Easily the most attractive female in Hogwarts Legacy

Easily the most attractive female in Hogwarts Legacy.

Attached: Herbology Professor.jpg (1200x675, 181.18K)

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wtf is this

Attached: 1638868944061.png (142x173, 37.6K)

A man of all nations! Isn't it beautiful? He is a citizen of the world!

accio gf


>you can't get ye gf

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Too bad you can't date the ginger professor. If this was a Japanese game you'd be able to date the professor like in Fire Emblem, Trails Cold Steel, and ATLUS' Persona.

buy gf a cold one

How can you make the professor a cute redhead then not allow her to be romanced? It's going to suck.

>Easily the most attractive female in Hogwarts Legacy.
That not Poppy Sweating

Attached: Poppy_Sweeting.png (813x982, 862.82K)

Attached: jcc.jpg (915x421, 102.25K)

>boot up hogcy
>make new character
>black girl with big tits and blonde hair
>pick house slytherin
time to game

Don't you know? 19th-century Britain was full of Filipinos and proud beautiful Blaq women.

Op here, Poppy is just as cute too, but the Herbology teacher has my heart.

Ladyboy that survived.

That's Nick Fuentes in a few years lol

take your meds

Why are western developers incapable of modeling a passable female character?

Was sex allowed at Hogwarts? Were the older students allowed to do it? You'd think it'd be easy to get away with. Hogwarts is a massive place, but then you have to take into consideration that they probably had magical protection spells like for surveillance and shit.

The bathrooms are Hogwarts looked so cool to me as a kid.

>"Hogwarts didn't always have bathrooms. Before adopting Muggle plumbing methods in the eighteenth century, witches and wizards simply relieved themselves wherever they stood, and vanished the evidence," said the official Pottermore account on Friday afternoon.

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the only sex allowed in english boarding schools is pederasty

None of the Hogwarts Legacy characters are anything close to attractive.

Everything's not a porn game.


Ah, yes. The greek world's version of a mentorship but it involved sex. The greek's weren't shy about anything when it came to sex though.

>blonde hair
>not white hair
Don't know about that

I think it could be kind of neat if kids from important wizard famies in commonwealth nations were sent to Hogwarts, but that would imply that English wizards carried out a shadow imperialist conquest alongside muggle Britain and that's too cool an idea for them to use.

>it has to be porn to have actual cute females on it

You will never be a woman

Did we even know the selection process for Hogwarts? You had to be picked and sent a letter of acceptance to even attend. You didn't register or apply to join. Someone had to decide who was worthy or met some form of criteria to join.

Too feminine and good looking will trigger the woke-police

I think there was something in Pottermore about there being an ancient magical book that wrote the names of the kids to get accepted.
But then again, Pottermore also said wizards used to shit in their pants a hundred years ago, so it's up to you if you want to consider that canon.

>realistically expecting women from the 1800s to look like victoria secret supermodels
Someones standards are unrealistic.

I haven't played that game myself but Baldur's Gate 3 seems to have hot girls. But yeah, that's an exception to the rule.

Bump, yeehaw.

>what is strawman

el americano

Attached: just here for your daughter bro.webm (576x1024, 924.98K)

looks fine shit up weeb faggot

Attached: western girl (2).jpg (3264x1865, 2.18M)

They probably had spells that could detect even someone busted.

Hat inside WHILST eating
Do Amerimuts really?

>all those bud lights and budweisers

nta but more than half of those are horrible

looks like shrek

>Hat inside WHILST eating
>Do Amerimuts really?
they even wear shoes inside the house, to this day I don't understand this.

>no one ever has a proper explanataion for shoes inside
truly a clown country

>White redneck fucking hispanic daughter

You just know the parents were pissed, it's like the equivalent of the one black guy sitting at the all white family dinner on Thanksgiving, how awkward that must be. Hispanics aren't as violent about it as whites would be, and I imagine a white boi at an all black dinner would be treated poorly as well.

Maybe the noble families would petition, and if you were important enough politically you'd go. Like how random African princes would go to Oxford and Cambridge in the 1800s.

>Budweiser/Bud Light

I don't' know if people realize this, but Mexicans in America will not buy mexican brand beer. They always buy Budweiser or Bud Light usually, they won't buy Modelo or Corona. It's funny though because I'm in Texas and Modelo sells like wildfire.

>That hairline
>Those lips
Fucking disgusting.

When is Cassandra's game coming out?

Mexicans got buck broken by Spaniards into uplifting their race by giving their daughters to whites, so they're probably happy for her.

Sorry, she's not a no-lip anime character like you expected.

Can mods save this game?

Rednecks and non-white Mexicans are 99% identical culturally

In Philosopher's Stone Hagrid mentions Harry was registered into Hogwarts since birth. Dunno if it was automatic as he was a British wizard, or if his parents did that.

She has disgusting dry lips. Those are the lips I have after I'm done swimming for hours in the ocean and I'd kill a man for a sip of water without slat and whale cum.

I figured if your parents attended then you would be automatically able to attend. Both of his parents were wizards, and James was a notable wizard at Hogwarts, and I think so was his mother?

I'm more interested in how Muggles got accepted into hogwarts? Girls like Hermione for instance? Neither of her parents knew about magic/hogwarts, but what made her able to attend? Was it based on potential or just what kind of person she was?

She literally looks like goodnight moon asmr


Well that's where our character comes in. Our job is to kiss her lips to make them wet again. There's a reason for everything.

>t-t-t-t-they bad
fuck off jackass

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It's been 'Coming Soon' for like 7 months.

He's definitely balding

mutts explain yourselves once and for all

Their parents are probably very happy that their daughter met a gringo that will break his back for their daughter.

Source: I'm a lazy sleepy latino

I wanna do pot with her so bad

>dry lips
You should moister them with kisses, everybody knows that

she's a witch

>if it didn't work for Strongbad, it won't work for you bub
Or something like that.

/pol/ finding any and all reason to be queer as folk

I wish I had someone I could kiss on the lips

Attached: mhcattohuh.jpg (851x780, 233.49K)

There's a resemblance indeed.

Me too user. Me too.