Post your enjoyment graph.
Post your enjoyment graph
I enjoyed it all the way through.
it's good but it dragged a bit toward the end
which is really a me problem
I really don't like Leyndell, it's way to big for it's own good.
I honestly thought the game went to shit as soon as you hit Atlus. Volcano manor is cool but Gelmir is fucking ass, atlus is boring sameness. Capital is bad and everything after except Malenia are awful. Placidusax and Maliketh are good but I beat both first try so too short to be notable.
I don't know how to make graphs.
cba to do this but it tanked after leyndell and never really recovered for me. Game needs an editor to hack it down to something leaner.
I just burned out after Leyndell. I expected it to end at Leyndell but it just kept fucking going. Instead of having fun learning any bosses anymore I just wanted to kill them asap and the more I died the less fun I had.
i expected leyndell to be the 2/3 but it's probably only 1/2. the game drags depending on my mood
i enjoyed magma wyrm because it was the first boss that took me more than 2-3 tries and i got into altus way early.
This man knows what he likes
Damn, this is mine almost exactly. Already sick of it by Mountaintop, then Snowfield happened.
Why does everyone hate the snowfields so much? Yes, it's an annoying area, but you don't need to spend any time in that place at all other than rush to the evergoal to open the way to the haligtree. You can be done with the snowfields in 15 minutes or less.
>Haligtree the most fun out of all zones
Stop being such a try-hard. Ephael's haligtree is just a shittier version of Leyendell and Miquella's haligtree is pure cancer.
I don't get that either. It's actually a pretty atmospheric zone and looks better than the rest of the mountaintops. It's empty but I wish the game had MORE empty space instead of everything being packed with enemies and stuff to explore. Some room to breathe wouldn't hurt.
And exactly because it's empty you can just fuck off in 15 minutes like you said.
The game has like only 7 actually unique bosses, the rest is just copy paste
>people posting saying limgrave/liurinia is fun
what the hell is wrong with you retards?
>boy I sure love a 20 hour tutorial so reddit doesn't steam refund the game!
thankfully you can just leave and go to the fun parts.
it's fucked up thought because it's the best game of the last decade and it's not really that good.
>I wish there was nothing
literally and unironically wot
if you want to see nothing go outside dude.
yeah I don't get the hate either you spend like 5 minutes in both snowfields.
Reminder that never before has anyone complained about repeating bosses in an RPG before. This is a completely artificial talking point fabricated by discord trannies. Back in 2011, people could't keep their soi mouths closed at the idea of fighting 50 dragons in Skyrim and now it's suddenly some kind of cardinal sin of game development to have recurring boss enemy types.
kek I love this level of mental gymnastics
>uh if you use a boss twice now neither counts as a unique, you've actually cost your game one boss by reusing it. so carry the one and what do you get? less enemies than breath of the wild (not a tendie btw)
Based. This guy started up Bloodborne, realized how inferior that game was and started enjoying Elden Ring much more as a result of direct comparison.
It's an Open World game. If they want an immersive world that's also fun to explore, having some room to breathe is ideal. Having empty space also helps create a sense of scale.
It makes actually finding stuff more impactful when the game doesn't try too hard to appeal to ADHD zoomers who need their hit of dopamine every 15 seconds or they get bored. Not every corner of the map has to be packed full of stuff. I'd actually take more nothing over finding yet another Stonesword Key every 15 seconds.
I found the snowfield refreshing because it's a big open area with clearer points of interest than the rest of the game. Elsewhere you have some giant plagueAIDSrot dog chasing you around all the time and the ground is littered with low tier golden runes.
Hmm no.... elden ring is the worst from soft game for me. Bloodborne is x1000 better. Elden ring is the from soft game I didn't want to finish because its a boring easy piece of recycled shit. The last bosse was the biggest shit I ever see
i liked it overall
based chad
i don't think my general opinion of the game changed too much until the dreaded pvp meta started to piss me off
things are better now though thanks from
>2010, Dark Souls
Wow, you fight the Capra Demon and Taurus Demon as bosses and later on they become regular enemies! This is such amazing game design. It really shows how much you have progressed as a player and how much stronger you have become. Fromsoft truly have revolutionized the RPG genre.
>2022, Elden Ring
What the fuck is this? A SECOND CRUCIBLE KNIGHT? ANOTHER TREE SENTINEL? Why aren't these elite soldiers an extinct species with only 1 of each remaining in the world? Wait, there is more than 1 Erdtree Guardian? What the fuck is this bullshit, Fromsoft? why aren't erdtrees guarded by a ragtag group of randomized, unique bosses? Also, what's the deal with there being multiple dragons and why can't I ask Iji to shoot it with a bow from across the map, so I don't have to deal with their stupid flying?
>Having empty space also helps create a sense of scale.
this was as far as I got in your post.
it helps create a sense of boredom. Elden ring has way too much empty space because 80ish% of the map is empty, you just ride through most of the game world looking for something interesting.
The first night I played this shit I rode right into liurinia and I was so disheartended by all the nothing I almost uninstalled.
>wow 3 lobsters and a smithing stone 2?
is actually one of the highlights of riding around in that area. it's fatally boring.
