"Clueless Gamer"

>"Clueless Gamer"
>was truly clueless at gaming

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POV you are playing Le Epic Cuckstation Exclusive

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fucking kek

Mre informative then any gaming journo.

Barry is great tho

based conan the only truly funny american

Less clueless than vidya "journalist"

I'm still baffled that game was praised even by the jaded fags on this board. It's everything wrong with modern games.

>More informative and insicive than a journo

I exploded when I saw Hader doing this.

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>shits on nu-GoW
>praises Death Stranding because he was put in the game

You mean shills deflecting all the mockery?

>GOOOOOOOOODS!! WHERE IS MY ____________________?!

Whats wrong with it? Besides the lack of a jump button

>Whats wrong with it?

Of course he would. He's not trying to be objective, he's trying to be funny. It's just sometimes his humor has truth to it.

Nah it's a great game aside from the lack of enemy variety. I don't know why anyone would hate it aside from it being different from the original trilogy. I'm glad they got rid of the endless QTEs

the FF14 one he did with Frodo was even funnier than this

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You dont like the intro?

You know he's joking right user? You spend like 5 minutes before you get to the first boss fight and open world

I don't like movie games.

You never played it


It's an open world action game. A game having cutscenes occasionally over 60 hours doesn't make it a movie. Memes fried your brain

You're a retard

There's no part in the game where this happens. Rent free and obsessed

Strange they didn't touch the controller for 45 minutes when there's a tutorial dungeon and a troll right before Baldur.


>Huge FF fan eagerly waiting the new game has his hopes crushed by developers mediocrity within seconds recorded on camera

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Hey at least he liked samus

all that matters

I did enjoy his FFXV video, it kind of did make me laugh at certain points.

>"Nothing like wearing all black leather in the desert."


He resumed it pretty well: blueball the game.


Death stranding is a better game than nu-gow

Arms with Will Arnett.
Smash 4 before (heh) release

Pretty disingenuous of you to simply forget all the walking & talking moments but I wouldn't expect any more of you.

Bro don't worry it's fucking trash and a good litmus to see if the guy you're talking to is a complete fucking retard if they defend it.

Absolute NPC

There is a mandatory walking cutscene part in the story that, coupled with the cutscenes linked with it, lasts for over fifteen minutes.

It must have hurt their pride
Those wannabe movie directors with their Amazon original tier moviegames trying so hard for their toy to be taken seriously

God of war was literally never good, ever, at any point. It was always a brainless series for normies.

Just fucking imagine having a snoy stick so far up your ass that you can't take a simple joke, lmao.

What's funny is Ragnarok is coming out eventually, and I fear it'll be a lot of cutscenes and dialogue as well.

user its a 10 minute intro to show Kratos' new life before the game opens up, stop acting like an idiot. The game is obviously a non-linear open world game where you spend much more time playing than watching. Its a silly narrative

Its disingenuous to pretend 99% of the game isn't pure gameplay

Nah, the OG games were just dumb fun.

>im afraid a game will have talking
We're hitting new levels of retard here

Is there anything more pathetic than being a janitor?

what I really fear is the woke shit they'll put in it

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i actually think this game is great until i try it out myself on pc, its so mindnumbingly boring, endless walking naughty dog dialogue, same enemy over and over again.

No, you're wrong and have no idea what you're talking about.
I know because I played the fucking game because of retards like you.

Here, I even fucking checked it out.

From 2:41 to 2:58 you're railroaded to walking, watching cutscenes and 'pulling a level'. As you sloowly make your way BACKTRACKING where you've ALREADY BEEN

I don't know how anyone could ever think this game is worth anything after playing it, as I did.

Wait man haha I didn't even read the full post, so blinded in my rage as I was, and completely missed the sarcasm.

>I haven't done any of this by the way
My sides

That's every Playstation exclusive though. Somehow Sony gets a pass despite not being a console worth owning since the PS2 era.

What happened to late night shows anyways?

Died after Letterman finally left

>As you sloowly make your way BACKTRACKING where you've ALREADY BEEN
That's the central hub of the game user of course you go back occasionally, and you're running. These genuinely seem like the arguments of a schizophrenic

Got turned into propaganda mills.

Conan was never funny

What is this post attempting to prove? Because I genuinely don't know what the fuck you're talking about

Yeah, as if any of that makes it any better.
Still completely unskippable.

Read the previous posts maybe?

>There is a mandatory walking cutscene part in the story that, coupled with the cutscenes linked with it, lasts for over fifteen minutes.

Imagine if Half Life 2 came out today and retards like this claimed it was a movie game because there were moments you had agency taken away. You really are a dipshit

Dumb fun = shit game user. Spamming 2 buttons between activating QTEs is not a good game.

Possibly, that doesn't make it less of a movie game than nu-GoW is.

Attached: we haven't touched the game for 2 hours.jpg (1280x720, 67.08K)

It's also a drastic problem with Half Life 2 buddy.

A cutscene is a cutscene, doesn't make it any better if you can wiggle a bit around, it's even worse because usually these 'gameplay' cutscenes don't give you the decency of skipping them.