Have you ever gotten any hatemail, Yea Forums?

Have you ever gotten any hatemail, Yea Forums?

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I got "mini spamming fuck" comment on my Steam profile after playing combat engie

the only guy who talks to me on steam just tells me about really shitty games just because theyre free

why haven't you removed him yet?

that is NOT a bannable offense

Someone sent me a friend request on hearthstone one time just to talk shit and then unfriend me, like bro wtf i play this stupid game in between pushing out a turd and wiping my ass.

Once and it was the most retarded thing to.
Someone got pissed at me and because I disabled comments from people who aren't my friend on my profile, and I was too lazy to accept their friend request, they instead joined a niche steam group I was part, join the (mostly dead) discord server, then use it to spam my discord DMs with niggerfaggot before promptly deleting their discord account. It was the most bizarre petty thing I think I've ever seen someone do and it was all because I kept dominating them as Railroad Crossing, Melee only scout

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one time a dude raged at me in tells calling me a smurf etc even though my account had clearly been active since alpha, that was funny

Blizzard fans.

starved for human interaction also hes harmless

In base DS2 I liked to invade at the poison windmill and in one instance I kept getting invasions against the same pair of guys as they worked their way up the tower. I got killed right up until they reached the top, where I managed to take out the summon+host before they could make it to the secret bonfire. I sent him a lol cause I got the kill immediately before Jester Thomas nuked me from orbit and he send me a 3 minute long rant about how how he would beat me up IRL and how I wouldn't be loling afterwards.

So I sent him a kek.

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You literally can't recover from the GoW wallpaper.

I fucked someone up so badly in Halo 3 social matchmaking when I was like 10 that a grown man sent me a voice message saying he was going to hack my account.

i had tons of gfwl hate mail and its all gone now

This is why I try never to vent my frustrations in online games. I'd probably kill myself if I was that dude.

i trolled alot in dead by daylight. always camped infront the hook (this was pre-fix times) so the other survivors couldnt get them. always got at least 3 kills and most of the time all 4, even when they were genrushing, they had no chance. got all types of hate comments on my profile but my favorite was something along the lines of "i hope your mothers corpse gets raped by niggers"

Also i tend to stream this shit on twitch so people go nuclear on me. once i did this with a big streamer and he sent all of his faggot audience to me and i stopped playing mid round just to ban all the people in my stream telling them "i dont want braindead fanboys in my chat"

good times

Unfathomably based.

I killed some guy in GTA4 multiplayer with the Annihilator helicopter a few times in 2009 or so. Then the guy proceeded to google my PSN username, find a forum I had an old account on, get my old e-mail from my forum profile, then send me like 5-6 paragraphs on how he was going to get my PSN account removed or something. I didn't read the e-mail until like 2 years later since it was an e-mail I had forgot I had. I really wish I would have seen it when he sent it because that was a lot of dedication just to send hate mail.

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I kneel

In SC2, I had someone spam death threats at me because I used a bunch of battleships as Terran and killed his base.
At the time, I legit had no idea how to properly play a RTS, first time playing SC2 online, and he was being all "oh you're new buddy? don't worry i'll go easy on ya :)" at the start.
I just saw that they had big ships and I just wanted a bunch of big battleships to throw at people.
I now realize this is an awful strategy but I just wanted to dick around for a bit. And the other guy was trying his best to win I think, he kept sending zerg to hit me but never broke through my defenses, I just focused on getting a ton of battleships and wanted to see them blow stuff up.

Still don't know how to play Starcraft 2 properly, never really played after the first few games because I realized I'm not that into RTS games other than AoE2.

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what else do you expect from somebody who plays modern tf2

post your steam profile and i'll talk to you user

I've gotten a lot of kids from L4D/2 posting stuff on my steam account asking me to friend them after I've ignored their request.
Being semi-competent with a mic apparently lends itself to becoming a kid's idol, if only for a short time.

Feels super weird having them beg me to add them and play with them often, honestly.

Back on the origional 360 I'd play forza online 24/7 on realistic mode. All I'd do is race my car backwards and slam headfirst into the lead driver, or sideways park my car on blind corners.

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play ds3 at meta pontiff for maximum hatemail

Someone got pissed at me for playing Techies in DotA and wrote on my steam profile. The weird part is he called me a white guy in his string of insults when I'm actually not.

I got swatted once by a seething minecraft admin who got my doxx, i may have griefed his server a little too much

>use minis on hightower because trolldiers and by extent soldier mains are fucking faggots
>trolldiers seethe so hard they start implementing fucking plug ins to ban minis
>play Nat heavy instead

Ive had alot of angry trolldier comments over the years and have been banned from like 3 hightower servers.

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I"m sure I've gotten lots of hate messages but I can't remember a single one ever. as always, mad cuz bad.
fucking lol

>play Nat heavy instead
my man

I got hatemail because my internet dropped out when I got invaded in Bloodborne. He thought I pulled the plug.

I'd send you hatemail too. Too many Souls kiddies not participating in the balance mechanic.

just use a girl avatar and claim it’s you. enjoy thousands of males, females and trannies wanting to talk to you

i got a lot of hate on the last of us mp because i used just a bow or a shiv with revolver and would just appear behind you and stab you. this pissed on dude off so bad he spent an hour spamming my inbox with random gibberish and insults the notifications got annoying so i blocked him, no idea how long he went for after that

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Based Custom Robo enjoyer.

I got deaththreads for the games I make. I find them hillarious


>halo 3
>10 years old

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based reddit upvoter

I get people calling me slow or cheater on Xbox Live, I mostly play Forza Horizon ever since 2014, at some point I remember turning off the notifications for PMs, but sometimes I check the PMs' box and it's always funny

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some more

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a furry too

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How is it that you can tell this ones a furry by the way they type? Smells like discord.

Look at the guys avatar, dumbass

They sound like a Redditor, but you can also tell they're a furry because of the profile picture right fucking there you moron

He seems reasonable.

>tfw getting accused of hacking when you're not

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I know about the avatar you mongoloids, i meant how is it that you can tell by the way they TYPE.

He said nothing about the way the guy typed, he said "a furry too" and there's a furry avatar. Optician appointments are easy to make, I recommend.

I was saying that the way the person (as in the person in the post) typed made them come across as the discord furry type, regardless of the avatar. I know exactly what I meant you stupid little chud.

I accept hearthstone rager friend requests the next day and by then they have completely forgotten the match we had so they don't remove me from their friend list and I will see them come online and think, "oh yes, there you are again, you little beta bitch"

Do hate whispers count?

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>Get hatemail from user
>My post is now on-topic
holy crap lois, take my reddit gold!

I once made a 40 year old man (that's how old he sounded anyway) have a mental breakdown because I kept shooting down his chopper in BF4, not even like I was using a stinger or anything, this retard was flying in straight lines and I kept taking him out with a SMAW.

are you actually cheating? or why are they saying this?

I'm sorry but you must move along user, these new age Yea Forumsedditors are pig spawned beasts of the forest and therefore completely incapable of understanding your humor

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I get hatemail every single time I play mw2

I do badly? Hatemail
Own everybody? Hatemail
Use an OP weapon? Hatemail
Use an underpowered weapon? Hatemail
Play defensive? Hatemail
Rush? Hatemail
Randomly kill someone a few times in a single match? Instant mental breakdown resulting in 15+ hatemails sent in quick succession

Doesn't matter what I do, I seem to attract these people every session

I've been accused of being a /vg/ persona in a Yea Forums when I haven't visited that place in my life, does it count?