game and the later being something you could optimize by just equipping the gunboats. it's a cool weapon to use when you land hits but it's easy to avoid it when you see it coming because the soldier will be flying on a straight line, relying on melee range and TF2's awkward melee fight mechanics.
I seriously cannot believe you're defending Soldiers flying around taking no self damage and one shotting everyone they come by with what is arguably their most obnoxious weapon.
I am not defending it, they are still human garbage and could have been 10 times more useful if they just played regular soldier. I am saying that if you are getting this worked up over a meme you have some severe skill issues. It's like complaining about a fat scout.
I'm not complaining about this singular weapon, I'm complaining about the class as a whole, and how it's blatantly balanced around being as easy as possible so that even a dead fucking toucan could master it. You put me up against any of the other 8 classes and I'll do decently but Soldier is just between tedious and impossible to play against depending on who's playing him and it just ruins the game.
>my problem is this class takes no skill
>which is why we need to nerf the most skill based and least powerful way to play him
How to let everyone know you can't read.
As long as his alternatives sacrifice something, he should be fine. You gotta remember that TF2 is the kind of game where any class can be "broken" under the right circumstances. He is easy to pick up but this only carries you so hard. I was playing on a hightower server the other day just to fuck around and this single engineer kept killing me by just having good movement, hopping over my rockets, hiding behind corners, etc. He wasn't even relying on buildings or the gunslinger health bonus.
Yes well if only "jumping over the rockets" helped me. I jump over them, sometimes even double jump if I happen to be playing scout, then the rockets just hit the ground and I die to the MASSIVE splash radius.
Excuse me?
I main red tape recorder spy
>complaining about fucking mantreads
Where did the soldier touch you?
just play natascha heavy and learn to move in the direction the rocket jumper noise came from, boom, soismith wannabes destroyed
I hate rocket jumping soldiers so much
as a medic, I hate them because they bitch and whine and ask for medic and keep fucking spazing everywhere
as a teammate I hate them because they steal all the fucking med packs from their jumping faggotry
as an enemy I loathe them because I have to keep checking my vertical FOV for EBIN SHOVEL TROLLDIER who isn't even close to me with their cl_interp bullshit get a 1hko for an airborn/2nd jump miss (rewards retards)
and I hate them because my teammates just ignore them and get casually murdered, like ignoring the trolldier isn't a threat, or that theyre a friendly; give them another 10 seconds and theyll kill you too, fucking kill them!
thanks for reading my blog holy shit i hate mouthbreathing retards in TF2 who never check their six
Just post your scunt folder.
Give mantreads higher damage potential
Give market gardener the same on miss as Boston basher
I WILL take all the healthkits to keep rocket jumping
I WILL abandon you to go kill people
I WILL market garden you before you get uber
I WILL top score
There is nothing you can do about it
Valve will never nerf me
Stay mad, Fritz
>They're FINALLY waking up
Its too late nigger, hes now and will always be the strongest class in the game.
Why is the Engineer so overpowered in this game?
Game deserves bots.
>because the soldier will be flying on a straight line
What is airstrafing.
You can be god awful at the game and be good at the soldier. You cannot be good with the scout if you're god awful at the game. Soldier is, and always has been and always will be, a crutch for bad players.
yes it does those pipes dont land themselves now.
i-is there a full version of this
Not even a single (You), embarrassing. Have a freebie.
If you reply to yourself enough you'll be able to post how you ebinly trolled a 4chonz thread in your trannycord, I'm sure they won't notice :)
>ITT shitters complaining about removing things
Bad players need something to do too. With the skill disparities you can find in this game after all these fucking years I'm fine with newer player being able to kill 10k hours autists every once in a while.
seek help
Imagine being so shit at TF2 that you don't even think Demoman is OP because you're too busy getting filtered by Soldiers
Yea, while soldier can take a lot of skill shitters definitely get too much power from just shooting the ground. Blast damage should be majorly reduced or outright removed and airshots should minicrit by default to encourage airshots instead of just waiting for them to fall and shooting the ground
>soldier who kills me before my minigun is even capable of dealing damage insists my class is low-skill
>sniper rifle is underpowered
>dragon's fury is op
One takes good aim and can only damage one person at a time
The other has a hitbox so big it hits people behind you and melts crowds like a constantly charged phlog
Are you stupid or just retarded?
>ywn go Kamikazee demo using a sticky jumper and Ullapool to one-shot snipers
I will never forgive them
>no argument
I accept your concession
sure you will do everything but top the score
you market gardner niggers top out at most at #3 since you never PTFO
Sniper rifle is an insta kill laser pointer with literally infinite range that allows sniper to instantly kill anyone while having one foot in the spawn room door.
Dragon's fury has a hitbox so tiny it's difficult to hit even one target with it, and even hitting doesn't actually guarantee the bonus damage it needs to compete with literally any other weapon in terms of damage, and even if you do get the bonus damage, it's only slightly stronger than the stock flamethrower, which is the third weakest primary weapon.