The reason so many people still play this game isn't because of addiction, it's because there hasn't been a better game released in the last 10 years. It isn't the fault of the players, Tencent or riot that this game has managed to retain its popularity for so long. It's the fault of the video game industry as a whole for failing to progress in the last 2 gens of consoles. People whether consciously or not realize that video games have been fledgling at best and so have no other option than to play games like LoL even if they don't like them still.
The reason so many people still play this game isn't because of addiction...
I tried to play this game and there’s so much too learn it’s actually impossible for a new player, so many characters, items, abilities… like how does it get new players at all?
Pick one character to main and follow an item build from probuilds
They will NEVER release a classic mode. Devs are too full of themselves.
Dota is better
I quit in 2019. This game has too many normies, trannies, and ledditors. I got hard stuck in diamond 5 because my games were literally a coin flip of which team go the retarded shitter that either fed or inted because they were only playing the chat and looking for an argument with someone else mentally ill.
and even if better game gets released it will never be as successfull as lol
people will always play lol, always go back to it because they are familiar with champions and mechanics and even when meta changes it takes couple of games to now whats going on and most players dont even care what meta it is right now, they just play whatever they want
they will never release classic mode because they dont want to split their playerbase, its pretty fucking obvious, thats why they are struggling with MMORPG release because they know many people will jump on it and stop play lol which is something they dont want to happen
classic mode would also prove that some reworks were pointless and turned out worse than original, for example Yorick, they should just remaked his ult and he'd fine
imo they should release classic as rotating game mode like one for all or urf, the question is what season would it be, S1? s2? S3? i dont think people would want to play such mode mainly because game was just too fucking slow, for real. you'd get your first item at 20 min, your support would have NO item for entirety of the game etc.
>solved game still played by retards who only understand premade builds and meta guides because they are all braindead
Yeah that is pretty cringe. Why would you play a game like that?
Because a lot of us would never play the game again if classic came out. Modern league is dog shit
this, imagine playing dota2, they never upgrade anything and game doesnt change at all
in lol we get updates and changes of meta every few weeks
"Classic" is just a buzzword that means
>i want to play a solved, static version of a game because i'm dogshit and, deep down, i know it and i think if i'm playing a game with a "solved meta" that i have a chance of actually climbing to a real rank or doing actually difficult content
It was true in Classic WoW, and it'll be true in the inevitable Classic LoL.
>balance patches every 2 weeks
You guys wanna know why League has lasted so long? It's because they keep it fresh with the balancing. They don't want it to be perfectly balanced. They want the characters to rotate in and out of popularity so the game feels different every few months. In the dev blogposts they talk about how one of their mission goals is to make every match feel unique. And they've effectively created a way to do that with the number of champions + potential builds + the option to nerf characters into the ground and then recycle them back in for more "content" 2 years later. Meanwhile you have devs like the Fortnite team who have had to shove in new and crazy shit every week like giant robots and magic portals and Ariana Grande to keep the zoomers entertained
What a stupid cope post. The game is fucking shit nowadays due to damage creep, teamfights are 2s long and amount to whoever gets caught and one shot first. Thats why people want classic. It's a completely different motivation to classic wow
League never had a solved meta. Not in a single patch at any point during the game's history.
>if we change it enough, people won't pick up that it's the same shit still
Yeah man, I too am an idiot who can't see that they are "rotating" old champs into new releases with a facelift to make money. What an impossible idea.
Can I finally have fun in the casual pvp play modes without some retard jumping at my neck?
dota is much harder to learn, league only takes like 150 hours to get a grasp on every champion and their ability limits
and if u think 150 is a lot then obviously its not the genre for you
Wow you're so smart. But it doesn't matter because other people like it to the point where it's the only game they play. And it's changed significantly over its lifetime, see .
>What a stupid cope post.
the ironing
>,they never update the game and the game doesn't change at all
This is a lie that demonstrates that you've never played DotA 2
>people tend to play garbage that their friends play
we know.
>it changed
Not really, blowing up people in league in under a second has been standard since beta.
Game went to shit the moment they dumped the tribunal system for that automated garbage. Too many retards were getting banned (rightfully so) under tribunal, and they clearly don't want their biggest spending players getting banned.
I come back and play every once and awhile, it's fucking sad. 0/10@10 is practically the norm. Pointing out that the entire enemy team is AD and asking a teammate not to build MR items is considered flaming.
Duo/group queues are always feeders. Always.
I've never seen someone with one of those premium prestige skins not completely shit the bed.
Ranked progression still looks like a clown system of spamming games.
Every non-ranked mode turned into "lulz it's not ranked, bro, imma just run it down."
Still no way to view in-game models through the client. Fucking how?
>Riot admit in blog posts multiple times that they made the twitch reaction 1shot metagame because the chinks prefer it
>Admit in the same blog posts that NA/europeans hate this meta
>Retards on the internet (probably 2nd generation chinks) still deny damage creep occured
>Not really, blowing up people in league in under a second has been standard since beta.
