It took Arin 145 minutes to get to where Cory is in 35 minutes

It took Arin 145 minutes to get to where Cory is in 35 minutes

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Fuck off.

Arin is a closet tranny

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>still watching grumps past 2020

>internet friend thred
Underage bitches

in what? sonic heroes?
heard he had to summon 2 peoplefor margit

>ever watching Game Gurmps

Regardless of what any e-celeb has to say, all Sonic games are garbage and you should feel bad for defending them.

Arin gets official Sonic promotions and cameos for saying exactly this

It is crazy that they have been milking it for a decade

Low test opinion


>performance is based on RNG level-up drops
Yeah I'm thinking it's shit.

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But this is literally the e-celeb status quo opinion
Dont think just listen to the memes sonic bad sonic bad sonic bad

oh boy, is that what he bitched about? is that what he blamed his deaths on, that enemies dont drop enough level ups? what a little bitch if so

>past 2013

It was due to the raw power of Sonic 2 Happy Meal toys.

lol no
Arin was so retarded he didn't even notice there was levels for the first half of the playthrough

No that's what I'm complaining about because it's a shit mechanic.
It USUALLY doesn't matter much, but if you're going for A ranks, especially in Final Fortress, it's really fucking aggrivating.

but there's enough reliable level ups (checkpoints and predetermined item locations) to get level 3 on all characters

That's not the point with the A rank complain.
Take Final Fortress (Team Dark), if you don't want to waste a full minute fighting one of the helmeted hammer robots early on you pretty much HAVE to make sure every single level up you get is for Shadow and Omega before that point, if you get any Rouge levels at all you might as well restart.

I understand now

>still watching past Jon-era

Why are their shadows being drawn backwards.

>Corey is in a ska band and he’s pretty good
Fuck lmao I like these guys for being ‘just like me’ but in reality I’m so much of a loser compared to them. I mean at 30 my life hasn’t gone so bad but they really are productive healthy people. I wonder what the details of stampers life are though

serving burgers at mcdonalds is just as important as ska music

Level up drops arent determined by RNG, they are dropped depending on what character you are using to defeat that robot

If I recall
Speeds drops flight
Flight drops power
Powe froms speed
Or some version of that

t’s more the basic sociality and productiveness. Man I used to do animations back in 2003 when all these guys did, now I just work at a store and drink

it's supposed to give us hope that even autistic manchildren can be successful, comfy, and surrounded by friends

I'm guessing you have a normal job. If that's the case that means on some level you're providing a useful service to society. That alone is more important than noodling in an indie band or playing videogames on the internet. Zach might have a cartoon but even that is essentially useless in a society. They might be more accomplished artistically but if your interest was never with art, I don't see why that should bother you.

stop saying us

The sun is behind them?

Yeah but the truth is these guys keep busy and productive and off drugs. They don’t really play elden ring for 75 hours in a week, one has a fucking tv show lol. Now Super Best Friends, those were some real losers, they didn’t do jack shit. I think that’s why ding Dong and Julian are great, because they’re creative people but still very antisocial shut ins

What a surprise. Jon was always the talent behind them anyway.

who are you and why are you talking to me (us)?

Arin had a game over during the first boss of sonic 1.

I quit watching gg when Arin played hollow knight so bad it was actually awkward to watch.

I’m not saying he has to be an expert, but Arin is really fucking dumb and I don’t care if he’s distracted because he’s trying to talk about shit besides the game

oh great, ever time I'll complain about this buggy piece of shit now people will claim I watch gay grumps

Arin hated letsplayers
He once said if I ever do a letsplay kill me
but he was jelous of the success youtubers were having so he felt he had to
he basically hired Jon purely for this idea, because he was so entertaining and popular, so it was never an organic relationship
when Arin got greedy and starting making moves to turn it all into a business, of course Jon left

Why was Cory so restrained in the first episode? It's better now, but I found it weird, was it because of Zach?

>brooo i have to talk and play at the same time
He's been doing this for 10 years, I can't accept this excuse fo missing basic mechanics in games any more when i see just as entertaining streamers like NorthernLion playing much better while going on a 2 hour rant about a 20 year old movie maybe 4 other people in the stream even knows exists

>wanting cotton-candy flavored ice cream is something only children do so they should just get rid of it
>anyways me and Chris went to like 10 different McDonalds for Sonic Happy Meal toys
I love Cory. He's the best.

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It's been the go to Adventurefag cope for almost a decade now at this point. Really annoying. Also funny though, since a lot of the people that complain about Youtubers influencing Sonic haters also enjoy Youtubers who make 5 hour long dissertations about why Sonic '06 and ShadowTH are secretly kino.

