>hey look everybody. it's our terrorist friend, Crow. remember when he murdered all those innocent people? what a card. anyway we've got to make sure he graduates high school!
Hey look everybody. it's our terrorist friend, Crow. remember when he murdered all those innocent people? what a card...
I don't even care. Crow was the best character in Cold Steel, and he never left my party in 4.
I don't even care about the bullshit asspull they've used to bring him back, I was just glad to have my nigga back. The only crime was not having a C costume as dlc.
What does making a pretty lady smile and being good at mario kart have anything to do with any of that?
Stay out of my router, pls
He was a good friend.
crow didnt kill anybody because apparently nobody died in the great erebonian civil war that lasted for a month
haha... thats our cold steel
market manager otto.....
Haha… that’s our Crow
This to be quite honest nigga.
christmas rean
They shouldn't have brought him back.
I liked him
Crossbell did it before it was cold.
What was Osborne's tax policy?
100% of your income and your firstborn son for the war effort.
they literally explained this in cs3
>Do not repost
Implying anyone gives a fuck what artists think nowadays.
That's our Rean!
Was any of the other trails MCs referenced this much let alone praised?
Is there any with arianrhod?
Yes I did make one for a requesting user way back.
haha based
This doesn't even make sense. Class 7 was a special case where they ran a test to see if commoners and nobles could mix well academically. Obviously it massively succeeded so the logical thing would be to get rid of Class 7 itself (which was always said to be temporary) and apply it to the whole school instead.
Why is 'Red-Haired Girl' a blonde?
Because model swapping.
Model swap. The real red haired girl is a hottie.
and died as a result, a fitting end. wait? dragonballs!
She moves so quickly the pigment can't catch up to her hair.
I feel like making more. Requests?
Rean and Estelle?
I'm not sure Estelle is in the third game, so no can do.
Olivier and Olivier
Rean and his daughterwife Altina
Elise and the princess.
Sorry about the long wait, had tech problems. So about Olivier's selfcest, he didn't do any groping, at all.
I'll do yours next.
Just a question, can you replace the names to their respective character that you replaced with? In CS4, I managed to do that but only because their proper name was used in the textbox but in that specific scene, they're using red-haired girl and female knight. Just asking if you can find a workaround for that.
I wonder if the names are hidden not as characters but as actual dialogue. I'll try finding it.
Kek, saved. Thanks broski.
>Rean chokes Altina
Well its hidden in scena folder. Just gotta sift through them all. Haha...
Appears that mxxxx.dat is main quest related.
That's hell. I only knew how to swap characters through what /vg/ said. I dunno shit bout everything else.
>got fucked by villains
>solution is to become an even bigger villain and fuck innocent people
>simps for a literal terrorist because she makes his pp hard
I think they may have broken his brain.
I can also swap movesets so that Rean can use Incandescent Hellfire and whatnot from other enemies.
Do one with Juna and Kurt.
This shit is the reason I hate Cold Steel the most, I'm fine with anime school shenanigans and even with how Rean is, but the character of Crow and some others piss me off a lot.
Fucking hell I get a headache from reading all these files.
Alright, who should be on the receiving end?
Juna, of course.
Modern Class 7 is where they put the not bracers and the small special ops people. Rean's their teacher so of course he'd get mentioned.
Rean and Osborne
what is the webm from?
>5 bp
That would be CS3
is mcburn hacked into the game or was there some way to recruit him?