What's the dumbest plot twist in a video game?

What's the dumbest plot twist in a video game?

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ghost trick phantom detective

you just posted it

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Any of the Yakuza games, but I think it wouldn't be Yakuza without the retarded asspull.
The castle was my favorite, but rubber bullets is a classic.
And whenever someone cries about "muh locker babies" I know they didn't play the earlier games.

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That one holy shit.
I've never seen a story built up like that only to fall apart that badly.

Americans being the good guys

The fact that he made half of an entire fanbase seethe because they're literal smoothbrains will NEVER EVER stop being funny to me
What a fucking CHAD

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Sup Ivan, any ships sink or chemical plants blow up today?

So it turns out....they were all gaslighted schizos!

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>Clothes? What clothes? You've been naked this whole time! I've had you under my illusion spell since the time we first met. And those evil enemies you've been ruthlessly slaughtering? Innocent policemen, just trying to do their job!
Dumbest asspull of the century

this but the whole who the true mastermind in yakuza 5 was the better retarded plot twist

The previous games also having retarded stories doesn't make locker babies any better

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>Spend years building up Naegi as the ultimate Hope who would save everyone
>Naegi ends up just sitting around twiddling his thumbs while the cast of 2 all come back to life and save the day

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I for one hated Furi's plot twist.

I just watched this. The Ruruka episode is genuinely one of the worst episodes of anything I have ever seen. Imagine trying to play emotional drama with the most unlikable characters in the world. It's not even remotely justified like it usually is.

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Everyone, but the main character, is an accomplice.

I never even saw that as a twist. You just get context as to why society deemed you dangerous enough to lock up.

Oh but wait! Yes they were gaslighted schizos that a super rich village wasted a ludicrous amount of time and effort on fucking with for no discernible payoff, but there's also a a very real kaiju involved that wants to destroy all of Japan!

I guess what I'm saying was, you being an an unironic alien with an army of identical clones was stupid.

Isn't it the case in P.T. where the ghost is rendered directly behind you despite the fact you'd never be able to see it without camera hacks.
I wonder if anything else does this.

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But then how did the one girl keep turning to ash when they left?

Also main character has secret super powers, which allows him to bend reality and explain magic with human means.

Oh yea, and remember that girl at the beginning of the game?
She's your MC's ex girlfriends who gave MC the power to loop, and he recognized her. He just didn't say anything about it because...because...he just didn't ok?

How do you go from an exhilarating mystery and then spend the last 10 hours of the game making everything worse?

funny kanji trick :)

I forgot why but if I recall they did explain that.

It's legitimately a plot hole that I haven't seen anyone explain. I don't know if the writer just didn't think of that or the translation fucked something up or what.
The thing though is that those characters were just theorizing about that power existing, and that there's no actual way to prove a power like that exists because it'd be indistinguishable from just regular logic deductions. It's basically just a philosophical paradox and a waste of the 10 or so minutes that those characters talked about that shit.
But that's wrong, he didn't say anything because he was being petty about it. The game just doesn't show you all of his inner thoughts until you replay that scene after you unlock the ability to see them. If you want to argue that not being able to see all of his thoughts right away is stupid then that's fair.

I can appreciate that, I just never saw it as much of a twist. It doesn't really change how I view any of the previous events, it's just kinda more context about how and why your character is dangerous, which has been continuously expanded on over the course of the game.

>But that's wrong,
Which is dumb if we are in the POV of a character so much so that we can see their thoughts.
The fake name is fine, since not only was it foreshadowed pretty heavily, he would never refer to himself by it. But the fact that he could just ignore his girlfreind, being far FAR from where she was supposed to be in the middle of the boonies, and not even ponder it once in the hundreds of loops he's had makes my suspension of disbelief fly right out the window.

> The game just doesn't show you all of his inner thoughts
It's v3 all over again.

The idea wasn't entirely terrible, but the execution was sloppy. People focus on mind hack, but that wasn't even an important part - it was just a way to make this old man appear threatening once he revealed himself. The REAL bullshit is the way they tried to justify all this (together with radical-6) as a way to stop one super-terrorist somewhere. And having alien time travel on the side didn't help.


MC's power is turning magic and occult into reality.
The curse war real but was turned into gas by his power

The user said DR3, that tweet is talking about DRV3. The smoothbrain is you.

Is that Indio Solari lead singer of the Argentinian rock band Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota!!??

But OP said "in a video game"

Is it been a while, but isn't there some Illuminati stuff going on? It's been established that the people in the village are being ostracized by the sister village since World war 2, and the Wolf game was just some elaborate gaslighting conspiracy in order to keep punishing them for slave trafficking or whatever.

>Star Ocean 4 LOL UR ALL MMO NPC'S

What castle thing? I don't remember that.

