*ruins your clang-clang sword duelling kino*

*ruins your clang-clang sword duelling kino*

Attached: Sekiro-demon-of-hatred.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 125.08K)

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sekiro ruining dark souls? Nah bloodborne already did

That was the hardest boss for me in the game.
Overall the game is pure kino. Where is my Sekiro 2

too much effort please enjoy dark souls 9

This boss made me drop the game when I was having a great time with every other parts of it and now I feel like I wouldn't be able to get back into the swing of things.

I will literally never fight this dude honorably. Fuck this bloodborne reject

The only boss I cheesed. Not even ashamed of it.

It's weird - It's like the only fight in Sekiro where you need to pretend you're NOT playing Sekiro. No parries, no mikiri counters, just running in wide circles to avoid the fire. When you get it down it's pretty easy, but it doesn't work in the game.

He has the worst aspects of Guardian Ape and Blazing Bull
Wild erratic swings with huge shitboxes, and chip dmg while deflecting a huge repertoire of his attacks
Thing is though, the above stated pains would be tolerable... if he didn't have a massively bloated health pool and THREE phases. Removing one phase or reducing the health each phase has would have made the fight fine imo

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Listening to you faggots complain about this boss taught me never to listen to Yea Forums. He was kino and ruined nothing.

He's not terrible, he's just wildly different and asks you to completely ignore the game's main mechanics and play it totallly differently. It's a very weird thing for a bonus superboss - instead of being the ultimate skill check, it's a skill check for a set of skills you probably haven't used once.

>bonus superboss
Isn't he mandatory?

>it's a skill check for a set of skills you probably haven't used once.
To reach this point in the game, you must have beaten Blazing Bull and Guardian Ape
Like I said before, he is a mix of their worst aspects
Which is fine. But Sekiro strength clearly lies in sword fighting clashes

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Not in the slightest, you can't even fight him until you have access to the final boss and even then he's super out of the way

I kinda liked him since he's the only boss in the game that actually asks you to dodge some attacks instead of just standing in place and pressing L1 at the right time. Most Sekiro bosses can get pretty monotonous since you generally just want to run straight at them and be right in their face at all times.
Owl (Father) is still the best boss overall though.

>three fucking healthbars
was that really necessary

Attached: ff.png (661x667, 730.11K)

VERY cool image. Just applied it to my steam account with the username "N1773R KILLER"

'Know what you guys are?

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I've beaten the game on launch, but only last year I've grown the balls to fight him fair and square

You can parry all the shit he does, just use the flame umbrella for his flame attacks.

You can parry his foot stomps, if you hug his ballsacks those are the only thing that can feasibly hit you

I liked him, such a superpowered aberrant beast that you need to fight him in a completely different (but still fun and challenging) fashion

Demon of Hatred is just a different type of fight that you have to adjust your strategy for. He's very easy when you realize you shouldn't just rush in and treat it like a regular sword battle.

I've beaten him over 6 times charmless and belled
This is your friend
His main combo goes umbrella, sword, sword and umbrella.
When he slamms his arms down after a charge, run right for him and you can block most of it with the umbrella and get a projectile loaded

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This guy was genuinely the hardest From boss for me. I must've died like 300+ times over several days just learning his patterns. Meanwhile Memelenia took me like 20 deaths.

As much as people want to shit on elden ring bosses (which I disagree with) this right here is the worst souls boss to me. Thematically and cinematically he’s great, but in context of the tools the game gives you he is awful. A straight up attrition fight pure and simple, nothing fun about it

GOD i fucking LOVE fights against a GIANT who i cant FUCKING SEE, FUCKING LOVE staring at ANKLES.
AOEs are AWESOME and fair 1v1 STINK
PROMOTE Hidetaka Miyazaki to janitor's assistant

I'm a casual and I beat him without much struggle.

Is this too hard for Yea Forums to do? Lol?

You can parry more than you’d expect but yeah I agree

Don’t listen to this dude you can’t party everything lol

What? Not at all

At least the game gives you tools that work against him.

You didn't beat the game.

What’s bad about demon of hatred isn’t the difficulty, you can take your time and win easy. Chip away, dodge, parry some stomps, and take advantage of some openings

What’s bad is the pure tedium. Three health bars of chipping away and dodging and partying the same stomps while occasionally getting fucked by fire

Would you like me to do it with just the powders? I can do it

you didn't beat him

I beat him because he didn't fall off a cliff

The only thing you cant parry are his sweeps which goes without saying. You can deflect his shockwave attack as he jumps and lands even though it's better to jump+grapple it or jump+umbrella his sword slam that creates a firewave toward you, preventing it from even starting.

Fear is absolute. There is no shame in losing one battle. But you must take revenge by any means necessary

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If you "played fair" to "beat the game," you didn't play like a shinobi, so you didn't beat the game.

I don’t really agree, he’s completely out of place in a game with little r1 damage and low I-Frames on dodge. The best you get is the sprint and parrying some attacks.

Atleast you have decent I-frames, damage and stagger against Melania. Isshin is an example of a boss that gives you multiple tools and makes you use them. He’s entirely more challenging and entirely more fair than this piece of shit boss. He’s one of the worst from bosses I’ve played and stand by that

You have the umbrella to completely block his attacks.
You have malcontent to basically stagger him.
It's not good by any means, but there are far, far worse bosses in this series.
>Atleast you have decent I-frames, damage and stagger against Melania
And she will literally one shot you if she feels like it because it's a poorly designed fight which isn't even challenging outside from that single move.