If you're game is going to be open world, navigating the world needs to be part of the game. BOTW figured this out, Grand Theft Auto has known this for 2 decades.
Ubisoft, Bethesda and From Software haven't seem to have gotten the memo yet and their games have ZERO business being open world as a result.
Reposting from last thread. Fuck your template
>that one user who got filtered by margit
>he doesn't know what filtered means
I hated him, but I beat him. Next?
>All the retards replying to this with 'other rpgs use copy pasted bosses'
>Meanwhile DS3 didn't have a single reused boss.
I love the mental gymnastics people put in to defend literally any criticism of this game.
That's because Skyrim has towns, villages, cities with actual NPCs and quests, user. The whole game is not "just" the enemies.
Champion Gundyr?
>New ai
>New attacks
>A lot more aggressive
Are you fucking retarded?
then morgott is original as well
>3 new attacks
>sped up
How is that different from Deathbird and Death Rite Bird?
based manic-depressive user
Sure, still doesn't defeat the point that there's an egregious amount of copy paste in ER.
Because it's 1 case and they are similar at best.
and then I quit
skyrim has shit to do that isn't just killing enemies
If your open world game is literally only about killing enemies then you better damn make sure I have a lot of different varities of enemies to kill
I got burnt out after finishing Liurna
Game is ok, exploration is somewhat cool but souls games are basically boring, maybe I'll continue where I left it because I want to see what Melania fuss is all about if it's that hard or people are just bad
Sekiro best souls
>Demon's Souls, no reused bosses
>Dark Souls, reuses two early game bosses as normal enemies in a later admittedly rushed area, reuses Pinwheel's puppets in one room
>Dark Souls 2, altered smelter demon in DLC
>Dark Souls 3, greatly altered champion gundyr
>Elden Ring
>Uhh let's just sprinkle some crucible knights over here, some over there, a boss fight for each version, then a duo fight, then another duo fight, then use them as normal enemies randomly
>Yeah we can totally reuse watchdogs twelve times, just remember to include some other enemies in the room sometimes, and then make them normal enemies later too
>Let's just reuse every boss 20 times actually, we only need the demigods to be unique (until the DLC at least hehe)
Anyone want to play some backgammon?
>it helps create a sense of boredom. Elden ring has way too much empty space because 80ish% of the map is empty, you just ride through most of the game world looking for something interesting.
This is not how it works. Elden Rings world can be boring, especially Liurnia, but is has nothing to do with the it being empty (it isn't). The problem is the levelgating and how the game guides you through its world. I have a lot of experience with this because one of my favourite videogame series is Assassin's Creed which is suffering from the same probem.
At the start of Elden Ring you have a two, big, straighforward goals: To become Elden Lord and to escort Melina to the big tree. To achieve these goals you have to acquire power and the game lets it up to you on how to aquire this power. At first glance this might sound great because it gives you the freedom to do whatever you like doing the most but this is where the problem is created. There is no freedom to do whatever you want because there is only one efficient way to gain runes and upgrade materials, completing areas with enemies that have a appropriate level for your character. You don't no where these are so what you end up doing is aimlessly wandering around the zone looking for dungeone entrances and killing bosses you don't care about, just so you can finally do the thing you came here for in the first place. It feels like filler and this where the emptiness is created.
use the text tool next time
you nigger
What's wrong with the snowfield? I just got here and about to take castle sol but I don't get what's supposed to be hated here.
>Whoa! Cool area! Imagine exploring this flooded town swamp
>play the game
>there's literally nothing there
halig ma balls
Haligtree fucking suck, don't even try.
fun invasion area tho
By the time I reached Farum Azula I was just fucking sick of the game, also the furrymon boss did not help.
I'm at t=2.23 now. It's really fun during the first playthrough but starts to really become shit once you start trying to figure out how the online works. Nothing makes sense. I like hosting pvp but can't figure out which bosses in the open world to keep alive so that taunter's tongue still works. Due to SEO, I can't google this shit because every thread I find is just people bitching about moonveils and shit. Testing this shit myself is going to take 20+ hours just to figure out limgrave. I'm so fucking done. I miss DS2's bonfire ascetics. I miss DS3's invasion swamp. Fuck this shit. I'm out.
Elden Beast drained the fuck out of me at the end of the game and made the journey not feel worth it.
Good game
Starts out as 7/10 but ends as 3/10 simply for the fact it's an unbalanced, clunky mess.
And no I'm going to waste my time illustrating it on your shitty graph.
Placidusax was fun though
>Didn't have a single reused boss
>Except for this one case
Fuck right off you steaming pile of dung
>people expecting the game to end after the capital
>despite neither DS 1 or 2 ending at the capital, or DS 3 if you count Frozen Anor Londo as the 'capital'
Fucking retards
few good bosses, too many copypastes. places were cool and had fun exploring. endings were so fucking bad
>Reminder that never before has anyone complained about repeating bosses in an RPG before.
What is this utter denial of reality, people hated this shit in DS2 as well
>Guys what if...TWO DRAGON RIDERS!
Compared to elden's like 30 reused bosses it's fair
50 dragons would have been cool but fucking asylum demon multiple times haha you are so fucking brilliant mr miyaki
that's a lot of bipolar disorder itt