Tell me about this game

tell me about this game

Attached: Castlevania_-_Lament_of_Innocense_(Gamecover)[1].jpg (260x376, 64.39K)

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It's on my shelf downstairs, but I couldn't tell you the first thing about it.

It is aggressively OK game from the era where copying the first god of war was thing to do infused with peak castlevania mood in art and sound design. The game has pretty great soundtrack. I cannot say a thing about combat outside serving its purpose or how metroidvania it was ( I recall some elements but could be wrong). It's not a game I would blindly recommend but if you like castlevania I'd say its worth trying to play with caveat its easily over 10years when I last played it.

Attached: Succubus_-_02.png (479x900, 505.31K)

I think it's a castlevania game

It's OK. Not as good as 2D titles, but I enjoyed it more than Curse of Darkness.

Ah, yes, and the OST in this game is amazing.

Most greatest game of all time.

God ost

Great music and atmosphere. I can't judge the gameplay too much because i'm not a Castlevania expert, I can only say the combat was serviceable and it worked for me.

Attached: book04.jpg (2706x2130, 1.6M)

GOD tier OST
Alright story
Funny voice acting
Level design is a bit mazey/samey
Can be a bit short

7/10, possibly the best 3D Castlevania we had.
Curse of Darkness is also ok but it's a bit different.

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