Nintendo are not a video game company, they're a patent troll farm.
Nintendo are not a video game company, they're a patent troll farm
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aww shit. nintendo is going to sue valve
Wait what?
How could you file a patent on the concept of being warm with clothing in a game?
Is nintendo gonna sue that Skyrim frostfall mod now?
Of course Nintendo will patent what they invented for botw.
This is a good thing though. Only Nintendo has done a good implementation of it in BOTW, they should be allowed to own it and prevent it from misuse and copycats trying to cash in like what happened with all the shameless BOTW clones trying to copy its mechanics.
Shut the fuck up, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the only game that ever did this idea right
It's not a patent troll if they actually use it in a game.
What games have had this feature before? Surely you can't patent something that's already been done.
dead space 3 already did it
Nintendo truly is the Disney of video games.
By that I mean a company that used to be actually innovative and revolutionary but now just pumps out cheap garbage, gets most of their money from overpriced memorabilias and does their best to permamently ruin copyright laws for their temporary benefit.
Nah, it also came out after BOTW and was likely 'inspired' by the mechanic Nintendo originally came up with for BOTW
Fucking absurd
The first Division had a game mode that did this.
You gullible FUCKS just read the clickbait title and didnt read shit. The patent is not about "keeping characters warm" its about the technical technique they used to avoid clothing clipping into skin.
Dayz , project zomboid . Its a basic idea
Metroid is the earliest game I can think of with it.
Nintendo is basically japanese Disney, idk how you fucks can't see this.
I don't come to Yea Forums to read
>its about the technical technique they used to avoid clothing clipping into skin.
And somehow this makes it better? Ok, bootlicker. Clean those corporate boots some more.
Theyve always been a toy company.
Yes. It genuinely does. Companies patent technical shit like this all the time. Even if this was still a shitty move, youd be an absolute retard to think this is on the same level as patenting "warmth mechanics"
This. Sony treats fans alot better and are a company for the gamers. Sell your Shitch and get a PS5
Mediocre falseflag, apply yourself.
Shut up troonigger
>pumps out cheap garbage
I dunno, user, aside from Pokemon their games are still pretty good and have actual effort put into them.
>does their best to permamently ruin copyright laws for their temporary benefit
Show me where Nintendo has exercised anywhere close to the influence Disney has had on copyright law. I'm talking lobbying and other means of influencing the law. Registering a patent does nothing to actually influence copyright laws.
Inb4 Sony patents the concept of niggers in games.
Did that really strike a nerve?
Nintendo is Japanese Disney, prove me wrong
Shut up Colopl. You lost. Move on already.
>its about the technical technique they used to avoid clothing clipping into skin
Ahh, so they're going to patent collison detection?
Patents are fucking retarded.
That's literally what patents are for. People R&Ding for new methods to do or make something and getting a patent on their new method.
But Nintendo is doing it so it makes me angry.
There are multiple ways to implement the same feature when coding. Let's say someone accidentally uses the same method for their clothing that Nintendo technically owns, without using Nintendo source code or employees for reference. Are they liable to be sued?
I don't think fundamentals this basic should be allowed to be patented, just punish plagiarism if you have proof of direct copying or corporate espionage like usual.
>Be Nintendo
>Sue devs because they used a touchscreen
The Disney of the gaming world
>Yea Forums
Any game that has clothing you fucking moron
I don't think is about fear of plagiarism, at least not entirely. Nintendo didn't start the patent trolling in games, and they had to deal with a lot of lawsuits because of it in the past, kinda sound more like they are covering their asses because if they don't put a patent on it, somebody else will.
>kinda sound more like they are covering their asses because if they don't put a patent on it,
You can't say this when they're taking developers to court like
This is Nin "no fun allowed" tendo we're taking about. If they have the energy to chase down every nonprofit fangame in existence you can bet they'll be scrutinizing virtual clothes on any game big enough to net them millions in settlements.
>The five patents that Colopl are said to have infringed include touch-screen joystick functionality, multiplayer connectivity, confirmation screens in sleep mode, character attacks based on touch input locations and a shadow effect placed on characters hidden behind the game's geometry
Watch out. Nintendo owns the rights to joysticks on your screen, multiplayer gaming, the game not killing itself if you press the lock button, attacking by tapping, and shadows.
Okay, you detected it's clipping. Now what?
Oh, I never said that hey are not going to do that, I just meant that they don't want to be the fools at the other end of the stick.
Ah, carry on then.
What you didn't know? Nintendo invented clothes.
Nintendo's been doing this for ages and it sucks. Eternal Darkness's mechanics were patented for 20 fucking years, the patent only expired last year.
I don't even understand why they'd do this. Wouldn't they want other switch games to not have clipping so they look better and people wanna buy them? If only Nintendo can use this method it'll only make it harder for everyone else.
This kind of patenting is peak bullshit.
Nintendo isn't buying out Competition like Sony
Nintendo are classic patent trolls.
