No! It's not that MMOs are shit it's YOU! YOU CHANGED

>No! It's not that MMOs are shit it's YOU! YOU CHANGED
>be me zoomzoom playing classic for first time in 2019
>first time playing wow
>shit is cash yo, tons of fun for like 3 months staright
>no other MMO quite like it
Naah boomers, all those MMOs New World, New Shit, Lost Ark, Lost Will to Live, Final 14 transexuals simply JUST. JUST SUCK.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>those sausage fingers

Attached: gay shit.jpg (256x384, 26.14K)

play flyff

MMOs were never good


every single thot that gives a view like this is fat and just trying not to show it

What's worse is if the top does finally come off their tits don't even look good and are instead flat, wide flaps with no shape and dinnerplate nips.

zoomers don't say shit is cash yo

Dude, I'm trying to cut down on fapping

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WoW killed MMOs and did irreparable damage to videogame design.

>First time playing WoW
"Classic" WoW is so fucking far from ACTUAL WoW when it was new. You're playing the same streamlined shit as FF14 and every other MMO.
All Classic did was change raid/pvp/pve gear worked and slowed level progress.

What an absolute moron.

>tfw no big tiddy goth chick insulting you while you play vidia

i've played every single mmo in existence and the only good one was mabinogi

iirc classic started at the very last patch before tbc aka the patch where everything difficult was nerfed to the ground and everything was made more accessible to normies after the WoW TV ads with William Shatner and other celebrities bringing the game further to mainstream.

classic wow is exactly the same as vanilla retail and nuwow.
Nitpick all you want but it was always a shitty skinnerbox themepark designed to lure you along with breadcrumbs. It just got more egregious over time.

It always amazes me how fat shapeless blobs are so attractive to some people that the mere mention of them gets you going.

WOW is for faggots.

you didnt play vanilla wow.
you played an unmoderated hellhole filled with cheaters, botters, cheat-addons, and botted auction houses.

The only mmo I played was runescape as a kid. I tried wow classic last year and lasted about 8 hours with friends before wanting to kill myself. I even tried ff14 and got through the first story before realising the game fucking sucks and I wasn't having any fun clicking through endless text boxes

Mmos fucking suck lmao can't believe people can play this shit

Yeah because they made it good and nobody rea hed that level ever again, not even their own expansions

It's called not being a flaming cake-boy homo man. You fucking faggot.

No fat chicks, cardio bunnies forever.

Blizzard games are the very definition of polishing a turd. They were never good and all their games have aged like milk.

fatties r gross

You're right to some extent but none of that affect me. I played without addons, the marketplace was fine in the begining while normal people were still playing. People buying gold only affected sweaty faggots after everyone quit

>cardio bunnies forever.

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I want her to sit on my face and piss on it and grind her pissy all over my face

This. WoW hyper-casualised the genre and now anytime anyone wants anything that isn't as hyper-casualised as WoW/FF14 people reee and cry for it to be changed. Why should I have to work for my in-game achievements? I should be handed them.

Everyone should get a participation trophy. PayTo-Win is fine and doesn't reduce players achievement. Instanced garbage everywhere is fine and is what the genre needs, who cares about open-world stuff?

It's sad.

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God fat people are fucking disgusting.

Swing and a miss, faggots. Better get your dick-sucking pants on cause you're gay as fuck.

I fuckes fat chicks and i fucked skinny girls. Skinny wins everytime.

Sure bro, you take all the pigs, all yours my man! Excuse me while I go fuck women that aren't 2/10 whales.

Well that changes everything

>hyper casual
but MMOs these days you have autopathing and the game plays for you...
the leveling is just a tutorial where you have to grind 20 hours and can literally never die once (eghem Lost Braincells)
no need to chat with anyone ever
no need to group ever
What do you even mean by "casual"? Accessible? As in there aren't 200 popup windows to figure out what abilities do
Or it's not a muh sandbox? lol

I can't tell if that poster is aware but that is pretty much what happened to FPS.
It wasn't exactly aimbot or aim assist like some salty retards claim. It was actually reducing player base movement speed, separating max player speed (adding sprint) from aiming/shooting (adding ADS). Basically thank Cod4.
Now we have the exact same situation where casuals are sick of playing the same cod clones for the last decade and a half but any time they play a game that doesn't have sprint or ads they piss and shit their pants over it and god forbid you add any verticality or faster-than-run movement or without fail people will complain it's "like quake".

