Literally programmed to have their mouth agape for Blizzard's degenerate cock.
If you can't go more than an hour without breathing air, you're a consoomer. I bet you don't even think about breathing. You're a mindless consoomer.
I hate these fucking thumbnails so much. Makes me actively put those channels on ignore.
Built for BBC
The Final Fantrannies are afraid....
its like this every time, they all grovel and dicksuck so that blizzard will give them alpha access
If anything I hope these faggots leave my comfy feelgood game.
So this is what the few people left playing wow look like?
it's not even their fault, it's what the algorithm wants, and what it wants it fucking gets or else
These lips are made for sucking and that's just what they'll do. One of these days these lips are gonna suck up all your coom
He looks like fucking Gollum, jesus.
Has a single youtuber made a video shitting on Dragonflight as woke furry half-assed trash?
I'm willing to bet every last one of those motherfuckers is peddling the same "this time they're listening!" song and dance, from balding goblin down to British shill.
Though I suppose it's reasonable to assume at this point that anyone willing to call it out for what it is has moved on and stopped being a beaten housewife.
Is he excited or lobotomized? I'm not even sure if he has the mental capacity to understand the concept of enjoyment
I honestly don't know how ANYONE could have had that reaction to the dragonflight announcements.
Youtubers don't make content for passion. They make content for revenue. They don't care what they consume so long as they get paid.
> I TROLL a large GUILD during their RAID | WoW drunk dwarf playthrough
>I bought PETS on the player ECONOMY| WoW Merchant King playthrough
>New chaacter KILLS and LOOTS| WoW the Noob lets play
i hate youtubers and their copy-paste format. So mny youtubers just copy others now, they are a dime a dozen. And they all think their commentasary is original and funny, and whatll set them apart.
They all act like the same dudes.
its pathetic.
Nope. Even Asmongold who was ripping on Blizzard not too long ago is sucking on that Blizzdick now that massah is back out in the field with his new crop and the boys know they have to stay in line or else they'll get the whip. It'sa hard life down on the onions farm.
no why would they? unless its like some guy with 100 subs their financial wellbeing is tied to the game so its always in their interest to shill for it unless the overhwelming majority opinion shifts to the negative and even then its filled with pussy half commitments and "i hope blizzard makes some changes in the future". content creators are in it solely for the money, they shouldn't be listened to on anything.
"That's it?"
JUST TOO BASED. Bow down to EU already
Supposedly pyro schizo was shitting on trannyflight
Have you not seen the drama surrounding Enranged Enrique and CBS? These companies will absolutely try to destroy your channel if you criticise their content.
I love how the next day he was like "I'm not reading all those interviews... Did he mention any changes to gameplay?"
his brand to xiv players is his epic wow freak out so I couldn't expect anything else
>Asmon pops into my google feed for dragonforeskin or whatever the expansion is called
>disgusting goblin face with clickbait mouth
>60k people watch him daily
Twitch really is a cancer
He burned too many bridges. No way back for him. Hate that he is stuck on XIV now, we really don't need a ragehog like him.
Probably expecting to bounce back to his Final Trantasy fanbase. A lot of these onions suckers don't have that as an option available to them, though.
thanks, capitalism
His entire family is a case for eugenics
xiv is just incompatible with a lot of wowfags. wow is more than a game for a lot of them, it's an identity. It's part of their personality.
I never hear shit about his father, which is probably for the best since he left the hoarder house, but christ almighty, I feel like a tour of his house would be akin to old chrischan house tours
Probably the reason why he left and why Asmon hasn't got any weird stories to tell about him. He probably got babytrapped by her and he managed to leave the pit with his sanity intact.
You're right. It isn't just a game anymore, it's a part of their life. A lot of these guys started playing this game while they were in middle school and are now approaching their mid-30s. Just like a beaten old housewife crawling back time and time again for Bubba because she doesn't know a life without him.
It's fucking pathetic watching all of those WoW content creators that "quit" WoW last year but realized they suck at everything else and are looking for any excuse to come back to it.
>funny joke comparing wow to the ring of power
Funny enough the only preach is one of the few "MMO content creators" that is not being a wow shill, and he used to be a "wow only" content creator for years.
Preach is the one of the few****
Thick dicksuckers
He may have managed to crawl away from Blizz, but at what cost.
