Ready to waste another free day of my life in an imaginary world of pixels on a screen…

Ready to waste another free day of my life in an imaginary world of pixels on a screen…

What shall it be today Yea Forums?

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Literally Yea Forums itself.

go outside for once then. the sun is shining

what game?

Minecraft. Build a cool base or something

Try this.
Dont let the imaginary destroy your real part.

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>the sun is shining
The sun always shines. Even when it's behind the clouds. Everyone knows this

Playing a game is better than browsing Yea Forums

I’m asking you


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Boy, ya know, I’d like to…but that’s all the way outside my house

what kind of games do you like?

Play Iji.

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Better than wageslaving like me

What do you after do after that?

Ragnarok Online Travels
Get in and bully Porings with the boys

>be me
>14y old
>find 4chins in 2006
>fap to disgusting porn, play games and shitpost instead of doing shit in real life
>*fast forward to now*
>be 30y old loser, unhealthy, chubby, still living with his mom, no job and a lolicon

Damn why did I end up like this...

but redditbob lost

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I stopped playing for a day

no guidance, slowly change your habits or keep moving towards the future you already know.

>be me
>14y old
>don't find Yea Forums
>do drugs
>*fast forward to now*
>OD on heroin

>Damn why did I end up like this...
Your parents fucked up your upbringing it seems, it's not Yea Forums's fault.

Ready to spend another day on Yea Forums in the hopes that something cool will happen and it won't remind me of what sort of casuals browse Yea Forums today

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watch evangelion

Anyone been coming to Yea Forums less over the years? It's just not the same

>97% audience score
Fucking how? Does Jim Carrey's mere existence in the movie hold that much sway?

>Basedow the Chadhog
Woah, you're like, top kek. Dunkin' on redditbob is, like, pretty based and redpilled... uhuhuhuhuhuh.

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It's actually good if you like sonic

>Go outside
Why is this always the first thing? And do fucking what? Most people live in areas where going outside leads to them just idly walking around

They mean go outside and hang out at the coffee shop and get into sitcom antics with the friend group you don't have like in Friends or Seinfeld because that's what they think normal people do

Confirmed Autistic.

>Reddvis and Reddhead
Bite my shiny metal ass

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>and a lolicon
What are you fav loli doujins?

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...get out.

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>Reddit Dad
Get the fuck out

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>Reddit Guy
I'm gonna kick your ass

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>King of the Reddit

>as if doing anything else than playing games would be better
Have you played yokus island express?


>Ready to waste another free day of my life in an imaginary world of pixels on a screen…
I'm just passing time until I see the next girl I'm going to fuck tonight.

it's raining though

>Reddit of the Hill
Go back, nigguh

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>Koh is reddit
Jokes over. Take that back

I'm sorry user. Not

go back to the fire nation

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>Avatar: The Last Subreddit

>Redditor: The Last Subreddit
Go friggin' back.

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>Reddit Teen
The CHADnarch is displeased.

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>Reddit Bros


That's you. I'm drawing and painting.

>not getting patreonbucks from your 'art'
Just as useless as playing vidya

Being a solid film and not obnoxious bullshit helps.

>Becoming a slave of your art
Got time to do that though.

Is there anything that's not reddit?

me :)

>redditbob faggot is an attention seeking le """""depressed"""""" tranny
And no one was surprised.

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you forgot to reply to and baka

>Reddit Bros.
It stinks.

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geez, it's "reddit" this and "reddit" that. Back in my day when I was a young lad, we never used the dang internet. We used to go outside and played some football and on Sunday mornings to church.

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based dad

How do I change bros

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Sounds Reddit to me