Walk around for 5 minutes

>walk around for 5 minutes
>die from a single bullet from something I can't see
>never shot a single bullet
Now this is some epic gameplay! Literally shaking from the adrenaline pumping excitement!

Attached: Escape From Tarkov.webm (720x404, 2.83M)

Other urls found in this thread:


no you don't understand bro im wearing giga dragon scale super hardbass russian body armor that means it deflects 60 rounds of 7.62x39 without even a scratch on me

You should have looked at the back of the box where it says the game is realistic! What did you expect walking around in the woods with people trying to kill you would be like?

Git gud

>walking around in the open field
even if you get good, learn maps, and whatever else, getting headshot from an unknown location will still happen, but in that webm he looks as easy to see and shoot as an npc scav lol

games should be gamey, csgo is realistic but its also not huge areas to search. that webm looked dull.

>csgo is realistic

contrarian faggot

No you're literally shaking from the assfucking you got. And the only way to make you feel better is make threads on an anonymous image board to fish for sympathy and validation because you're low-test, emotionally fragile little bitch.

Tarkov has some neat ideas but it's a terrible fucking game and not worth the price

>play tarkov
>take time, avoid open areas, use cover and move quietly
>stumble upon firefight in building, decide to wait it out
>gunfire stops
>sneak up on group looting the bodies
>line up perfect shot on one of their heads with AKM
>he phases out of existence and thousands of footsteps per second can be heard from upstairs and the room next door at the same time
>throw frag grenade into room where footstep sounds are coming from
>explosion sounds like it's coming from outside
>for a moment, one of them suddenly phases back into this plane of reality
>empty magazine into his upper chest, neck and face
>bullets simply pass through glorious zhongguo standard issue body armor
>teleports behind you
>shoots you in the ankles

Attached: lol slow gweilo.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

alright let me just crawl through the grass through the entirety of the match
riveting gameplay experience

Play the superior game.

literally a skill issue

>csgo is realistic

How fucking stupid. Do you think scopes are attached to your eyeballs

I have played the ever loving shit out of DayZ and I'm looking for something new. Tarkov looks fun. How is it? Worth it?

no refunds

Situational awareness. You should know where it's safe to walk around, depending on time of match and observed events.

That's how it happens in real life too.

The comments in this thread have given a good run down of it. Terrible overall. Supposed to be ‘realistic’ but high level play is just dealing with being a bullet sponge fighting other bullet sponges and plays like absolute garbage. Otherwise it just turns into inventory sorting simulator and is a tedious mess

If I run people know where I am without looking. It's a lose lose situation.

for me it's arma, the best hiking simulator

Attached: 1629308117482.jpg (1920x3240, 1.79M)

>How is it?
It's ok if you are bored with DayZ. It takes some time to learn though.

you walk for 15 minutes

hes right though, 80% of dying in tarkov is never even seeing who shot you unless you play factory

>play realistic military sim
>complain about how realistic the military sim is
wtf Yea Forumsbros you told me this game was good

you faggots must be doing something horribly wrong

it is the best fps game i've ever played, the gunplay is better than any other - has some annoying things like any game but if you liked dayz you will love tarkov

basically like DayZ if everyone had 600 ping, was chinese and could tank an AK mag

hahahaha keep up the good work nikita


Okay buddy retard

>this is your brain on halo

tarkov aims to be a realistic game. That is realistic.

found the guy that played tarkov once and held w thinking it was a cod game

Tarkov is only good in a group of people, and that's not even "durr everything is fun with friends". You need multiple sets of eyes to cover every angle around you or else OP's webm will happen, or play like a complete pussy and slowly crawl across the map for 40 minutes. Also the game desperately needs better/more armor options that cover limbs.

Attached: garrett.jpg (1280x720, 42.44K)

>realism filters me
>this is everyone else's fault

Attached: atheist.jpg (800x800, 82.42K)

oh boy i cant wait to load into a game to camp a chokepoint with nothing but flechette rounds and a semi auto shotgun

some of the funniest moments i've had on that game are when fights become clusterfucks and the boys lose their cool and start blasting each other

Don't worry user. It gets worse.