You have literally never had sex

>if you don't have the uv damaged skin of laborer it must be because your fat
Should have used sunscreen and maybe you would have had a chance at being a delicious twink, retard.

even worse than a fatty...

And you have? Lmao, at least I get rejected by hot bitches, you get rejected by sentient meat planets.

clothed paizuri

>It just got more egregious over time.
I get that you're feeling insulted and upset user but WoW was literally designed by the devs to fast track you to the end game because they hated that Everquest had an entire RPG video game in the middle of it that got in the way of their raiding. The fact it only got more egregious over time doesn't change that it was already like that from it's conception.

what does skin damage have to do with fat fingers?

>first time playing WoW, 13 years old, private server
>nothing fucking works, 80% of quests and scripts are broken but nobody cares
>one broken quest gives lvl 60 weapon and could be done by level 1 character on spot
>like 100 people on whole server but still have fun with other 5 people from school
>first female character, made as a joke it stuck

Fuck this, at least I have those memories.

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i miss when my wife had nice breasts.
breast surgery to repair them is so expensive.
i've heard that you can finance the surgery and pay it off monthly.
i just miss her breasts.
sex hasn't been the same, and she can tell.

UV damage from the sun thins your skin and gives it a rougher texture (obv). For some reason when retards see plump, smooth skin on hands or fingers they think that the rest of the body must be fat or something.

>yeah bro wow fast tracks you to end game where there were a total of 2 raids
>what? You spent 300 hours leveling having tons of fun? That's fast tracking bro
No. End game focus came after thr fact. It was a natural (mistaken) evolution when they had to add more content

Titanfall pretty much died because every casual who got into it got destroyed by a FPS pro who knew how to utilize the movement. Now they all play Apex because the movement is extremely dumbed down.

Such boomer problems...

but her fingers ARE plump/fat

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I'm sorry you're gay, user

Titanfall still has the same issues I listed though. It's still cod derivative.

Most people aren’t stay at home NEETs that can afford the sheer time to play something that isn’t casualized, you can blame developers more for bending to the mighty dollar and making a casual game that casuals with jobs can afford to spend on entertainment, instead of making a hardcore game they’re passionate about for based NEET enjoyment

I'm just spooked of getting banned by pissing someone off. I used to chat a lot in the games but I have a lot of stuff now and you never know when you might come across a sperg.

Go lay some bricks, user
(And that's a good thing.)

yeah it's a solid game with an abandoned design philosophy
if you want more of that classic MMORPG feeling with heavy coop elements, FFXI is really cool. I recommend the Wings private server since it's the only one that doesn't allow multiboxing.

True but a lot of people quit Titanfall because they literally couldn't get gud in the movement. Just as people quit older FPS for newer FPS because the movement has been dumbed down in the past 20 years. Zoomers would probably have a heart attack if they played Tribes with Yea Forums

I miss Tibia. Only MMO that gave me a sense of adventure and danger, not a shitty follow the quest marker shit like we get now

Vanilla was released unfinished user
>End game focus came after thr fact. It was a natural (mistaken) evolution when they had to add more content
topkek, yeah i'm sure the mmo made by Everquest raiding guildees just mistakenly invented end game raiding.

No, the expansions did. WoW was a pretty traditional MMO and its only major contribution to the watering down of the genre was letting everyone comfortably solo to cap and having quests everywhere. The real nasty stuff only showed up in the expansions, like flying, dailies, rep grinds as a main form of progress, "bring the player, not the class" class homogenization, W+AoE dungeons, LFG, sharding, absolutely braindead and riskfree leveling due to power creep, making the non-instanced actually "massively multiplayer" world completely irrelevant, making items differ in nothing but their ilvl, making every interesting item (which there were plenty of at 60) not work on level 60+ targets while not adding a hundredth of them at the new cap, and so on. That's all expansion stuff.