I always grappled and jumped those so I never even tried to parry. I am aware that you can technically parry almost anything, multiple red kanjis etc. The problem is it’s not feasible to parry certain attacks

...There are no hard and fast rules. You just win your battles. That alone is the most important rule

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If you want to bring up umbrella and malcontent I can point that you can parry, block with a shield, or use bloodhound step to circumvent waterfowl

They all build towards his posture bar like any other fight. You can also pop a yashariku or ako's sugar, as those increase posture damage dealt more than vitality damage dealt to enemies.

It's even faster to do it that way youtube.com/watch?v=rDLQz5mI_AM

Sekiro probably had the best execution of this mentality. You just figured out how to win and got good in the process. Unlike some other souls game mechanics there is little ways to trivialize this game outside of specific Shinobi tools for specific bosses. Even then you could figure it out on your own instead of just ring-a-dinging a mimic and using bleed

Which don’t get me wrong I’ve loved the challenge Elden Ring has presented, it just feels weird to watch every new player take the clear cut easy way out while

Literally all you need is to craft freeze pots and chuck one at her when she starts floating. It instantly procs frostbite and knocks her out of it.

You can cheese him, it’s mega satisfying

The fact that ONLY freeze pots do this, but not other pots, or arrows, etc tells me this was an unintended tactic, which is pretty fucking gay

I feel like it's self contradictory, you're supposed to fight cheap and without honor, using every tool available to win, but the best way to fight everything is to stand your ground and just 1v1 swordfight them into submission, because it's more effective than your tools and combat arts. You're encouraged to fight like a samurai, not a shinobi.

It's because she's weak to frost and freeze pots are very good at inflicting frostbite even against enemies that aren't weak to it. Most other bosses will take like 2-3 at most to activate frostbite.

Like, you'd think the cool ass fantasy of fighting "unfair" like dousing enemies in oil and lighting them on fire then beating the shit out of them while they're defenceless would be more encouraged, but it's really barely any better than just clashing swords until their posture is broken.

But did I beat the game?

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It being unintended makes it better, retard. It means people thought outside of the box and actually tried some of their consumables (most of which are easily farmable and infinitely craftable) to find something that would be helpful in her fight.

Other than the fact that all your attacks feel like cheap shots and pokes and your parties feel like slight of hands.

Despite the concept technically being stand and fight, whay makes you feel like a Shinobi is your toolset. You step on spears, jump over swords etc.

got drunk one night and downed him after two tries after struggling with him the day prior. been cheesing him off the cliff ever since lol, ain't no way am i doin' that again.

I think Owl is supposed to be the model for what you're supposed to do. Sporadic hit and run tactics to whittle down your posture just enough, smoke and fire crackers to cover his attacks, poison and no item nades, etc.

based game beater


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But that's the worst possible way to play. You want to either aggressively slam your sword into their guard and deflect their counterattacks, or just wait and let them kill themselves on your deflections, because those things accumulate posture damage the fastest. Running, or using tools to stun an enemy, is counterproductive outside of doing just enough HP damage to slow their posture regeneration.

ehh? What game did you even play? Fighting the owl's, monks' and monkeys without Oil and Flame barrel is suicide, I can't fathom fighting the headless or the seven heads without the umbrella, the monkey and shoddy body armor NEEDS to be speared and yanked off, you're better off using mist raven to throw back lighting or to leave a gank, You need the throwing stars to get jumpy opponents out of the air and to kill animals, You NEED the Axe to split shields open because there is no other way, You use the sabimaru for the extra damage over time and its mid combo swing that lets you avoid attacks.
The only tool you can wave away is the fan (heh) that's a farming tool an insta kill for a whole area of the game.
Sure, trash mobs will die faster with pure skill but you can't deny that the tools make it much easier.

You realize Waterfowl Dance is super easy to block right? You don't even need something crazy, just a brass shield will do if you have not-shit end. Yes she'll heal a bit in the process, but not as much as you might expect, maybe around 10-15% if she connects every possible hit.

the only good boss in sekiro

I would say that you did but you had kuro's charm on you.

Calm down dude you don’t need to do any of that. I literally never used anything but firecrackers and everything was fair

I appreciate you using tools properly but you can beat all these enemies without tools. You don’t NEED an axe to beat a wooden shield by any means

I've not used firecrackers in over 3 new game runs
post proof of you killing them with just your sword

I never used umbrellas or sabimaru or really any other tool for most of the game and only used oil+flame on the ogres. You really don't need any of that shit except maybe the axe for the small handful of shield enemies in the game.

I actually have no clue if No Kuro's charm mode increases the chip dmg received through perfect deflects
I should give that a shot sometime
Not doing Demon Bell AND No Kuro's Charm though, that's just tedious. Even for me

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That’s why it’s great. That’s the best thing about it. The best games are the ones where the final climactic challenge isn’t mastery of the core mechanics/playstyle, it’s mastery of the ancillary mechanics.

DoH doesn’t require you to do anything NEW. It just asks you to use your skills in a different way. If you have truly MASTERED those skills, using them in novel ways to solve unexpected problems is doable. That’s why it’s a great mastery check. If you just wanna deflect for 25 uninterrupted minutes, SS Isshin is right there.

Sekiro is way better than dark souls

I don’t have any videos lol I play console. Just run behind them or wait for them to attack. Do you actually think it’s impossible?

I also play on console
Outside of stealth? Yes