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To anyone that read Ever17 - Just started it and it keeps shifting pov between characters without warning. Does this shit continue throughout the story? If so, I'll drop it.

I finished reading it this week and I don't remember anyone turning into ash. Can someone explain please?

>Danganronpa isn't as popular in the real world, right?
This seems really weak. Sure it's not but it's fairly popular. It could be seen as a metaphor, like how a cartoon drawing a basketball player as 1000ft tall doesn't actually not make it a representation because "Cmon! Lebron James isn't as tall as a building!"

Chiemi turning to Ash at the end of the first route when Haeuaki, Meiko, and Chiemi were running from the wolves.

also despair disease in DR2

The archaic village that is completely off the grid? Chock full of cameras, every door has remotely controlled electronic locks
The 9 foot tall werewolf that tears people to shreds? A hunchback old man in a costume
These dumb fucking explanations? MC has some All Fiction power bullshit lol
Still enjoyed it, but come on

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>return to shironagasu island
>at first its a basic ass murder mystery
>the butler turns into senator armstrong and unleashes a horde of fish people

>The 9 foot tall werewolf that tears people to shreds? A hunchback old man in a costume
Oh yea I forgot about that. That infuriated me so much at the time.

If you can't have your story not lie to the player (No, not out of context that will be filled in later. No, not lying to the player character via hallucinations, misinformation from other characters, schizoism, mind break, drugs, etc.), then you need to rewrite your story.


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Ahh, right! I had forgotten about that. Yet another plot-hole. Fucking hell, the story is a complete mess, all because they tried to explain the paranormal/supernatural whilst only being half committal and keeping some of those elements. Given that there were 2 loopers and another that retained their memories through those loop, it's hard to even consider that the loops would be similar enough each time, example - do we really expect Chiemi to blow her brains out every time in the darkness route? Does she retain enough memories to know what is happening with her, but not enough to recall the wolves every time? The darkness ending made any reasonable ending impossible.

Was it really so hard to resolve through looping knowledge via the spider guardian? Even the wolves hitting spider targets could work, but nah...

There's clearly a reason these authors can't become proper mystery authors like Hiroshi Mori or Nisioisin because they have too many fantastical elements and not enough backtracking the consistency of their work.

Stop talking nonsense.

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Make me. Use your mindhack. I'll wait.

I just wanted to shitpost about nisio's LN, but if you insist.

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>To anyone that read Ever17 - Just started it and it keeps shifting pov between characters without warning. Does this shit continue throughout the story?
No, that's just for the intro. You'll probably drop it later because it's boring as shit until the final route.

But why did she throw the chicken sandwiches in the washing machine?

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I thought all of Uchikoshi's work was terrible; only reading Ever17 because it's meant to be his best. That the opening of E17 just shifts pov on the fly is already showing shit writing, then there's all those saying that ~90% of it is boring waiting for the pay-off in the end makes it seem like I'm making a massive mistake by trying to read it. I actually went in with an open mind and I'm already annoyed with in half an hour in...

she looks like she's having fun in there because its too fast to see her misery

Ever17 is liked because it was the first to establish his trademark twists. For fans everything afterwards was just repetitive.

>only reading Ever17 because it's meant to be his best
But that's Remember11
We can go faster

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My mistake.
I went too fast and now it's actually slow.

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If Shift is okay, Mind Hack needs to be as well. The burden is on you to prove otherwise.

I don't need to prove anything to you Delta, you have access to infinite realities through quantum computing, exclusive access to the morphogenic field through SHIFTers, a robot army willing to do your every whim, the capability to infinitely clone yourself with alien technology, the resources to create super aids, all this on top of the ability to literally mind hacc, and you STILL cannot find the identity of one madman.
You are incompetent.

Such an inane plot

I read both "perspectives", got You's ending myself, then looked up what I needed to do to advance the story. Turns out it's like a dating sim flag-based system, which made me assume the VN relies on moon logic (the "talking to this NPC makes a door unlock two blocks away" kind of thing) to solve the actual problem in the story.

Maybe my assumption is wrong, but I still dropped it based on it. Tell me I'm wrong so I can give it another chance.

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It's pretty simple. It's not the idea of mind hacking existing, that can be justified... but it literally isn't. SHIFTing had in universe research dedicating to the phenomena for multiple years and the previous 2 entire games on a meta sense. They just bring up Mindhacking without any real setup in ZTD as if that makes up a good plot twist. Same thing with pretty much everything to do with Delta.

It’s really good user, don’t give it up. Payoff in the final route is great

you only need to watch the first minute. I guess the tourists never noticed it was a Super Villain lair all these years.

Would you also say that 999 is good/great?

All of you know that you are shitters, correct?

love you too