What is the worst OFFICIAL art you've seen for a game?

What is the worst OFFICIAL art you've seen for a game?

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>thumbnail on catalog
>"Well that doesn't look too ba--"
>expand image

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>not wanting to fuck a big-tittied skeltal

honestly you probably posted it
i'm thinking about Halo Infinite, Lawbreakers, Battleborn, Banjo-Kazooie nuts & bolts, and others but SFVs 2D art is fucking ugly in a way I haven't seen before or since

all the S support art from FE3H

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I don't see bananas

All the eyes in 3H throws me for a loop every time I see them.
I would chalk up the game as a colossal disaster on just that alone.
Like what were they even thinking? They are literally soulless.

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Most of the earlier splash arts for League of Legends.

Big tits are great its just a terrible drawing, it literally looks like something from my 6th grade sketchbook full of big titled anime girls before I'd taken a single art class

it's sad that Capcom used to the the fucking untouchable apex of Japanese fighting game art, and nowaday they are a walking joke.
I guess keeping the same people for too long just doesn't work


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To be fair Edelgard is souless

the artist has never seen hips
this one is nicely drawn but yeah

I see nothing wrong with that

these are hideously bad

Clearly all of her organs were transplanted into her tits.

That's alright, kinda cool. It's more like the artist vision of what he thinks is happening during gameplay.

i want to fuck pac-man

where are her organs

imagine the big meaty tits

yeah it's still really ugly
I wonder what happened to Bengus
too old? not enough time?
maybe sfv just has shit art direction

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Is this Akiman or Bengus? Either way, what happened, man?

By the looks of it so does Blinky.

like opening an accordion

Bengus got worse when he started drawing digitally, even so I liked his cover for the new capcom collection

Some of this are good but yeah almost all of these are bad, especially eldegard

and what is this composition? my god

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You made me remember a doujin I read many years ago, where the girl's organs are transplanted into her tits so the guy's whole body can enter into her.

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Most of you faggots would try to convince yourself that this is somehow soulfull, but really it's just a giant pile of horseshit. I still can't believe Capcom okayed this in the first place

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Most peoples' eyes don't line up with each other perfectly to varying degrees

I'm more angry that version of megaman ended up in a modern fighting game.

What is that stance?
That gun?
Hunh-huh ha ha!

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Its garbage but that’s what makes it charming

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Came here just to post this. Beat me to it.


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this is good

what were they thinking

And I’m more happy than you are angry about that

old SF2 art from america was a thing to behold

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That this is one of Konami's best, and you should play it.

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they weren't

these are great
I especially love chill Sagat

These are all rejected art that can still be viewed in some of the home releases galleries, so, it's technically official.

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straight outta easter island


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can't remember if this also was rejected art, but if it wasn't, it should have been

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>Bengus had 12 days to draw 160 inked and colored images for SF5 by himself
>Basically 13 completed drawings a day, including multiple characters, backgrounds, complex colors with multiple light sources, etc.
>Everyone "dunks" on him because some of the anatomy is weird

God forbid you faggots ever have to do an outrageous amount of work with such a small deadline.

I'm going to say it. The Nona art was dynamic and added tons of life to the characters. Shinkiro's art, while technically impressive, is super stiff.

KOF 2001 is full of gems like this

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the worst part is that I think Nona is a good artist, and about a million times better than Falcoon, but holy shit, dude needed some restrain

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but why DID they make him do that user?

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What about these are bad? I've seen a few posted over the years but never paid them much mind.
t. Person who dropped FE after Awakening

Sure it's like Liefield in that they have to do a huge amount under a time crunch and end up with some real fucking winners from time to time. So you can sympathize with them while still realizing that yes, there's some fucked up shit there and it's really funny.

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Because Capcom is a shit company that didn't put out an Arcade mode on release for SF5. And about 3 weeks before they were going to dump a bare-bones Arcade Mode as an update Nakayama realized "Oh fuck we literally don't have any cutscenes for the arcade mode". Negotiations to contract Bengus took about a week because he's for hire, per drawing and not just bankrolled at Capcom. Bengus has been vocal about this when criticized online.

that doesn't mean it doesn't look bad

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this picture is technically possible, since he largely traced it from a famous Schwarzy picture, it just looks weird because the shiled is off perspective and the original has the arm on front to contract the pecs

And I hope he never will, fuck realism.

why the cheekbones lol, I just don't understand

post it

Shinkiro's character portraits from that era do look very stiff, however, dude shines in group promos.

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a lot of Amano's final fantasy art is kinda ass

Three houses looks so bad. The support conversation backgrounds are literally just warped JPEGs

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>people give patreon bux for this

no user you don't understand, the table is totally supposed to be shaped like that


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This Ken looks half jap at least.

Did they offer him a shitton of money or did he really think he could pull it off while producing work that would maintain his reputation. I don't think I would have agreed to doing it myself.

Sauce faggot

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they literally gave the artist an afternoon to make it. That's how little fuck they gave about the western market and video games back in the days.

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The president of Capcom of America at the time said that he had his friend draw this in six hours because they had to get a boxart by the next day.
This is why you dont time crunch your promotional materials, especially in the days where artists had to interpret 8bit sprites because they had never seen the Japanese concept art.

looks like Jackie Chan from that City Hunter movies

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The dreamworkfaceitis is strong in this piece

Makes me think more of native American than Japanese.

>Maradona when he masters the Hand of God

Saw this some time ago.

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you say "this is why you don't" but in the end this game made bank and the art is legendary

how could they mess up their art for the certified normie waifu of the game this bad

>no more snek torso

FE3H is just ugly in general

When your boss is being unreasonable, you don't get a free pass to deliver shit. You do the good work and tell your boss to fuck off.

you are right, I love Nona's art unironically

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I don't get what's so bad about this. The eyes make it look like she's fucking crazy but I thought she was supposed to be or something?