Let me solo her

Let me solo her.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (336x188, 20.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I will never play Elden ring

Reddit...forgive me...

let me beat the game

>Yea Forums tard just sit in the corner after you summon him in order to let you beat the game
based or ?

Stop it leddit... I beg you

>instead of just soloing the game on his own like everyone else he does it online to get as much attention as possible
I'm surprised he isn't a woman

Oh yeah *THAT* happened

This and based and also fpbp and also the Surge is better

Do fromdrones really..?

Attached: 1645686807703.jpg (250x150, 9.29K)

>Rivers of Blood
You didn't solo her

Get fucked.

weird, there are articles in prestigious gaming journals, thousands of artworks, a hundred thousand upvotes on reddit and twitter and over a million youtube subs about how I did

Attached: fuck you redditor.jpg (1080x1244, 246.28K)

>Yea Forums seething about reddit again because one of them moggs them
why is Yea Forums suddenly so bad at vidya?

Attached: 44745992.jpg (1280x1280, 65.47K)

because a combination of piss poor moderation and people who come here to do everything except play and talk about video games


>a hundred thousand upvotes on reddit

kys reddit

You discord trannies really don't know when to quit don't you.

t. didn't beat the game

Attached: file.png (466x619, 319.99K)

Honestly, this all feels really manufactured.
These games have been around for what? More than a decade? And you haven't heard of anyone else doing this

Literally didn't even play the game

2kat lol

Yea Forums gamer boy in 2008

Attached: 1609397211206.png (1440x1080, 1.24M)

Yea Forums gamer boy in 2022

Attached: 1650702556280.webm (720x1280, 518.61K)

Hot. What's his build?

I need confirmation this is a girl fast in order to do the needful

cute! CUTE!

Yes. It's a girl :)

you have to go back

has benis

doesn't matter, let your dick decide

fpbp, op is a faggot

Source? Would love to see other content this fine creator puts out.

Stop posting your dead jewtube channel.

Arielle Maxine
She's a gamer


damn, this meme really broke y'all.
first the chudjack, and now this just seals the deal.



Yeah that fits

yes I did

nigger is using bleed/frost katanas he ain't mogging shit

Let me sneed her

Cuckold Fetish

Attached: 1642328722770.png (1000x675, 749.85K)

anyone got the video

touch grass

Attached: 1650498063765.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

why is she ignoring him ?

Imagine naming your character GigaChad and letting other people play the game for you.

>instead of just soloing the game on his own like everyone else he does it online where the boss' health pool is doubled


Why do you care what others do in their free time, Yea Forums? Do you enjoy stressing yourself into an early grave?


He would have to constantly re do the entire game with this build just to battle a boss he enjoys fighting again
Orrrrrr he can hop online for jolly cooperation
Have you played the game before?

Anons, post moments that bring a smile to your face.
>get summoned
>they immediately sever

Attached: theyremembered.png (1920x1080, 3M)

>(while abusing %HP-based procs so it doesn't really matter)

post your 0 hit 0 healing 2x health malenia kill with no frostbite or bleed

They saw your gear and wanted better help.

No, they summoned me before but I just danced during the boss fight.


Attached: mama mia.webm (600x450, 2.85M)

Took them a while to sever me.

Attached: theyforgot.png (1920x1080, 2.81M)