Which of the Souls games have the best enemy designs?
Which of the Souls games have the best enemy designs?
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I feel each game suits it’s designs for the context
Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 had very basic enemy designs. None of them were impressive. Just standard dark fantasy shit like zombies, skeletons, snake men, etc.
Dark Souls 2 had the shittiest enemy designs. Most of the enemies were just generic variants of hollows or knights. It was really bad and filled with generic enemy designs.
DaS3 was really up there. Some very cool enemy designs like the corvians, pontiff knights, ghrus, etc.
BB had the best designs, but the werewolf enemies can get somewhat boring.
Sekiro was mostly just samurais and bandits. But it was a budget game so whatever.
Elden Ring has the best designs and the most variety. It literally has everything.
3 has stock enemy designs and often doesn’t deviate too much. Giant rat. Giant wolves. Undead dog. Where they deviate is those giant arms of black puss that come out of Gundyr and zombies. The giant zombie dogs with rib teeth and giant jaws. Otherwise, everything else is mostly zombies as mages, ninjas, knights, clerics, or ghosts. And those jailer femnazies with the lanterns that curse I guess because it’s really darkness that they shine. Giants. Those things that either cause bleeding, poison, or curses. The big enemies with the metal cages on their backs and the giant woodcutting saw blades. The giant with the great bow. Giant crabs. Skeletons. Mimic chest. Those imps called thralls that have really long flailing pajama hats that shoot darts out of a straw.
Yeah, I pretty much only like dark souls 3 ones because 2 were too imaginary without much physical restraint, and 1 was just too much troll stuff like the dragon on the bridge.
So like maybe half is stock kinda enemies and half is different.
The one that has the Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Pontiff Knights are the most OP in the game
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls 3 honestly
Bloodborne > Sekiro > Dark Souls 3 > Elden Ring = Dark Souls > Dark Souls 2
Fuck these guys desu
Elden Ring just because of sheer girth
DaS3 had ghrus, corvians, crucified lycans, demons, jailers, wretches, hand ogres, pontiff knights, centipede women, snake men, tree women, fly monsters, grasshopper monsters, all of which are unqiue and not just zombies.
Das2 was such a travesty. Just boring zombies and knights.
People that use these lists are stupid. That’s why we just say 3.
Lol Sekiro is at the bottom with Das2. Sekiro was 90% boring samurai enemies.
Elden Ring>DaS3>BB>DaS1>DaS2>Sekiro>DeS
des and ds
after bloodborne they went full body horror despite miyazaki claiming its "undignified"
I’m not a nerd, fag. I was listing out things off th drop of my head, then I linked to a site that I got the image of the big dude with the cages on their backs because they were the first top hit. You didn’t even link what you liked. And you are a acronym fag using Da Ass. It’s like when you talk in real life I hear Da Ass 2 and Da Ass 3.
Put Elden turd at the bottom and its correct
dude youre fucking retarded bro
I feel like replaying DS3 now
Mechanically, DS2. Stylistically, Bloodborne.
>Mechanically, DS2
Do it, take caestus and use perseverance constantly to always attack or if you are on PC install Champion's Ashes
>mechanically DS2
LOL what?
demon souls,ds1 and ds3 had the best designs
I want to replay it too. But then I remember smoldering lake, farron keep, anor londo rehashed and the boring piece of shit that is lothric castle at the end.
DaS2 had the best "People in armor" enemies. DaS1 has the best monster designs, because they're generally weird and tell a story. If you include BB in this, it could be argued to be better than DaS1.
DaS3 was just lanky undead everywhere and most of its monsters were just rejected designs from BB or rehashes of 1, everything is ugly and grotesque for the sake of it and has little more substance. ER is in the same vein in that enemies are just stupid looking and/or grotesque seemingly on purpose, or they're just incredibly boring.
Elden Ring has sanic goats and the other games do not have sanic goats so therefore Elden Ring has the best enemy/creature design.
Literally every point you tried to make was wrong. I almost feel sorry for someone being so retarded.
enemy designs (not total, because BB and DS3 are inferior to Das 1 as a whole)
BB > DAS 3 > DAS 1 > DES 1 > korean MMOS > DAS 2
ds2 had some good monster designs but 60 percent of it was shit
Idk, the tiny little hat guys, those babyfaced ogre men, long-armed centipedes, the headless and the Okami warriors were all pretty memorable to me, among other designs. Lone Shadows are probably the coolest ninjas I've seen in recent memory, the fact that they attack almost exclusively with kicks and can still beat your ass is peak martial arts kino
>DaS2 had the best people in armor enemies
No it didn't. It pulled it off horribly. I seriously cannot remember any enemies from DaS2 because of how generic they are mechanically and look-wise.
