How the fuck did they do it?

How the fuck did they do it?
How did Sonic of all gaming franchises craft the best game movie ever?
How did it do so well in box office too?

What even is this timeline anymore?

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Every single sonic game is good too and I'm tired of pretending others



Make Agent Stone canon to the games please.

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Great fan service but 1 was the better movie

Too bad this game will probably suck

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First Sonic movie was fun, the second one suffered because of the bullshit from the humans their shitty wedding storyline.
Cut that out and it would've been a much better movie.

No 3D sonic game has ever been good.

He was great addition to the franchise and the actor seemed to be having fun. Nevermind when Robotnik takes him with him to the giant robo egg.

I don't get the hype. They're Hallmark tier movies for kids. Nothing wrong with that, but the way you guys keep harping on about these 2 Sonic movies like they're masterpieces or something is a bit... Sóy, not gonna lie


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They're more like standard kids adventure films with 90s Jim Carrey thrown in, and that's enough for a lot of people. Honestly I'm just glad that kids are still getting fun action films and not only the not-only-for-adults-not-only-for-kids superhero films we've been plagued with recently.

Mainly because by comparison the majority of video game to movie adaptiins are garbage. Sonic is far from a masterpiece but the fact it is even decent puts it head and shoulders above other video game movies and something nerds and anons can appreciate.

Even Agent Stone who clearly likes Robotnik, A LOT, is really liked because he isn't a stereotype.

>Every single sonic game is good too
*blocks your path*

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Even the propagandizers behind hollywood didn't think it was worth their time to corrupt Sonic beyond mandatory inserts of you know what marrying you know who and mandatory inserts of extra you know whats.

It just slipped through the cracks. Twice. I expect to see way more propaganda in any third movie.

We won, Sonic chads
Also, #Justice4Johnny

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>sonic's personality has revolved around freedom and doing his own thing for the last 30 years
>gets a dad and a bedtime
>everyone loves this
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

vulnerablechads... we won

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>How did Sonic of all gaming franchises craft the best game movie ever?
Sonic is unironically one of the greatest gaming franchises of all time, it's perfectly understandable why Sonic succeeded where
>Mortal Kombat

It's one of the few Hollywood blockbusters in recent years to have good action scenes too, that probably helped.

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It has soul and it's made by people who actually know and care about Sonic. When you put it against stuff like Flopious or Faggot Beasts no wonder it is success.

>made by people who actually know and care about Sonic
Who's gonna tell they/them?

adventure 1 (the original) and 2 were good and im tired of pretending they werent

Mortal Kombat 95 was great.

What's his chances lads?

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By letting people who are passionate about the source material make the movie.

I thought for sure they were going to drop that his first name was Snively.

I want him too, but I don't know how they'll factor in SA1 stuff if they're adapting SA2 for the next film. Unless they decide to use the ARKs Artificial Chaos as a form of foreshadowing.

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Yeah because ending the sham covid restrictions meaning the end of being asked to show papers to do anything outside of your home surely had nothing to do with it

It didn’t. Both films were released around the same time.

Kys faggot, go suck Faggotdore's wand.

How cute is Tails in this? I'm planning on watching it tonight and Tails is my favorite.

Cute enough to give me sexual feelings for him. Not even kidding.

They made a serviceable, by the numbers kids movie and put sonic characters in it.

i watched it yesterday and it was fucking kino
i wish he had a bigger role, he was barely in the movie.

He's not cute, he's fucking adorable

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Good. This is good. Tails was one of my first crushes.

Because they just tried to make a fun movie, and with everything being absolute shit nowadays the bar isn't high

Adventure 2 Battle was top tier

The best part of the movie is the one where all sonic characters are missing

>I want him too, but I don't know how they'll factor in SA1 stuff if they're adapting SA2 for the next film.
I feel like it's much more likely that they're adapting SA1 but throwing in SA2 stuff. They just introduced the chaos emeralds so perfect Chaos seems like a far more likely final showdown than Biolizard. They introduced an echidna chief just like the one from SA1 and will probably have Owl Mom replace Tikal's role. Shadow will be in just because...well, he's Shadow. That's my prediction, anyhow.

There's no chance of Gamma when we haven't even gotten Amy yet. They aren't going to throw in every character because they need to make room for retarded human characters.

It's called autism. There is no point in discussing this, even if OP is a shill, manchilds will agree with him because Sonic is their role model to be along with Tails SS7 Ultra Instinct Darkness.

I got drunk watching this movie and got a chilidog at a gas station afterwards, it was godlike

>completely forgettable in the first movie just like most of the movie
>one of my favorite parts in the second movie
If Carrey doesn't come back I hope they find a way to keep him around

If it wasn’t for the design change, you fuckers would see this is Alvin and the Chipmunks tier

Hollywood producer spotted.

Silent Hill (2006) is still the best video game movie by far.

You cucks do not understand what "build up" is
The movies are like prequills before the games, it's the build up to get to a "matured" Sonic that is capable of being independent

Basically, it's retarded like Pokemon to think kids under 18 could ever be responsible of being free, hence why it doesn't work in the west to write shit like that, otherwise it comes off too retarded and unrelatable.

He goes full-on little brother mode.

Why does everyone with facial hair (excluding Jim Carrey) in this movie have that same creepy, precisely groomed metrosexual look? I am not fundamentally opposed to it, but the fact that it is universal in this movie just makes me think the head of makeup was the most shallow woman and/or homosexual in the industry.

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>it's the build up to get to a "matured" Sonic that is capable of being independent
You're a fucking idiot. First off, they're not "building up" to a good Sonic movie, this is it. This is the whole series. Fart jokes and OC human characters in the real world for no reason. The next movie will be that and so will the next one if there is one.

It's retarded to think any of this is necessary or improves the movies. We don't need to know how Sonic grew confidence or how he wants a daddy. We don't need a goddamn explanation as to why Eggman is bald, for fuck's sake. They did this because they're bad writers. Period.

Stay malding.

Agent Stone and Tom are the best humans in the films (Eggman isn't really human) and I want to see more of them in the third movie. Maddie is okay too, I guess.
But Rachel can stay home now that her arc is done. I really hope the third movie doesn't have the same wedding subplot bs, it was fun but dragged on far too long. I would've prefered a straight action scene with Rachel and Maddie infiltrating the hotel instead of a bridezilla rip off

Imagine having different versions of a franchise/character. How horrifying. Could you imagine how mad people would be if there were 2 different versions of Batman!?

>Eggman isn't really human

Adventure/Japanfags for some odd reason recently got a fucking weird obsession with there being only 1 true Sonic.

Okay, he's not a movie only human character. Better?
Although in the games he doesn't really look human compared to the other human characters (not even in 06 or Unleashed), and in Sonic X he comes from the hedgehog world just like the rest of the games cast, so who the fuck knows?

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im sorry zoomer but it still doesn't top Mortal Kombat (1995)

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so where's the rip torrent?

I bet your ass they really wanted to do that, but sega told them otherwise since Snively (I think) is an archie owned character. Probably wanted to avoid another possible Penders situation.

I got really excited when Knuckles the whole "He isn't the sonic you once knew line", I thought for a second they might actually pull a fleetway and THIS was this movie's hint to what the sequel would be about

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