Is being a drawfag really the key to success?
Is being a drawfag really the key to success?
artists constantly complain about how money is hard as fuck to come by lmao
Yes if you draw porn
Because they dont draw porn
from what I understand only those at top with a decent popularity makes good money
Long answer only if you're making a waifu simulator
Short answer yes
>Open commissions for furry degens
>become set for life
It’s easy.
Always has been. In tough times you can always start drawing porn
I found out that who complained about that are talentless fuck drawing like shit.
If i make kemono porn will i get monies?
having the motivation to start projects and being capable of following through and completing them on a regular and consistent basis is the key to success
you're only "NGMI" if you give up entirely because you're not seeing the results you wanted fast enough
good/passionate presentation is an essential component of success
>Know how to code a game
>Can’t draw or model for shit
It was over before it even began
just make it pixel shit, so many people will jack you off for that reason alone
Dunno about success. Been drawing for a year now and been getting commissioned. Feels nice.
>know how to draw
>can't seem to learn coding
how the fuck did you learn coding ?
If you can find a desaturated fetish then yeah
This guy liked girls in suits
Furries are also a lucrative market, but kind of obvious
The real money nowadays is in courses. The amount of course scams for crypto and finance is fucking unreal, so I imagine a renowned artist making a beginner drawing course would earn a shit ton of money.
Being able to draw cute girls certainly doesn't hurt your chances.
did you pre-order it?
Some people are good at clicky clack thinking but not good with their hands.
>Because they dont draw porn
lol, coomer artist market is oversaturated as fuck.
only a very small % make real money
just have artist friends who will draw you stuff for free
you need to find a niche nobody else draws for
Holy shit is this real?!
if you good at dawning porn bait, yes.
As far as gaining "name" in internet, I guess its more realistic than being a clout chaser.
Don't know about success though.
i think i might play this for the art and girls alone
whats the gameplay like? from what ive seen, seems fairly simple. but is it fun?
maybe if you draw furry art
if you like puzzle games you'll like it
if you don't the pause menu has a skip option for almost all actual puzzles except the boss
also there's a free DLC update with extra levels
No, being born into a weathy family is the key to success
Absolutely nobody whos a billionaire didnt start off with millions from their parents
but how did their parents get their millions then
What you need is an idea and a style, and then ability to translate it into some medium. And it just happens that art is one of the simplest mediums and everyone loves cute girls so you can't go wrong with that.
Back in the day Black Rock Shooter started as just a bunch of art, that then grew into a song, then into several different installations in different mediums, game, manga, anime, all doing their own things, all made by different people. An idea and a style is what united them. That of course means that yours must be unique and appealing enough to stick out of the bunch.
Who the hell is Steve Jobs?
>have to become a diaper snuff scatvore artist just to make a living
It truly is over...........
Unironically yes
Because he is europoor, and polish.
The key is passion. Dev did what he wanted because no one else would. It comes across when you love what you're making, and it's also conveyed to audiences when you're doing it purely for money. And it certainly helps that the game was released for free and could be finished in under an hour.
yes, because being a writefag like msyelf, is basically a no-money hobby.
regular faggots are too stupid to enjoy written porn or whatever, and just want drawn pictures to coom to.
Imagine being an unironic writecuck lmao.
It's literally the most secondary skill you can have. You NEED something else to go along with it or else it just flops on its face.
>Open commissions for furry degens
It's not that easy if you value dignity and psyche.
i just write fanfics, its not like i expect to make money off it, its a hobby you faggot.
>no apron
Only if you draw porn
of course it is
japan is a massive fag for helltaker
No, it's heart.
Just kidding. Success is determined almost completely by random luck, lol.
By doing. You'll never improve on anything if you're afraid of failure.
user, I already own her nendoroid.
So, yes.
Then why doesn't he have a figure yet?
Figures of male characters dont sell as well
Alright, what're some niches that need a particular "gold standard" artist for them, then?
Maybe. How difficult is it to learn how to draw anyway?
If I can get rich off learning this skill, I want in.
What has the guy been doing how? I remember hearing he was working on a sequel but then nothing. Did the first game make so much money he quit or something?
Ligma balls
Can't believe she and Toriel have made the goat girl market bend the knee and fully adopt the "cutesy simple facial features + pure white fur aesthetic"......
There's no reason to draw anything but cute sexy girls. Ever.
>men love goats, right?
I prefer cows.
Nah. Fenoxo did pretty good just being a writefag, but he did cater to furries so there's that.
Have cows ever produce any actually universally popular and beloved waifus on par with Krystal and Renamon though?
Thought not, cowcuck.
>not being a muslim
you're missing out
does vanripper still post /here/ from time to time?
wrong, you know very well bob drawing landscapes is much easier than drawing living objects
Amateur art and voice acting can get you places much faster than amateur writing because they are instant gratification. You dont need to sit down for 10 minutes to appreciate fan art or the 206348th Solid Snake impersonation like you do for a fanfic.
Art's part of it, but people need to realize the dev basically provided the whole package
>Art of demon girls in suits, which the dev wanted to draw. Yes, being a drawfag certainly helps.
>Created a wide variety of different sort of characters, aesthetically and personality wise. You're likely to find a favorite. Certain amount of sexy/fetish stuff from the suits to aprons, but nothing that feels offputting.
>Gameplay is simplistic, but stylish. Means its accessible and many can play, plus a skip button if things are too hard. Also saves on having to push complex game or art design for your first title. Sokoban for most of the game, but also some twitchy music game/pattern boss battles
>Got a friend to create some great music that goes along with it to create the experience. Mittsies' soundtrack is mutually beneficial, also put it up on bandcamp so they got money from the game's exposure too.
>game is FREE meaning lots of people will try it just because which spawns everything from voluntary contributions, patreons, bandcamp, DLC donation for the artbook etc.. to a fuckload of fanart. This reminds me to check out that fan-game too (Second Circle) which apparently has the blessing of the dev at least.
> create compelling gameworld with dropped hints of "lore", people are interested in learning more for future titles.
>special endings, including a secret one that unlocks a reward - artbook and recipe (good recipe by the way). Note for those who can't unlock it, you can also pay/donate to get it - another way
>Expand game with a new campaign for free, with its own unlock and recipe. People are now really enjoying the title and willing to pay for a sequel.
So its more than just being a drawfag or a pixelfag to make a compelling game. Lots of shit has to come together to make this kind of phenomena.
He was more interested in landscape, so that's what he pursued.
>but nothing that feels offputting.
What fetishes would even be considered off-putting? Outside of the obvious ones of course.