World's richest man chimes in on hacked videogame panties

>world's richest man chimes in on hacked videogame panties
This is normal in 2022.

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He's asking the right questions.

he's nowhere richest

Because they are not obtainable by normal means and possessing them triggers a flag on your character

it has nothing to do with the pantsu themselves

musk can felch me

I understand the point he's trying to make, but it's not applicable in this situation. The panties are just evidence of your save being cheat-influenced, so you gotta go. It's nothing to do with hypocritical pseudo-puritanism

who's the richest?

Why does this 60 year old man have the mindset of a 14 year old?

It's a typo, OP meant "rickest"

is he planning on running for president? he's trying to attract the retards who would fall for shit like this

he based

Pick a saudi


Nah he's a deadbeat dad that's not based


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Lord Rothschild

>nichegamer got himself a billion with million of followers that shill his content
fuck, I'm jelly

something something stem cell injections

what's his net worth

Putin probably used to be

Why were the panties cut from the game? Because of feminists.

>extremely gorey death/murder
what did he mean by this?

dunno but he basically owns every major corporation you can think of so he could probably feed all of africa if he wanted to

>pick up dropped item
>money stolen

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Stop being anti-semitic goy

why would anyone want to?


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>people getting banned for the panties
Saw it coming. That is why I only add items in the game when I use cheat engine.

Elon shut up, you have no idea what you are talking about

Reddit Man

Twatter man strikes again!


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I'm glad this guy makes twitterfags seethe as much as he does but he still gives me "how do you do, fellow kids?" vibes.

He's literally always been a massive manchild. Back in his Zip2 days, he'd get into childish fist fights with his brother on a semi regular basis that his employees would have to break up. I'm not sure what the fist fights were even about considering neither of them were actually running the company and letting their mom's friend do all the work for them.

That's fair. But he's raising a point which is 100 years overdue to be addressed.

Society glorifies violence and stigmatizes nudity, or anything relating to showing off the body. But we celebrate violence... this is fucking stupid and needs to be addressed. Aggressive action against others is okay but expressing yourself with revealing clothing isn't? Fuck that mentally ill noise.

At least people will pay attention when Smellon Musk talks about it. That's all that matters.


Sheltered manchild

/pol/tards trying to turn every interrogation of the bourgeois into some shit about DA J00Z has the same exact energy of a troll going into any porn thread and saying, out of the blue, "she looks like she has sex with [specific race] men".

Out of nowhere derailing something to suit your fetish.

Do you know where you are?

The real point is about why the panties ever had to be cut to begin with

Speak for America, American.

Just because something was cut doesn't mean you know why it was cut, or that you know for certain that it had to be cut

You know Elon lurks.. Elon, you shouldn't have divorced with your wife. Now you're turning into one of us instead of being a normalfag that enjoys life.

Fucking Elon starting to be the most unhinged billionaire with his based tweets. Not even Notch can compete.

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Isn't elon musty confirmed to be fairly far on the autism spectrum? It explains pretty much everything about him as he's an ideas guy who got funding and then started acting like a fucking reddit weirdo 24/7 after he got money

Don't think it's necessarily because they're panties, wasn't their a problem with people hacked items in other player's games in DS3?

>speak for America, American
My point applies to every society, not just USA. Glorifying and celebrating violence while stigmatizing wearing certain clothes is mental illness. Doesn't matter if you're American or not, the point applies everywhere to every human being. It's a mentally ill standard which is changing in society but it needs to change faster.

Everyone is an autist in some way or the other nowdays. Can't be normal, it's not trendy

NTA but America spreads its culture very efficiently so it's a good thing to discuss it with them and with everyone else. I'm sick of them spreading their puritanistic faggotry.

You're delusional, to be clear I would rather give up sex in videogames than violence in videogames but it was brazenly cut for censorship, there's no other conceivable reason to have done it

It's kinda interesting that once you get to a certain point of power and wealth, you have to start acting like a normal human being again to not go absolutely insane from all the shit around you up there.

Notching is just angry at the state of his life and lashing out at everything because of it, elon actually cares about the things he talks about

Because he's unironically starved for attention for reddit, he brags about browsing it and thinking he's le epic for referencing shit he's seen on there whenever he can, I'm stunned he didn't do a "le narwhal le bacons at midnight" joke when he was on snl given how obnoxious he is with internet faggoty and the attention it'll get him

Even in DS2 having hacked items on your character save would give you a warning to delete your character or get banned. Which was hilarious when you consider that +14 items are both hacked, and crash your game if they're in your inventory. As well hackers could still +11 their items for instant poison proc just fine by editing the item directly while the game is running, nothing is altered about your save in doing so.
If memory serves, +11 was instant poison, +12 was -100% physical damage scaling (so 0 damage on physical only weapons), +13 had higher scaling for some reason, +14 crashed the game, and +15 had slightly higher than average scaling, but not as crazy as +13. Weird game

Thank christianity for the puritanistic faggotry. Non christian americans are based.