>DaS1 had the best monster designs
Not at all. The only cool monsters in the game were the snakemen, picasa, and crow demons. Everything else was boring shit. Take your nostalgia goggles off.
Elden Ring has the best variety and designs.
everything in this post is correct, up to the lameness of sekiro and how trash das 2 is.
bb best, then das. havent finished elden ring yet, so hard to comment. wish world was more condensed though.
>the skin blobs
>the demon of song in DaS 2
>the snail women things in Bloodborne
>the spiderwomanthings in the water in DaS 3
>the hands in Elden ring
>the skeleton dogs in DaS 1
I once knew of a canary that had a massive grey tumor growing out of its ass, just like those sickly Corvians.
I wonder what that's even called?
Possibly the dumbest take, congrats
>Elden Ring has the best designs and the most variety.
Bloodborne had great enemy designs, but the different flavors of werewolf enemies in the first half of the game is super tiring.
>good monster designs
it all managed to look uglier than DAS1, which is truly what puzzles me.
I can't wait to see what kind of fucked monsters we'll get in Elden ring's dlc.
i said only few were good and most of it was shit you retard, but your right about it being more uglier then ds1
Holy fuck. I forgot how bad the designs were. I can't believe this game got praised.
Flame of Frenzy related monsters
Say what you will, Mastadon knights are cool.
the embryo dragons where some of the best enemy design's I've seen in any game ever.
>DaS2 had the best "People in armor" enemies
honestly surprised there's anybody here even THINKING that the answer isn't dark souls 1, ds1 has literally the most iconic design choices out of any souls game and it's this exact reason why souls games are even as successful as they are. gwyn, seath, andre, bonewheel skeletons, pinwheel masks, the forest cat, sif, anor londo giants, ornstein and smough, gwyndolin, gwynevere, onion bro, black/silver knights, I can just keep going on, literally every enemy in the game is memorable even the hollows with torches
granted it's just all copied from berserk but still, demon's souls had a lot of good things too but not as iconic as ds1, and then everything after was just weird feeling, ds2 has some good choices but everything after ds1 lost that old fromsoft game feeling like it was actually made by a japanese dev in the early 2000s
Everything about dark souls 2 is garbage
Probably dark souls 3. most of them seemed like they didnt even fit the game lol
so many great designs..
I like the moderate difficulty of the souls games, but I'm only here for the monsters, labyrinths, sound effects and feels that those things give me. I would have playedit a lot if it were an easy game as well, just for my love of architecture and castles it warrants playthroughs (except das2, it has no good buildings, sadly).
it's objectively better than 1 in every way. you should actually play it instead of adopting your opinions wholesale from youtubers.
>DaS1 and 3 are mostly just zombies
>ER is in the same vein in that enemies are just stupid looking and/or grotesque seemingly on purpose, or they're just incredibly boring.
uncalled for
For me it's DaS1 too, not because they're particularly amazing designs but because each one feels unique and has a personality. Mushroom guys, fire-breathing statues, living trees that can't fight back, gargoyles, and so on. Enemies in Dark Sould 3 and Elden Ring have cool designs individually but they're all gritty and grey-colored so they're forgettable, there's no variety.
Sekiro is 2nd best just because those mythology inspired designs are awesome.
LOL what the fuck happened with this game.
>basic = bad
>because uhhhhhh
>it just is! okay!?
Dark Souls 3 was like an experiment in how many grey flustered zombie faces they could shove into the game.
From's aesthetics are unmatched. Nobody else in the vidya business comes close.
>DaS2 has the best people in armor enemies
Nope. That’s Elden Ring. Elden ring has tons of enemies that armored knights or humanoids, but each type feels unique and interest because they have very varied and different move sets.
DaS2 enemies are so disgustingly generic and boring with samey, limited movesets.
>adp stat
>abscence of story
>retarded world design
>mmo tier mobs
>garbage bosses
I agree, except for ds2. The enemies look like something you’d find in a run of the mill basic fantasy western game.
The armor in ER is the worst in the series by a country mile. It's so dogshit that every Elden "Bling" thread is the same two-dozen pieces of gear cobbled together with trash in an attempt to be unique.