What is the exact definition of the 'roguelike' genre?
What is the exact definition of the 'roguelike' genre?
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fuck that terf cunt
It is like Rogue. It is a grid-based turn-based RPG with randomly generated levels and characters that permanently die.
JK and her tranny haters deserve each other. Both groups are insufferable.
This bait is sad, but it's simplicity amuses me. I will give you a single (you).
This. But nowadays it's more about the random levels and permadeath.
i have two now thank you
I don't get it
it's a twitter thing
no problem
Might be a terf, but at least she isn't supporting trannies and peedos
Fuck trannies, fuck feminists, who ironically are the reason they exist. Let them destroy each other. Trannies are karma for feminism.
>menopause = not a woman
Obviously a game where you play like a marauding bandit.
But she does. She is just mad that trannies are devaluing females. She is still full on the libshit train, completely pro lgbtwhatever.
feminism has always been a corporate war on women and it is especially more apparent now as women are getting killed by men who are now able to compete in the sports specifically segregated for them
well, yes
>hysterectomy = not a woman
Is this misogyny?
Oh so that's why transgenderism is so popular now, it's a socially acceptable way for men to beat the shit out of women.
Based tranny.
great thread about the roguelike genre guys
What she said was accurate
It's justice.
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
It doesn't even need permadeath (ToME4)
I really don't know about this one.
On one hand I'm pro violence against women, on the other hand I can't stand transgenders
Video game genres describe gameplay like first person shooter describes a game where the gameplay is shooting from the first person perspective. Or the genre describes a more broad and vague thing about the setting or feeling like horror. Because ''horror'' doesn't describe gameplay of a game you can use it in combination with the other like ''first person shooter horror game.''
Roguelike doesn't describe the tone or the story of the game, it describes gameplay. The gameplay is like rogue. Turn based, random generation, RPG elements, grid based. The only time it makes any sense to call a game a roguelike if it literally is just like rogue.
What doesn't make sense is when people call games roguelikes because they have some kind of a punishment for dying. At first they said any game where you have one live and you have to restart the game was a roguelike (which would make NES and arcade games roguelikes), nowadays dying is part of the gameplay and they still call them roguelikes even though dying is how you progress with the game. It's retarded.
There are so many words you can use that describe what the gameplay is like and they choose the word that does none of that. Isaac could be called something like a twin stick shooter or just an action game, nope, got to call it a roguelike when it shares zero similarities to rogue. Hades could be called something like a topdown hack and slash, nope, got to call it a roguelike even though it has absolutely nothing in common with rogue. It wouldn't make much sense but it would make some sense if you called Hades an Isaaclike. Pretty much every ''roguelike'' takes direct inspiration from Isaac and none from Rogue and Isaac didn't take inspiration from Rogue but from Zelda. So what the fuck are these retards doing?
>fuck that terf cunt
You will never breed. You have no chin, you have no beard, you have no jawline You are a genetic dead end, a rejected failure, a man who failed to fulfill what billions of men have done.
All the coping you do is two-faced, half-hearted, built out of frog memes and wojaks. Behind your back and infront of your face and even behind a monitor people mock you. You are so pathetic, repulsive, undesirable and ugly that you re-introduced evolution in the 21st century
Women are completely repulsed by you. Thousands of years of sapient evolution have hardwired women thoroughly to mock and deride your type until they commit suicide so as to improve the gene pool Your bone structure, your high-pitch squeaky voice, your glasses, your weak jawline your weak chin, your small shoulders your noodle arms your pallid skin, when women see you walking their brain fires every red flag and tells them to stay away. Their expression of disgust is instantaneous
You will never be happy with this reality. You cope with this by calling yourself a volcel and joining subreddits and discords lined with coping losers like you. You cop out of being called a virgin by bringing up that one time you paid upfront for 5 minutes with an ugly hooker. You cope by venting your inept rage at other people whether they be black people or trans people
The only thing that sustains you and keeps you from the noose is the void implication that out there, there might be people who are worse than you or more pathetic than you. You tell people to commit suicide all day because it's the only way to get yourself to stop thinking about committing suicide because deep down you know you are living a farce, a nightmare built out of irony and memes. A mental conundrum of fake values and meme opinions that will collapse like a house of cards the second you get a reality check outside of your online hugbox
This is your fate. This is what you deserve.
Pretty much. Same as a man with ED is not a man at all.
Its as if the erosion of the main traits that compose your gender and sexuality results in a lose of those traits.
A fat impotent weak man is a sexless beast. A fat bulldyke slut with a burned out womb is also a sexless beast. Thats why they resemble eachother.
I dont even care for crossdressing or tomboys and whatnot but you must cultivate virtues of both sexes to compensate for the innate lack of biological function that is emblematic of each sex. Masculine MtF trannies are just men, they do not possess the biological functions of women nor do they possess the virtues of women. They lack both form and function.
dead cells is really fun
There are people who follow this retard logic too which is sad. My mother had to get a hysterectomy because of ovarian cancer and apparently she's not a woman in the eyes of these idiots.
It's the same as the modern definition of art. We took the incidental characteristics and defined the whole in terms of them.
Incidental characteristics of art:
>it's sold for lots of money
>it's displayed in galleries
>it's considered deep and meaningful
So we take these tertiary aspects and assume they are the primary ones:
>art is displayed in galleries and so is this, so it must be art!
The same thing happened with roguelikes
incidental characteristics of roguelikes:
>they're difficult
>you die a lot
>you accept dying as part of playing the game
>each time you play, something is different
So we assume these incidental characteristics are what define a roguelike:
>this has dying and roguelikes having dying, so this must be a roguelike!
I like how men get demeaned as "men", while women get removed as a term completely. Even the feminist woke shit is discriminating and dehumanizing women.
>cats have 4 legs and a tail
>this cat has 3 legs
An no, dogs can never be cats
Its not a whole cat.
True and this retarded shit applies to everything. Look at the thread and people jerking off over trannies. The same happens there, people have forgotten what the definition of a woman is and why we even have distinctions between male and female.
They go ''woman has long hair, woman wears a dress, woman wears makeup, I can do that therefore I am a woman.''
>Trannypasta starts with "You will never breed"
she supports lgbt, they can all fuck off
What the fuck even is a "terf"?
I swear you niggers come out with the most retarded names
>tfw no terf gf to abuse me in bed and to abuse trannies with
Why even live
Post-covid world?
"trans-exclusionary radical feminist", it's a tumblr creation i think.
you could have googled it instead of blogposting.
>Leftists now support brutalizing women as long as the man is wearing a dress and make up
Terf is a complement
people stopped caring about covid
no one wears masks anymore
I still wear a mask at the store so I don't have to make expressions at people.
Why does she care so much about this shit? Didn't it just start with some off hand comments about not being comfortable with trans shit? Why is it now like her entire online identity to just vehemently oppose trans shit. It all seems so petty, especially for someone as loaded as her.
user we already hated women. We just hate trannies more.
Well somebody is upset
Valid use of violence desu
They used to and went through the natural cycle, you mental handicapped freak.
And a tranny isn't a whole man. Still not a woman, either.
They hate you just as much as they hate trannies you retarded simp faggot
>Be feminist.
>Hate men.
>See what you stood for be coopted by men in drag.
Not that hard to understand.
Keep going, I want to see how big your meltdown folder is