>Non christian americans are based
What? You mean BLM kneelers or trannies?

It's lonely on the top, my man. Once you start to realise it you start reaching out to all the people you ignored on the way up there.

Japan censor dismemberment or beheading but allow all the nudity and ecchi stuff you usually see in their game/anime that the west censor.
Even in Europe, nudity is more ok (especially in the past, with the french for instance, but american puritanism is spilling everywhere unfortunately)

>You're delusional
You're not very aware of how the censorship process works for media, are you?
It's more likely a "We were advised not to risk it" than a "We were told no"

Why do incels slurp this guys cock all the time?

you sound salty because noone likes you

>Society glorifies violence and stigmatizes nudity, or anything relating to showing off the body. But we celebrate violence...
That's unironically only American society.
In b4 le ebin mutt vs europoor debates,
but we unironically often wonder why the USA are so prude yet so savage at the same time.

The Rotschild.
They remove these people from the lists, not even kidding, look it up.

user you can't use cheat engine, there's a big "anti cheat" banner that shows up that blatantly fucks up every aspect of my games performance that says you can't

Europe is mostly Christian and they still have nudist beaches and lewd comics. Even their ancient statues are often nude. It's a specific American flavor of Christianity that is the problem, also this weird kind of tradfaggotry where they larp as euros but are actually just burger rednecks with more nazi symbols.

Non-Christian Americans make up the feminists ruining video games

There isn't anything "extremely gory" in the game anyway, just random splashes of red. And they ban because it's an item that consider only obtainable by hacking, not because they're too lewd. Granted they're wrong because you can get them by being given them, but that's another matter


He lurks reddit you faggot fuck, don't act like he actually browses Yea Forums

Black communinties are the most christian communities in this entire country. You literally cannot go down a block where black people live and not find christian families everywhere. Black people are very religious and all of them were raised with a christians interpretation of morality.
Such a low percentage of the population it doesn't even make sense to mention them at all. Take your meds NPC and stop obsessing about trans people.

>Japan censor dismemberment or beheading but allow all the nudity and ecchi stuff
I think even censoring violence is dumb. Censorship in general is cringe. But I do like how there is more celebration of benign expression in Japan, rather than just the worship of violence blood and gore like in America.

I mean he's right. Anglos in particular have such weird ideas about that kind of thing even as far as real life goes where the people who watch uncut gang murder videos would cry about "degeneracy" if they saw a titty.

That's why I said fairly far given how he talks and can't understand basic human interaction outside of hoping for a reddit screencap whatsoever

Japanese censorship sucks too, but like you said they focus on different things. I watched a nip playthrough of Until Dawn and in many scenes the screen just goes black. Fucking bullshit.

The Rothparents

>Twitter thread about Musk goes this fast
Trannies, every single one of you.

It's a topic about censorship. I'm sorry you're too obsessed with trannies to be able to comprehend what's going on anymore.

I would argue it doesn't apply everywhere, but I'll settle for it certainly not applying everywhere equally. Even Europe has much different standards compared to the US when it comes to the cultural and societal appreciation of violence and sex. Please don't commit the perennial mistake of thinking America is the whole world, even though your cultural influence on the world is obviously enormous. Even with the Catholic Church still being strong in Europe, the puritanism so well-known in the US is much harder to find here and violence is often viewed much more critically.


99% of celebrities and rich people who are social weirdos aren't doing this embarrassing pay attention to me le epic reddit based elon musk shit though, the number of legit autistic celebrities who just keep their fucking mouth shut and don't act like this faggot is massive
You sound like a faggot redditor, back to your subreddit you fucking loser doge coin to the moon or whatever you fucking autists say

Like I said it applies everywhere. And like you said it doesn't apply everywhere equally, but still my point stands. Any society which censors non violent expression has this very problem in my estimation.

well said fellow 4channer

He can afford it

He's asking a decent question but for the wrong reason since there's not too much gore in Elden Ring and the panties are probably triggering a red flag on people who pick them up.

Why are the blm melanin enriched basketball "christian" americans causing all the crimes then

Pandering for support

What do you mean? Just say you're sorry to jesus and reallllly mean it, then you get into heaven anyway. JESUS LOVES ME THIS I KNOW FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO!

You clearly never met a 60 year old before.