So many years in that hive of fuckery made him a slave to his own beta orbiters. He threw away his lifelong friend of like 20 fucking years that he grew up with and watched each other start a family, all to side with a bunch of fatass WoW addicts that mod his fucking twitch chat.
You don't do something like that without being one mindbroken motherfucker. Add on grafting your fucking back hair to your scalp and he's just as fucked up as the rest.
Nah they are going to hype it up for views.
Really a lot of them are disappointed the main feature is GW2 flying, still no player housing, etc but they won't say it.
This. I'm not sure whether I hate the onions faces or these awful titles more, but the blend of both is Satanic-tier. I know a lot of people here are blaming the algo for this kind of content, but that isn't strictly the case. Whether or not your uploads are intended for a larger audience or restricted, Youtube will still fuck you over as they want absolutely everything on their platform viewable and made for children as they are the companies largest paypiggies for advertisement dollars. Because it's fine to decapitate a character or cut them to pieces in a video game, but don't you dare use naughty words in your video or else you're gone boyo.
Oh yeah, Preach is one of those I would not interact with IRL. He'd push you under the bus to get ahead, not matter how well you knew him. That and his ego is a bit much for a mid-sized streamer.
Does anyone else remember when the only content we had for videogames was the official guide books? I remember buying the old WoW one back during vanilla and it was really cool with additional art of the game and just some tips and tricks to get you started. Now you have some onions-infused cuckold pulling a submissive monkey face as your guide and additional media for games. I feel so sorry for the kids of today and fucking guarantee you that half of the "content creators" posted here are peadophiles who really "love" their community.
>Preach claims he'll no longer cover wow content on his channel.
>Covers WFR race
>Covers Dragonflight.
Is this man truly a master of the grift?
Last I saw of his insufferable ass, he just sat around bragging about how "REAL DEVELOPERS" reach out to him for feedback on their shitty indie games, while guzzling more flavor of the month trash for views.
He does genuinely come off as an egomaniac all because he knew how to articulate the mechanics of babies first mmo raid on a routine basis.
Imagine holding a yearly fucking convention to honor yourself called "Preachcon", and 95% of the people that show up are over the age of 28.
We talk shit about zoomers, but he's the fucking millennial version of the worst zoomer.
This, dude is a complete sperg and a midwit at that.
i hate this world brotherman
>He threw away his lifelong friend of like 20 fucking years
What happened between him and Ghost that I don't know about?
>He threw away his lifelong friend of like 20 fucking years that he grew up with and watched each other start a family, all to side with a bunch of fatass WoW addicts that mod his fucking twitch chat.
Remember when sodapoppin revealed that he has a literal baby penis
They're all the same. These are the kids who were bullied during highschool, had no friends and posted long tangents on r/athiesm about how much better they were than their peers, when in reality they were at the absolute bottom of the totem pole. All of a sudden they're given large audiences made primarily of children who were just like them growing up and their narcissism goes nuclear. They're pathetic.
Why do you think so many of these guys are outed as groomers? They target children intentionally.
American television musst be hell. I don't envy you guys, I already get annoyed at commercial breaks every 40 or so minutes.
Not any different than youtube. Turn off that pesky adblocker and you'll get a glimpse into corporate advertisement in America.
It makes money, its that simple.
Most WoW players are collectors or farmer(bots). The first group can be even a furry too, so its pretty much your standard 90-ish IQ 30 something either skinny or obese söyboy with too much free time. Obviously they are dogshit at the game which they have been playing for 10+ years, as they are the ones which are responsible for the downfall and making it a single player skinnerbox with an mmo coat and blaming the developers. Remember: these people ASKED for shit like LFG back then, more homogenized classes, easier raid access, and bullshit talent trees. The ones you enjoyed playing with quit around cata, the remained ones are la creaturas.
The second group is the third worlder working for sunflower seeds and farming gold, and carrying the aforementioned group, since their alternative is either putting boxes on shelves in greggs/walmart or gluing iphones. These people wouldn't exist if they weren't in demand by the first group btw.
Both groups proven why vanilla, tbc and wotlk, the most highly regarded trio can't work with the current playerbase.
This happens when you are typically this not-so-well known guy suddenly explodes in popularity, in his case via XIV. The sudden attention from people is intoxicating. I noticed he painted his nails too. He lost it.
The content appears and I consoom