>NPCs give the same response every time they talk to you
Why are most AAA devs so lazy on this? How can you have top-quality graphics but the interactions within the world are so incredibly shallow?
NPCs give the same response every time they talk to you
Writing original dialogue is hard.
Which is why you see the same threads
Made with the same images
Get the same responses
Every single day
Every single hour
Now, click on my post number and call me the meanest name you can think of.
A handful of responses for the same choice is more than plenty desu, although not having at least two looks pretty lazy
I know this is dumfuck female whining but all this stuff unironically happens to me.
>original author couldn't even get their false equivalence correct
Subtle political quadrants thread.
Doodoo face
leftists incels don't know that it is unironically like this if you are a good looking man. it's not even men most of the time.
It's trying to "gotcha" because the person getting attention is a male, but I'd argue 99% of males would like/love to hear some nice words said their way like that. Foids get it all the time so when it isn't coming from a 10/10 they get angry
Last panel is true, at least. Old biddies love to compliment people out of the blue, bless them.
meanest name you can think of.
you forgot the "the" fucking faggot
This is the comic artist.
It really makes you think, huh
I would laugh and joke with all these compliments
Why are women such smarmy cunts?
One of the last compliments I got was from a gay man who said my motorcycle jacket was cool. I'm not gay myself but it was nice to hear.
Look again, he's at the top of the thread.
She should smile more!
>bless them
Don't you mean based them?
People like receiving unsolicited compliments people they find attractive? This doesn't work as a counter-point to the OP comic at all.
Graphicswhores are so incredibly shallow they don't care as long as the game looks realistic.
Also, sometimes moviegames don't even have NPCs you can return back to, but rather heavily scripted stories.
based boomers
Because women perceive the majority of men as looking below average, so the majority of advances made towards them come from men they wouldn't want to fuck.
This makes them feel harassed. Men however tend to appreciate compliments by women because we are
A: More willing to lower standards and bang objectively ugly women and
B: In the case of elderly women manage to take a fucking compliment without immediately wanting to bend granny over a counter
>women are so fragile they get literally mindbroken by people telling to smile more and giving them compliments
No wonder they are losing their rights to tranny faggots
I told a dude I had seen a few times he is looking great because he was putting effort into losing weight and he brought it up several times over the years as a real defining moment for him in terms of happiness.
is it normal or often that old people compliment others in public? I had an old man compliment my shoes a while back.
Yes but these women are attractive(yes especially the grandma :))
I doubt many people find grannies attractive
Oh no no no womenbros, did we just get BTFO once again?
Anthony Burch
Yeah this. I've gotten so much older (65+) puss it's unbelievable. It's a bit weird at first because they're drier than a younger woman but you get used to it. They're unbelievably grateful.
Todd Howard
Both of the bottom right panels happened to me several times when I worked grave at a gas station. There was an old woman who could come in after midnight just to hang around and flirt with me. It was annoying, but she was nice.
i am so starved for compliments that i would propably question my sexuality for a few minuts if anyone would give me such response to anything.
>Yeah this. I've gotten so much older (65+) puss it's unbelievable. It's a bit weird at first because they're drier than a younger woman but you get used to it. They're unbelievably grateful.
>A: More willing to lower standards and bang objectively ugly women
I wouldn't necessarily say this is true. It's more that men "rate" women more accurately. Men can call a woman a 6/10 and still be interested, or view a woman as an 8/10 or a 3/10 and be (atleast somewhat) correct. But women see it more as "interested" and "not interested", that's it, there's no real inbetween. If you're a 7/10 but the woman isn't interested she is incapable of seeing you as attractive regardless of if you objectively are attractive or not.
TLDR: women are dumb as rocks
God I hate women so much bros.
what job is "fixing your own computer" ?
I wish people complemented on me like this. Maybe the would would be less cynical if people were just a bit nicer.
What this comic doesn’t depict
>Men are on average 2x-3x times stronger than women
>Men are also bigger and heavier and faster than women
>Men say these things as a way to try to sleep with women
>Men are sexualizing women
>No, the hot-woman equivalent of men are not the ones doing these things
>women hear these things hundreds of times a week
>these are creepy because the men saying them usually have the social skills and looks of a donkey
people say women are living easy mode but how can you say it’s easy mode when men can easily kill them. It’s like nightmare mode. God I can’t imagine being so weak
If I was a woman, I’d never leave the house w/o carrying a gun
Fuck you, you piece of shit.
top right seems like it's nice
bottom right looks fine
bottom left is a bit weird because it feels somewhat condescending but I've had it happen numerous times
I get compliments all the time. I still believe I am a worthless piece of shit.
