If Yea Forums hates it then it must be good

>if Yea Forums hates it then it must be good
give me some good examples of this

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I only played the games that Yea Forums loves and i liked them too.

Elden Ring

Doom 3
Final fantasy 8
Dark souls 2

Gone home

Final Fantasy X

undertale is really good. botw is great. hell gone home isn't even really that bad, i mean its got props and bananas to throw around which is damn sure more than some shit like dear esther did. i think that's about it. most games hated on this board are hated for a reason

Cyberpunk, DmC, most fightan games (Smash isn't a fighter), SMTV, etc.

Hollow knight.


Rising Storm 2


lol. doom 3 apologists are real

Still the best Dragonball game.

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Disco Elysium

ITT: anons butthurt about one or two posts they saw about their favorite game dark souls 2 being the only overhated game

but Yea Forums hates everything
does that mean everything is good

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Yea Forums cums over these games retards

Yea Forums hates mh world and is the best in the series, also v loves rise and is the worst one.

That's discord trannies you're thinking of, not Yea Forums

Even if the quality has declined over the years Yea Forums still generally has the best taste on the internet and I dare anyone to prove otherwise. It's unfiltered honesty.

Yea Forums loves revengeance, dmc games, dragon's dogma and way more stuff.
Does it mean they are bad?

Every MH thread I've been in says the exact opposite.

blacked porn

youre obsessed. when those games were new Yea Forums was praising the shit out of them.

If you can't tell the difference between mindlessly hating something and saying something negative about a game you deserve to be stuck playing games based off of Yea Forums's consensus

Complete bullshit, the early threads were mostly people shitting on it. The recent threads are just the tranny communist mod deleting and banning anyone that says anything bad about it.


hotline miami 2

You're so obviously a discord cuck

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You're a retard, early threads wouldn't have given a shit because it was a nothing game, it's only when people started talking about the game that people would pointlessly hate on it for attention (for DE at least, I doubt commies are related to HK but I'm sure he'll twist it somehow)

>t-they're just doing it for attention!
You realize just how retarded you sound?

I'm impressed by how Yea Forums can turn any thread into a talk about trannies or discord.

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We call that a derailing tactic. Very common around these parts...

Says the guy offering no argument apart from an insult in a desperate attempt at a reply, well guess what it worked, care to explain why you think people on Yea Forums do NOT post divisive opinons for (you)s

Go back to leftypol or your discord, nobody wants to read your dissertations or write essays on posting habits

Because they can't actually offer an argument, I mean you're pretty obsessed to reply within the minute like that, twice in fact, does it really get to you that much

This. Absolutely this.

The only thing shit about this game is how you for some fucking reason can't skip cutscenes.

>Obsessed AND Projecting
Heh. Rent free


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>Doom 3

Probably bait, but it's telling that the simple-yet-satisfying original Doom has a much larger fanbase than Doom 3, which should hang its head in shame for being unable to surpass or even equal the original despite its vast technological superiority. The criticisms of the flashlight are overstated - it's an acceptable twist on the gameplay - but the reliance on confinement and teleporting enemies is disgraceful in a FPS.

Lmao fuck you and your broken fucking piece of shit pipe tube looking shitgun.

Fallout 3
Subnautica Below Zero
Max Payne 3
Black Mesa
Portal 2.

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>That mode where you play battles throughout the years and lose the U.S. army and the Ozzies and are stuck with the ARVN
Games should not be allowed to be this Ludo.

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You either love me or hate me

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and vice versa: outer wilds

Last of Us 2 by far

I remember seeing some teaser images for Doom 3 in a computer magazine circa 2003. The shadows, the lights, the level of detail - I was flabbergasted. It was probably the biggest jump in graphics at that time, and everyone was looking at their PC configuration with one question:

"Can I run Doom 3?" (Quake 4 soon followed)

Probably the closest I got to buying an original game (the last one before that was Warcraft 3). Still didn't, but close. Crysis took over after that as the tech demo, but it sure wasn't part of a beloved franchise.

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Witcher 3

Witcher 2

TLOU2 is a fantastic game where I am honestly confused by the hate and criticism.

Horizon Forbidden West is also a great game hated by Yea Forums, but in that case I actually do understand the criticism (e.g. that it is boring) - I just don't agree with them.

Yea Forums has awful taste in DMC though. 3's bloody terrible, 5 is alright at best and even fucking 2 has it's fans here. Only 1 and 4 are really worth anything from that franchise.

botw, ubisoft games, cyberpunk, borderlands series, cod, final fantasy. i mean the list is almost as long as shitty games /v likes such as persona, the souls series(especially elden ring), newer sonic games. just check the board if a game has more than 5 threads its trash. good games have 1 or two threads that hit the bump limit.

How bout if Yea Forums likes a game it must be bad.

Got tricked into buying Sakurai's Kid Icarus and that shit was awful.

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Fallout 3

But SMTV isn't very good. It's like a worse version of Nocturne.

>only good parts of the movie are the beginning and the french pub
>rest is irredeemable garbage
Why do people like this movie so much?

Black and gay people

I liked the scene where the german villain speaks italian at the theater.

>>if Yea Forums hates it then it must be good
>give me some good examples of this
Summertime Saga

Remember when Japan, during the boom, would actually push itself to release tech too ahead of its time that was clearly not there yet, simply to further technological advancements? Like 1080i VHS tapes or crappy MSX computers with Laserdisc readers.
This is the VR equivalent for those. If you follow Yea Forums's opinion on VR you'll be cheating yourself of one of the most unique games of our era, one that you'll probably pretend to have played on launch all along when VR becomes normie shit and ecelebs start doing retrospectives.

Generaly everything that's "reddit".

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