ITT Movies that should have just been games
>true crime style game set in a modem fantasy world
ITT Movies that should have just been games
>true crime style game set in a modem fantasy world
This is a shitpost thread about le epic slap isnt it
i forgot that was even made. is it good?
I'd be happy to see more Shadowrun games in different formats
So this is Will Smith's legacy now? This is all he's known for?
sadly yeah, how can he unJUST his life anyway?
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I watched it one very bored and it passed by the time quickly so if that is an endorsement then take that.
But I literally cannot remember a single thing that happened in the film when I look back on it.
that and being a proud cuckold
Yes, fuck him. Oy good movie he ever put out was I am legend, Fresh Prince sucked cocks and Carlton was better anyway
It's all zoomers will remember him for
It's ok. Orcs are a metaphor for niggers in it, which is odd because there's obviously still niggers running around.
>today, Fairy Lives Don't Matter
What the fuck were we supposed to take away from this line?
Not really. Instead of being a cool modern fantasy film, it's all a big racial allegory but it's EXTREMELY on the nose without any subtlety whatsoever.
Just don’t make it like TLOU and emphasize vehicular combat and it’ll be perfect.
>unintentional red pills
...ummm... oy vey?
divorce the bald bitch and get back some dignity
Guy fucked himself and his career for a woman who cheated on him and never wanted to marry him. It was the ultimate JUST that would even made Brendan Fraser proud
The first Rampage was not that bad of a movie. You can see the budget decrease further with the sequels. I would liked to have seen the full story pan out with the same quality throughout the trilogy.
Then she gets half and alimony. Look at good ol Brenden If you want a case study of why divorce for men is a bad idea
it'd be worth it
If Net Worth is anything to go by, he could easily afford to give up half of it.
This, I went into it expecting racial allegorys and honestly they're something I don't usually mind, but fuck me this is the most generic observations about racial problems in America.
I think it was targeted towards white conservatives who truly believe that racism ended in the 1960s when the Civil Rights Act passed. These people actually exist.
I don't think it was good, but I liked it. Watched it more than a couple times.
The metaphors were on the nose sometimes, but it isn't like they just went "Orcs good" the whole film.
Orcs were criminals, Humans were conspiracy believing schizos, (((Elves))) had the most (((magic))) and were pretty much the ruling class and occasionally proved the humans right.
I honestly wish it got a series where more races were explored.
The new Batman.
It's totally a videogame, even some setpieces feel like videogame levels.
Brendon isn't Will, Will can afford the hit and still be a multi millionaire.
What he really needs to fight for is keeping his kids, because those little niglets are fucking boned if they stay with Jada.
>even gave him a hook nose
I'd love that, as long as it's nothing like BAMHAM.
Racism ended in the 60s but was kickstarted back again when banks and politicians deemed it a suitable smokescreen.
>Fantasy races used as real life nonwhites metaphor
Even the most leftist libcucks don't like Harris.
Space is exciting!
>elves represent the 1%
>Yea Forums thinks they represent jews
I'm disappointed we got this instead of literally WoW that takes place in a fictionalized LA in the 90s. Basically the gameplay of LA Noir, the setting of San Andreas, on Azeroth.
They literally are representative of Jews though, that's the point.
You basically learn by the end 99% of elves are good and just trying to live and help the other races and it's just a small handful that is trying to oppress people.
I mean, it's the closest Shadowrun came to being a movie.
it's really enjoyable
I liked it
Not the best thing ever but it was ok
A lot of journos shat on the movie butthurt because whitey and cops aren't the bad guys
She was so perfect.
The fact that so many conservatives support the civil rights act of 1964 is proof of how worthless conservatism is.
>dude i support small government
>but the government telling you who you can hire is totally cool
>she just wanted to revive her senpai
It's not fair.
Assassins Creed Origins DLC did it better.
"Things that have been in Jada's mouth" are trending on YouTube
I rewatched this one recently thinking my standards had sunk through the floor, and while that may still be true, this movie fuckin rocked. Karl Urban nails it and I wish we got some fun sequels out this and a game where we just fucking kill people for crimes big and small
Pelinal give me strength
Why the fuck aren't there more Shadowrun games anyway?
That one for Xbox was really fun.
americans are fucked up in the head and i mean both sides
Did it even really make much use of the setting? Wasn't that just a multiplayer deathmatch thing?
I remember people saying it was pretty unique feeling at the time but I wasn't interested in it because I thought it didn't have any singleplayer at all and no story.
MiB is kino
no shit? she's an authoritarian that absolutely went out of her way to fill the prisons with as many minorities as she could.
>Orcs were criminals, Humans were conspiracy believing schizos, (((Elves))) had the most (((magic))) and were pretty much the ruling class and occasionally proved the humans right.
It had a fun premise and world, and I liked the cholo-metalhead-biker Orcs.
If you have netflix might as well check it out.
MiB would make a pretty good vidya adaptation tbqhwy
it's okay, you watch it 1 time and forget about it but it's good entertainment for an evening.
>lived long enough to see Will Smith destroy himself
Sad. I just hope the same doesn't happen to Tony hawk. We cannot lose Tony hawk. Not tony.