Can we all agree MHW has the best combat mechanics out of any action game?

Can we all agree MHW has the best combat mechanics out of any action game?

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No because I mained GS and SnS in 4U.

I still like what Capcom did with lance and gunlance

There are games better than action and MH

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>put on grugmantle
>ignore half the game
wow, riveting

Not Really.

Every Monster Hunter makes both good and bad decisions when it comes to gameplay.

I would definitely prefer the Slinger over the Wirebugs, but I still like the new moves introduced in Rise. Even if they needed to be implemented better.

I can't wait for MHW2. Supposedly next year.

Full open world too

what does MH does well that other games don't though?

They should add magic

I'm ok with the hub system though, could have just expand on that if they wanted, making it maybe bigger. Don't see much point in OW if all you gonna do is glue those hubs. I hope they know how to make use of an open world system migrations, traversal system to enable chasing. If it is indeed OW, it can add a lot complications and changes to the formula. Big hubs would eliminate that need.

>tenderizing every minute


I love how you think an item that most people never use is a good argument against a game.

Mantles are just a crutch. Game is designed without using them.
Tenderizing is no longer an issue since Fatty patch. It made it last like 2 times longer and Shaver Gem grants instant tender to light weapons.


Using a different melee weapon feels like playing a different game.

im not against the game,its actually my favorite MH but the game is designed around its combat mechanics its not just an item. mantles and tenderizing is BAD

Which weapon type was the most fun to use?

I picked insect blade because it looked cool and ended up spending the entire game trying to stack buffs and diving through the air doing spin attacks.
I tried to switch to other weapons a few times but I was so used to the insect blades that I kept getting destroyed by the monsters.

Gotta chase that Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring money bro

That's not how game development works bro.
They've been working on it since mhw release I don't doubt they have this pipe dream of mh in a vast open world and sooner or later it will happen. MHW already has big arenas and you can even see the other areas at the distance in the background, it just isn't connected.

I liked GU gameplay more
Deviant questlines and EXs were fun, and I liked the rooms for online more than SOS

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A lot of people complained it was boring, but I really loved how Longshelling gunlance in worked with Iceborne's wyrmstake

no way is it coming that soon
>MHW is 4 years old

Rise GU 4U and 3U mogs World when it comes to gameplay even within the same franchise.

Good animations. In fact, i dare to say CAPCOM has the best animation team in the market. It's essentially a boss rush game where you grind ways to kill more bosses faster and cooler.


You're talking about World, that's what I ended up playing most of the time:
Charge Blade is fun but also hard to play "as intended," ie in Savage Axe mode. But you can also spam SAED like a monkey... and deal almost the same amount of damage for a fraction of the effort.
Hunting Horn is also very fun, but once again ruined by the awful balancing on Capcom's part. You're supposed to stack-up songs and then smack the monster with the Perform move... but in Iceborne they added the spinny spinny move that deals an absurd amount of DPS. So you just spam that most of the time.
Longsword is fun and easy to use, but the gameplay can get a little repetitive after a while: your entire game plan revolves around building meter and finding openings for Helmbreaker, that's it.

>I'm incapable of enjoying HH because I'm a number slut
your loss, best iteration of the moveset yet

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Gunlance. Can attack from safe position behind a shield, can cut tails, blow up defenses. I cannot stop having fun with it.
I switch between GS and GL. And whenever i wanna go "eh, nothing personel kiddo" i put dual blades for the change of pace. But 80% of the time i go GL.

dead game with amazing combat mechanics

Agreed. No other studio comes close when it comes to battle animation. They mog everyone.

>shows a bunch of moves you can only land while the monster is immobile

Something the monster will be doing a lot if you're not shit at the game

i like all monsterhunter games

only a wierdo fanboys for one game

I liked 4U horn more because it had much better horns. Bow's buttonmash faggotry forced Capcom to remove negate stamina effect. Earplugs horns also became trash for some stupid reason. These two factors severely nerfed hunting horn's utility and turned the weapon into "find the horn with the highest raw + AuL and only use that".

Its fun, but I liked GU more

And you'll probably be immobilizing the monster with hilt stab into spin loops

Nothing about it has ever looked appealing to me, I don't buy the meme that the combat is good. It looks like if you played Devil May Cry but all your moves had the wind-up time of Drive.