It just wasn't. No need to lie about something we can just easily look up
DOTA is much better than lol
>never played with a good annie or viegar
>missed the whole xin zhao release meme
Oh no, they will the momments their earnings recede seriously just like wow did.
I miss the days I could run Predator Annie, shit was hilarious while using the Reverse Annie skin.
They constantly lie.
>reddit actually makes a good community
>pretty fucking big
>finds shit wrong with game immediately
>posts constructive solutions
>"lol, reddit is small community, barely worth listening to"
>"so anyway"
>"we're shutting down official forums"
>"just use reddit"
>reddit posts clearly become riot moderated
That was the one that made me the maddest, not because of le reddit anything, but because the lie was so fucking stupid/wrong and everyone pretended like it didn't happen.
Wrong. Its because i earn 150€ per dia account
thats uh...thats a slave wage
i mostly missed being able to do stupid AP builds or Sunfire cape shaco for memes, but no fun allowed.
AP Yi was hands down the funniest shit when idiots didn't know how to make a Force of Nature.
>reliably getting paid that much for accounts
Just more proof that the game is mostly retards.
literally the definition of neetbucks
>hasn't been a better game released in the last 10 years
I assume you mean MOBAs because LOL is scraping the bottom of the barrel as a video game.
No, the first 2 seasons of LoL were better than any video game released in the past 2 gens of consoles. That is why so many people still play it today.
im just saying you could make way more money in way less time with a part time job
levelling a smurf isn't exactly a pleasurable task
>LoL is better than Devil May Cry 5
Nah, again, I might agree with you with multiplayer vidya because it is definitely more complex than say... Shoot games, but many single player titles are far more fun.
>ChampX ability Q too strong with item A
>ChampX ability nerfed
>item B too strong on many champs
>item B nerfed
>every starts using item A
>oh noes
>item A actually even stronger on those champs
>gets nerfed
>no changes to ChampX
>"we can't figure out why ChampX is so bad, maybe of we buff W..."
I used to think they were trying to be sly in order to force rotations (sales), but now I'm pretty sure they're just retards who can't maintain basic change logs.
>Duo/group queues are always feeders. Always.
what did you expect when they changed shit every week while adding/breaking everything else? eventually it was just going to be a mess so they had to basically remove half the game.
Riot shill go away If I had choice of playing league or doing nothing I would do nothing.
>Fresh with the balancing
Only mini reworks ever have any effect
Low playcount characters stay unpopular and high playcount characters stay popular, for 90% of the playerbase.
That is unless you're a metaslave who plays champions when they're supposedly "broken".
>Static solved version of the game
This has never been the case. Look at a game like SSB Melee, it literally came out 20 years ago and has never received an update and yet the meta for this game is still constantly evolving.
game slowly morphed from a strategy game to an isolated character deathmatch. you don't have to care much about items but just your "power fantasy" is I think how they've been calling it
The real problem is that everyone wants a different classic mode. If you tried to put it to a poll you would end up with the majority of the community wanting LoLclassic to be S6 or something equally retarded.
WHAT happened to that Season 3 """leak"""" of LoL that supposedly a few people had but never released to everyone else but were posting videos about it? What the fuck were they thinking not releasing that to the general public for all to use?
>what did you expect
For them to keep a fucking change log, like literally every other software company that even pretends to have its shit together.
They're just lazy as fuck amd rolling in too much retard money to think they're doing it wrong. This is the same company that sold out to the first big company to come along as they were rocketing to most popular game because they couldn't figure out how to scale a fucking video game company with one fucking game.
That one worlds with the retarded 'juggernaut' reworks was completely solved. Let one of them through draft to instantly lose the game.
Release Xin was strong because he had no cooldowns and could stick to you like glue while leaving you knocked up half the time and slowed the remainder. He still had a 3 second TTK against squishies and could spend all day whittling away at an amumu malphite or gragas.
>one fucking game
To be fair Riot has been planning and axing other games for its entire existance. Once upon a time Leage of Legends was the series and the title of the MOBA was Clash of Fates.
It's just more nails in their incompetence coffin.
Wtf. I have like 3 accounts in diamond. How do I sell them?
I recently reinstalled it after not playing it for like 3 or 4 years, I am having fun playing arams
>MonHun World
>Nier Automata
I genuinely love it.
That's the dream huh? It was so much better in the early days when not everything was about being competitive and emulating your favorite pro...God I miss those times
Heroes of the Storm was pretty cool, but too small of a playerbase and gated behind Blizz Launcher. Imo, only a handful of small choices and HotS could be huge today. It's far more engaging with its numerous maps and objective focused gameplay.
Ah, yes, I love when someone on my team chimps out and gives up 2 minutes into the game all the time. I truly have never had a better experience in any game in the past decade. Bravo riot. Ban esports, ban streamers, ban smurfing, ban anyone who presses yes to surrender. Maybe then the game will be okay.
I'd love for them to move surrender vote status to the chat box instead of having one mental griefer surrender spam whenever its available.
>dies first by being caught
>team fight errupts
>retards surrenders
>shitty box breaks focus for .1 seconds during fight
>mess up, die
>smash keyboard