>Suing developers for millions of dollars over something that's been commonly used in mobile gaming before Nintendo themselves even did
Jewtendo isn't just worse than EA, they are also the Jews of gaming.
Holy shit don't most mobile games do that? Fuck Nintendo.
This is your brain on nintendoism
Nintendo is a big reason for the limited selling of used games in Japan.
They're factually the Disney of Japan if not games in general but their drone fanbase, which infests Yea Forums as well, enables them
There's more to the story than that. Yes, Nintendo patented the digital joystick, but they didn't sue other companies who used this method of controls to encourage the gaming industry's creativity.
But COLOPL went the extra mile and tried to patent the exact same method, knowing Nintendo has the patent, and was later found to try to force other mobile game companies to pay fees to them which uses the digital joystick. That's the reason Nintendo took action and sued the company.
Currently the Japanese gaming audience heavily agrees that it's entirely COLOPL's fault, and the court seems to rule in favor for Nintendo as well.
So you have nothing, got it.
I don't get it how could Colopl sue other developers if they don't have the patent? Or if they did have a different but similar patent how could Nintendo sue them?
Not that user that you posted to, just read some retards fanboys rambling.
Read thread to have your questions answered
There's nothing in the thread detailing how Nintendo has influenced copyright legislation you disingenuous cunt.
The parallels between the two companies are very similar. Both of them pump out glorified advertisements to 'classic' franchises to get people to buy in to all the overpriced merchandise.
The only difference is that Disney was always unoriginal from inception, they bought up a bunch of public domain folktales and then put their copyright on it.
>Come up with a technique or program that no one has used before to resolve an issue that been in the industry forever so that way only you can use the technique you created
As if every other company doesn't already do this.
Nintendo's the only one who it and its dronebase tries to portray it as some cute quirky thing like the article in the OP.
Literal "it's okay when nintendo does it" mentality
Name one company that has done this
Make it not clip but in my own way as to not infringe on their patent? Duh.
Name a single other company that does this that isn't named Konami.
Namco Bandai.
They patented interactive mini-game loading screens.
That sounds like projecting, its not like a nintendo employee made that article.
It's indicative of the way Nintendo fanboys view the company though.
how exactly is that patentable? That's not a novel concept and if its so specific that you need to bust out the game's coding then how could Nintendo ever contest it without looking like a patent troll who brings up lawsuits without evidence?
they all patent shit. the patent system is corrupt as fuck and you only lose by not play it dirty
It's ok when Nintendo does it.
What a scumbag company.
the long dark
So what? Nintendo's gonna sue people that tries to fix clothing clipping issues in games such as tf2?
The industry has ripping off their ideas for 40 years and they're fucking sick of it..
a big company like that should have a legal department who spent its days checking for patents over and over. Their own fault for being lazy.
botw literally copied Ubi towers
>File a patent over interactive minigame loading screens in 1998
>Patent finally expires in 2015, a time when optimized games don't have a loading screen that's enough to put a minigame
Sometimes I wonder what we could've got if Scamco hasn't done that patent.
You Nintendies are something else. Nintendo didn't invent clipping, they didn't invent going through walls, they didn't invent being able to see your character's outline when they are infront of a wall, everything they have been patenting isn't new.
Get fucked you absolute moron.
That actually impact gameplay? none.
My guess is, since nintendo already had the patent, they would try to shift the blame from forcing fees to mobile companies saying that nintendo was the one doing it in case they were found out.
Nintendo didn't invent climbing and gliding you retard. You do know Nintendo ripped off Shadow of the Colossus when it comes to climbing, you could even glide with birds in that game.
Let me guess, you think Nintendo invented physics because BOTW.
>Sometimes I wonder what we could've got if Scamco hasn't done that patent.
they could do it the Bayonetta way and make a training zone that you can choose to stay even after it stops loading
Don't Starve
Wasn't the whole climbing mechanic lifted straight from SotC right down to it being tied to a circular stamina meter? So much for nintendo innovashun.
Then why do they have the patents?
Based Ninty.
Patents are for specific techniques
How do other games get away with it? I doubt CoD has to pay Nintendo for virtual thumbsticks. Is this just Nintendo bullying smaller devs who don't have money to pay for lawyers?
>Show me where Nintendo has exercised anywhere close to the influence Disney has had on copyright law.
How about lobbying lawmakers in Japan to ban console modding, and save editing for singleplayer games?
>Nintendo truly is the Disney of video games.
Nintendo is a pedophile company?
Those do not fall under copyright law, but they are shitty and cancerous. I appreciate the effort, at least.
BotW inventing things that were done 2 decades ago is my favourite meme
Yeah Sony is totally copying Just Cause right? Is this how you cope?
Whats Crash Tream Racing copying?
>R-Racong games existed before Mario Kart!
Whats pic-related copying?
>Nintendo didn't invent fighting games REEEEEEEEEEE!