Nope. I use whatever moves I feel like using. I also play with damage numbers turned off. Couldn't care less about optimal DPS.

Maybe it's because I played way more MH but I find it way, way easier than DMC
3 buttons for attacks, almost no directional inputs, combo string are usually just the same button, only one enemy to focus on (usually).

The weapons feel smooth as butter once you get used to them, SnS and Lance for example have very little commitment and a lot of defensive options.

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Good combat is not necessarily fast paced with a billion moveset combination. It's okay to prefer one over the other. MH has enough variety in it to make it fun and engaging. It's not DMC and it's not Nyoh, it's another thing.

Swimming in Tri is the best. I didn’t care for putting on my poncho and 24/7 wall bang

>Good combat is not necessarily fast paced with a billion moveset combination
No, but beating up slow monsters with weapons that have 1 or 2 viable moves is almost never going to be good combat

>that have 1 or 2 viable moves
whatever the fuck that means
If you haven't played 3U on WiiU I'd really recommend it, still just as fun as back then.

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I'll get shit for this but i think a remake of GU in Worlds engine/moveset would be great.
Without clutch claw and tenderizing of course though. Fuck that shit.

>whatever the fuck that means
It means that the gameplan of each weapon in MH generally revolves around one move you want to use as much as possible.

So like every action game ever then

Not all monsters are slow, some are very fast and aggressive. And everything can be viable with enough commitment. The fun part is exactly exploring ways to beat stuff and doing it. If it weren't fun, this series would be dead a decade ago. We are in what now? The 6 main installment with another dozen spinoffs and expansions. It's okay to not like it, you'll always have your Dante from the Devil May Cry Series™.

>And everything can be viable with enough commitment
Not quite. For example you're probably not going to have a very good time trying to solo Fatalis with LS if you don't like Helm Breaker. Because that's what the entire weapon is defined by. And in fact all of LS's other moves became weaker than in previous games to compensate for the power of Helm Breaker.

GU will never happen again, Capcom have said as much.

>Hit it with your strongest attack
Never a bad idea imo
Besides Hammer golfswing and GS charge I can't think of any attack that was the "one move". Like, even the former if you were fighting an unfamiliar/risky monster it might be safer to uppercut until you break something or KO for those bigger hits.

>clutch claw
Are you fucking retarded?

>Helm Breaker
Who tf is spamming SHB in World?
You know it drops your Spirit right? That you need to land a Spirit Roundslash to power it up to a worthwhile level?

Of course I know that. My point is that people say to just play the game however you like because everything is viable, but the endgame content is most definitely tuned around you abusing your strongest tools to their fullest potential. If you don't like Helm Breaker on LS and liked it better in the older games, you are not playing LS.

For me it's insect glaive.

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>optional tool ruined my experience!!1

>GU will never happen again
Until they make another anniversary title in 2024.

GU really was the best MH. I managed to do all EX ranks and completed every G rank quest. Very fun

Why is it abusing exactly? Are you somehow skipping Spirit levels? It's part of the weapon and you still need to land your spirit combos and foreskin slashes to get to it.

For a more plain example, take Hammer. Soloing Fatty I mostly used golfswing because that's what I got used to sniping his head with in 4U. I could have also used Brutal Charge 3 to snipe or skipped that and just spinned his belly.
Big Bang Combo looks like something you'd only ever use on a down but I've seen people build HGEP and do it on a roaring Nerg before his slams, or someone trying to break Barroth's scalp since it comes with natural ME.
Uppercuts are probably the most instinctively useful attack inthe moveset.

You're not stuck spamming the same move because I know you're not good enough to consistently set it up and pull it off like those TAfags that recent on a Sparrow's fart

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Eat shot you stupid casual newfag tourist. MHW is hot garbage compared to old monster hunter games. You now the game industry is lost when tourist gat amazed at MHW being the most casualized and horrible monster hunter game.

What's a good IG set in Rise?

No, but Monster Hunter is the best action game series.

Worldfags are as slow as the fucking combat lmao

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Monster Hunter is a much better action game than DMC and I've played and finished all DMC's.