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All these guys have had to eat crow over their contrarian anti-let’s play statements. So many people are like this, they just see something happening outside of their bubble, and they get mad about it on instinct and shit talk it, then like 10% of the shit they talk about they have to end up doing because they were good ideas in the first place. It’s fine, people are people, but it is funny to watch people like shit on Minecraft or undertake then find out they like it. Not everything popular is good but seriously arin and Chris and a lot of these people are just unnecessary loudmouths when it comes to shit they don’t already know about

the cotton candy flavor ice cream at CVS or ralleys or w/e made my brothers shit neon blue

Yeah Northerlion fucking DESTROYS game grumps and anyone who’s ever said you shouldn’t expect good play alongside constant entertainment. Arin is such a sniveling kid about it, really, he’s created this gaslighting culture around him where they have to baby him while he has tantrums constantly, and he’s also got it twisted that that’s his main content, that he’s trying to be funny. It’s just not the case

I love how he got the teen titans mini funkos just because he wanted starfire.

restrained? in what way?

Why tf do you care

These guys are all sober healthy productive people right or is it all smoke and mirrors and they’re just more dudes fucking around but having it together when the cameras on?

He kept asking "Can I talk about this?", "Can I go on a rant?" and stuff like that.

Yeah, every time you try to say Sonic Adventure isn't that good now, first they accuse you of watching Egoraptor, and secondly they insist you go and watch some fuck's second by second breakdown of why everything in the game is actually genius.
No, man. I played it when I was 12. At best, a third of it is actually fun. Get fucked.

Might've not been used to appearing on a podcast style thing any more. Then again I didn't notice anything about him.

>I'm having a mental episode that only I'M VISUALIZING

Watching a sane person just play the game normally is like a relief after arin has spent like 300 hours having tantrums over these games and attacking everyone and everything. I mean the games are shoddy but that guy is straight up mentally ill and seriously incompetent about playing them, and it’s not fun enough to be called a joke

Zach and Tomar are.
Lyle and Chris are questionable.
Cory is a workaholic but he got roped in by that faggot Jeff and their game isn't going anywhere.

Not OP, but I stopped watching them since 2015

well it usually takes an episode or two before they relax and find their pace, and it was his first letsplay in a long time,
there's some stuff they need to censor sometimes
but I don't think that was him holding back, Cory always says "can I talk about this?"
Example: "Cory tell us one of Dave's secrets"
"Okay... Can I tell them Dave?"
"Okay uuh... Wait, what's a staph infection?"

The only reason I like Sonic 06 was because I used to watch dozens and dozens of hours of this one really comfy Sonic 06 speedrunner streamer. i basically have stockholm syndrome for it now

Arin just isn't good at vidya

why were you looking at your brother's shit

Honestly I have so much to say about how bad game grumps is at playing a sonic game, not really about the game, but about the mental illness that happens and Arin’s insecure compulsion to order people around and panic while blaming the game, I would almost do a video about it. But that wouldn’t be sensible now would it

Are you retarded? They obviously don't want to give away where they live.

bruh this was like 10 years ago and hes the one who told us because it was funny

He actually played it? I quit GG YEARS ago. I think Dan was still relatively new but one of the last videos I remember watching from them was some mini golf game were some dude had crazy hair like Dan. Either that or a Maddog McCree game.

Been forever since I've played Heroes. Do I just emulate it or does the PC version have custom res mods? I only have a PC

>Haven't watched OneyPlays in a while because Tomar + Lyle is the equivalent of sleeping gas
>End up missing actual cool series like this one
Every time

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they played it 2 years ago
I had stopped watching GG by then, but I had to tune in to Sonic Heroes because Sonic Heroes is one of my favourites games and I wanted the pleasure of seeing it filter retarded Arin, but also wanted to see how he'd insult the game

I would unironically ask /emugen/ or /sthg/ at At the very least if youre gonna play the pc version peep the pcgamingwiki page

Zach has an incredibly popular show and Tomar's in the voice acting industry. Idk about Chris, Lyle, and Cory

I'd just emulate the gamecube version

what are you talking about, it's not live you know
you don't miss anything, you just click the video and watch

and have fun, make all those links purple

I think he’s legitimately bad at learning and has trouble keeping his head in the right place. Like is actually a bit manic and easily confused.
It’s funny, he tells his epic ‘my mom said I didn’t have to go to school’ story, like it was some decision they made. But if you listen when he tells that story, he says his parents moved out of their school district into a poorer one, sent him to school to his old school without checking if he was enrolled, and when they found out he was enrolled in their new poorer school district, they drop him out because they don’t like the school.
Now don’t get me wrong, no need to attend a shitty high school, just get that GED, that’s smart. But what really happened is his parents legitimately did not know they changed school districts when they moved, and thought he could just go to the nicest school without even checking. To me that speaks to the same type of cluelessness and incompetence Arin displays in playing a game

Jon era to early Danny era was peak, after that is rapidly declines into a corporation. So in short, not for me.

PC version is shit, it has a mod loader which fixes some issues but I would assume Dolphin would be the best option regardless