Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge

Turtle bros we're eating good


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Shill elsewhere.

>Don't post about video games

Shill elsewhere.

>>Don't post about video games

You will never be a man

boomer boring cartoons

But 03 and 12 were also great.

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All I needed was Cam Clarke voice soul for it to win me over.

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>playing the first arcade game

Looking forward to more April o Neil

Looks neat. I don't really care for new versions of things I liked when I was a kid, but I do appreciate stuff like this.

Pizza time.

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Alright if the whole game has cheeky animations like this I'm down

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i dont know what animation style this is, but it's making me hard

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How can one woman be so adorable?

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vernon better not be the only nonapril channel 6 cameo

This guy's art really rubs me the wrong way for some reason. He's like the Neekolul of hentai.


They need to release this already

I'm getting powerful Project A-Ko vibes from it.


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We've seen Rat King and it's obvious Rocksteady, Bebop, Krang, and Shredder are going to be bosses, but what other villains do you think will appear as bosses? Will they be solely from the 80s series, or will we see a few from other sources like Tokka and Rahzar from the second movie?

Give me Casey Jones or no buy

Hitler's brain.

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Sucks how he tried his hardest to make it look traditional but you pretty much cant escape that soulless digital look

Ohh I'm liking the music. That's some Sonic Mania quality shit right there.

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bubblegum crysis?

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>OG April
I will now purchase your game.

Ok but release date when?

I loved my TMNT on an analog computer


I want to stuff my face into April's bush!

>Sonic Mania quality
because it's done by the same guy, Tee Lopes

Is there anything more onions than a barcade? Like no you can't just drink hard liqour and talk to people like a normal person, you need flashing colorful lights and fruity faggot drinks while you ignore everyone and play video games while looking like a complete loser to everyone around you.

I want a footjob from all 4 turtles. The 80s style presents them soft enough to make it heaven

Chromedome, Baxter and a Triceraton are in the intro.
Tempestra (ft. Tokka and Razar) and Groundchuck and Dirtbag were mentioned in some articles.

Did you really think I was talking about the game?

Miguelangelo looks so low test
the stupid yeet zoomer dance is unnecessary. sceams appealing to gen Z

TMNT did it better more than two decades ago. This is the best millenial devs can do, I guess. Seems decent.
Spritework is inferior, Voice acting is inferior. it's incredible how they try so hard to encapsulate konami's old talent but they cannot hold a candle to it.

music is probably the best part of it, but even that is inferior.

at least I like the attack variety.

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Are there gifs of April getting eaten by mousers?

Looks hard desu. There's combat gates and a bit of combat slog even with 2p

Are those the original VAs? Did they bring Uncle Phil back from the dead?


jfc the bara porn will be out of this world

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Boss theme sounds like Final Attack.


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+I like the super attacks
+I like that the music and direction pays homage and follows the Turtles in Time blueprint
+Turtles have their own unique movesets
+ OG April

+/-Music is inferior to Konami old talent, but it's serviceable.
+/- Spritework is nice and clear, but inferior to the original

- Unnecessary bloat in presentation with the borderlands-esque boss name. his motion taking off his shirt is enough to present himself.
Also slows gameplay
-Stages are very short. in Turtles in Time they were all longer.
-Seems easier due super attacks
-April o Neil spritework was basically ripped off from Capcom games, which honestly showcases how much sprite artists are hacks in this game.

It will be a decent game, but not a timeless classic.

Soul is back on the menu

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I heavily dislike the Scott Pilgrim spritework
Turtles in Time did it better.

they still wont confirm 4player co op huh?

Since Larry's there, where's Irma? Playable?

look at the quick and fluid frame data of the turtles in Turtles in Time
look how the presentation of the spritework is very expressive yet brief not to overwhelm the player.

this is way better.


count the frames on the new game, and how they bloat it with expression homogenizing the delivery.

Based. I like to go to this arcade and play Sunset Riders.

huh? are you retarded or baiting?

sorry meant to include online 4 player co op

this has like at least 40% more frame count on attack lag than

Donatello in TMNT IV throws them quick, the gameplay is fast paced, the enemies also attack quicker and aren't (that much) of jobbers

in the new game I see the turtles have at least 10 more end lag on frames and it's disgusting. Even on super attack ends.

she's fuckin those turtles isn't she

You just know.

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>auburn hair
>28 years old
>always ready for action
Dunno user

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I like this. It's one thing they have that TMNT IV doesn't is cheeky stuff like this that shows love

I'm not fond of the low test "turtles are cute XD" style though

I like how Nick love to pretend the Red Sky seasons didn't ruin the show.

You're insufferable and people avoid you because you're a chore to be around.

It's a still image, not animation.

>red sky season
8 and 10 seasons are fine

Right, the average Barcade goer.

>turtles are cute XD
But they are, at least Fred Wolf version and except red sky seasons