>people say women are living easy mode but how can you say it’s easy mode when men can easily kill them. It’s like nightmare mode. God I can’t imagine being so weak
if anyone touches you, 80 billion men will crawl out of whatever potential area & swarm the person who touched you
>I’d never leave the house w/o carrying a gun
Most don't, and where it's not allowed they have pepper spray
Congratulations, you got successfully brainwashed by hysterical feminist lies!
What is this, common sense? Get that weak shit out of my face, I believe in science!
>get complemented once
>still think about it years later
I like when gays compliment me, it makes me feel good and that Im doing something right.
>>Men are on average 2x-3x times stronger than women
>>Men are also bigger and heavier and faster than women
Then maybe it's a good thing they're being friendly.
>when men can easily kill them. It’s like nightmare mode.
As long as you're not living in a shithole it's easy mode. Any man that so much as touches you gets, at the very minimum, a night in a holding cell, and is usually charged with Assault and Battery.
You mean 80 billion sheeple. What are they gonna do, nibble me to death?
user drives a good point, none of us would mind if a twink like this gave us a random compliment. but when a larger man does it, it's gross. most women don't mind getting complimented by other women as well.
Women will literally think about the chad they fucked in college till the day they die.
Even if you've been her husband for decades, you will always be the one she sadly had to settle for.
Chris Hansen, the YouTube scam artist.
what is this tranny mass reply shit
go the fuck back to your discord, faggot
kek and I bet the fucker still stayed marry, the retard. Most married men deserve the misery they receive. The ones with spines leave.
Hypocrisy. If a mans first love is so great yet they lose them they'd also act like this. Men aren't hollow husks that completely lose any emotional attatchment to previous partners oh wait you wouldn't know would you
Women are incapable of true love.
Im sorry, but you are gay.
>Men aren't hollow husks that completely lose any emotional attatchment to previous partners
But I wish I was.
It's not a false equivalence. It's not that men make women uncomfortable because they're the opposite gender, they make women uncomfortable because they're men.
my neighbor is an old women who compliments me from time to time, says im handsome and "if she wasnt so old hue hue". Makes me pretty uncomfortable
>What this comic doesn’t depict
Also it's not a man vs woman thing, it's introvert vs. extrovert. If Yea Forums got a compliment from either gender their day would be derailed.
user you are the living embodiment of incompetence. you are truly one of the most incompetent fucks I’ve had the displeasure of meeting.
I was a leftist incel and I've been called good looking by strangers in bars some of them even women
her feet are bigger than the tigers actually dafuq
>make uncomfortable
The greatest baaw. Oh no someone said 2 words to me, my world is collapsing!
A computer fixer.
These don't work because you have to consider
>pretty women already get compliments all the time, unlike the people here
>the people complementing them are always at least two times as strong, and usually less good looking
What this guy said
It's not about the words, it's about the intent behind them.
I love men so much bros.
double nigger
>stubble on chin
>hair trail below belly button
>no pit hair
Always thought it was odd that some guys do this.
You disgusting malodorous pervert
Someone already said Anthony Burch so I'll go with Jim """"""""Stephanie""""""""" Sterling
Male feminists deserve to be beaten
>daily mail
>destroy your finances and the happiness of your daughter
walking away isnt much better
>people say women are living easy mode but how can you say it’s easy mode when men can easily kill them
Because every advanced society is literally built entirely around protecting women and treating men as disposable.
What this comic does depict:
>Men aren't monsters
>Men aren't your enemies
>You aren't living in Afghanistan
>Countless men died for you to live in your safe country
Men in ukraine are dying RIGHT NOW while dumb whores got evacuated to the west and and are posting their ASS on instagram RIGHT NOW
feminism and modern women are a PLAGUE. the majority of women will die of depression in a sea of cat piss and the truth is they deserve it for falling for feminist propaganda..
fun fact: most trannies who detransition are women to male trannies
Imagine spending 22 years wageslaving for your wife only for her to literally cry about her memory of being fucked by Chad. Holy fucking Christ I'd kill her and then myself.