Attached: bHxT4zJ.webm (960x540, 372.29K)

this is literally just you being shit lol

I expected it to be a realistic game. Instead I got a bullet sponge simulator where people wear magic armor that allows them to eat entire magazines of rounds. On top of that it has terrible net code that exacerbates the design issues.


Net code is the one thing that can't save this game. I can tolerate the fucked performance, weirdass audio shit, the "muh realism" that still requires 12 bullets and so on.. but dogshit netcode and no way to see your death are just making this game a big "meh"
It'll get a surge of players every wipe when streamers rush to it, and then it stabilizes around its actual playerbase after a few weeks - a playerbase low enough that if you're on one or two servers there's a high chance you could literally scav run to grab your own dead PMC's gear whenever needed.

All the jokes aside while yes there are some situations where you are in the middle of nowhere and get sniped by some fag camping on a rock try to be agressive and not be pasive
It might sound contradictory but hear me out. Doing this you'll get more experience and muscle memory both that and you'll learn the map even better wich will make the chance of not getting shot in the head going on the open places. Always be alert try to stay out of sight or wide and open land and be fast. The less time in the raid the less chances to be shot.

Lemme give you some tips. Back when i was playing cs go in many cases i was thinking like you, don't run so I am not heard but trust me that can also be your downfall. It is harder to hit an upredictable/agressive/moving target rather than one with the ambush advantage. Even if you get heard it is still hard to hit someone actively moving being aware of his surroundings. That is why many people like Lvndmark have an agressive playstyle opting for a silent aproach when it is the best option to choose

If you guys want to complain do It once you master most of the game's mechanics and for decent reasons too, no offense

1) it has the best net code of any multiplayer fps game on pc
2) the fact that you think you got a sponge simulator means A) your aim is horrible and you weren't aiming at body parts that kill/maim and B) you don't understand real life (yes, people take lots of bullets to kill! can you believe it!?)

milsim games are truly the bread and butter of the male personality disorder

>it has the best net code of any multiplayer fps game on pc

Attached: 1641170161211.jpg (474x474, 38.46K)

i love tarkov because it filters the cod and halo retards like the people complaining in this thread
it is the sekiro of fps games, thank you based nikita

>it has the best net code of any multiplayer fps game on pc

Not the guy above but this game has some bullshit in it. Yes sometimes people don't die fast but god damn some calibers not killing do not make sense. Armours are made to stop bullets but the force of it still affects the body.

You know the worst part? Because you never see where you got shot from it could posssibly have been a hacker who killed you from under the map and there is no way to ever know.

They should make some replay option for those that wish to know when they are alone. When they are in a group it should be dissabled or on a cooldown for obv reasons

Very atmospheric though. Comfy sometimes.

Attached: Escape From Tarkov 2020.04.07 - (1280x720, 2.92M)

Go play csgo then?
I don't see the issue

sounds like ur mad, get good, get senses, become the storm of on the battlefield. bitch

>Nigger camps extraction in the sewers
>Thinks he is slick
>I know he is there
>Throw a flash then a grenade combo
>if he waits he dies
> if i hear footsteps i shoot
>the guy starts to throw words in a fit of rage
>Get owned bitch
I know sometimes it can be fucking bs but come on now not every time you see a dude with full on rig and a endgame semi auto or shotgun.

How is that worse? You get the jump on someone but you don't even move your gun until he shoots you
Are you playing with a controller or something?

>be bad and wander around aimlessly in an open forest
>die like the braindead retard you are

fr, the people who complain about shit like that are the guys who are impatient and just want to hold w through the entire map
actual good players or veterans of the game don't get caught by noob traps like extract camping hardly ever

imagine being bad

i could see that fucker popping out in some shitty small compressed webm
die boomer

Attached: 1628967575806.png (1920x1080, 2.61M)