I AM NOT CRAZY! ...I am not crazy! I know he swapped that footage, I was there — on that roof in Hawaii...

I AM NOT CRAZY! ...I am not crazy! I know he swapped that footage, I was there — on that roof in Hawaii, as if he could ever land a mctwist! Never, never! I just-I just couldn't prove it! H-H-He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the slam city jam to lie for him! You think this is something, you think this is bad, this, this chicanery? He's done worse. That car! Are you telling me that a drug dealer's car just happens to explode? No, he set it on fire! Eric! He got arrested at Tampa Am! And I saved him! I shouldn't have, I did missions for the police to bail him out! What was I thinking?! He'll never change. He'll never change, ever since New Jersey, always the same. Couldn't keep himself from getting drunk and stealing Russian tanks. "But not our Eric, couldn't be precious Eric Sparrow!" Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a pro?! What a sick joke! I should have stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop him, you—

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Other urls found in this thread:


There has never been in the history of my entire catalogue a villain I hated more than Eric Sparrow.

YOU'RE NOT A REAL ELDEN LORD! Getting help from other players, using summons? What a joke! I worked my ass to get where I am. And you take these shortcuts and suddenly you think you're my peer? You do what I do because you're think you're funny and get upvotes? I COMMITED MY LIFE TO THIS! You don't slide into it like a cheap pair of slippers and then reap all the rewards. I know you. What you were- What you are! People don't change! You're Casual Redditor! And Casual Redditor I can handle just fine but Casual Redditor beating Malenia is like a chimp with a machine gun. FROM SOFT IS SACRED! If you abuse that power people get hurt. THIS IS NOT AN EASY GAME! You have to know- I know on some level you have to know I'm right- YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT!

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>mfw I unlocked the alternate ending and get to finally punch him in the face

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>the phone in the pocket
most satisfying legal defeat I have ever seen in a show, it actually caught me off guard too

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Howard chads...why do we keep getting bullied....

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Howard did literally nothing wrong

>mike fixes a clogged toilet for 40 minutes
Wow, what an engaging tv show

You Got Me

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Michael McKean not getting a best supporting actor emmy for season 3 is the real sick joke.

nacho's gonna die, isn't he?

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Maximum keks

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But could he really have felt the battery if it wasn't plugged into anything? There's no current

video games don't make for good memes because everyone with a brain skips the dialogue and story because it's written for 5 year olds.

Saul mentions both Ignacio and Lalo in his introductory episode in BB. I'm more worried about what the fuck is going to happen to Kim.

He trademarked his own color “Hamlindigo”

I think Howard is tonna die..
Let's go itachi

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So I'm curious as to what VIDEOGAME this is? This is a VIDEOGAME, right?

>Saul mentions both Ignacio and Lalo in his introductory episode in BB
this means nothing for multiple reasons.

>game has hidden lore

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Why are you upset?

Saul Goodman: Ace Attorney

You think this is something? You think this is bad, this–this shitposting? He's done worse. That neural blending! Are you telling me that anons just happen to enjoy posting it? No, he orchestrated it! user! He defecated all over the board, and I saved him! I shouldn't have! I took him into my own thread! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was underageb&, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the sneed folder! "But not our user! Couldn't be precious user!" Ruining the board! And he gets to be a poster?! What a sick joke! I should have stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop him! You–

He feels batteries, as shown not even 20 minutes later

Except he doesn't.


I am chuck and I'd just like to say, it is simply preposterous to think my brother COULD EVER beat me in a court of law, what you saw isn't what really happened... HE JIMMY orchestrated all of this, and I've found him again my cab driver friend found this guy name Gene that he swears is "saul" so im going to him and im going to be the final boss

is this really the best Better call saul scene?

Yes, problem?

>Watch this exact episode today
>Open Yea Forums and this fucking thread is here
The world is a fucking simulation

Nah, you’re just a narcissist.

We've been having these threads for days, dumb dumb

Pill swap
Desert trek
Nacho getting btfo and then patched up again

Ha haaaaa

>that pic
Someone on here has to do a vidya version on that scene. It's so criminally underrated in terms of anons never using it as a template. In the meantime, I'll try to think of something.

Definitely the most satisfying given the buildup to it

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Season 6 started on Monday, expect BCS threads for the next month.

Don Clifford wants his floor clean, comprende? Backwards like this


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For once this template is used right. Nice.

>skating game
>has a more compeling villain and story than 99% games out there
how the fuck did they do it?

lmao can't believe I missed this being posted

Tony Hawk’s Underground


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I liked the montage with jimmy trying to help that old guy out with his land finding loopholes and shady scenarios

The scene with Chuck tearing through the walls of his house to find whatever is still hooked up in his house was gutwrenching for me to watch. Chuck's character arc in season 3 was brilliantly executed.

It's literally one of the greatest moments in tv history


why does chicanery feel so satisfying to hear?


nah wasn't a fan of that scene. The show requires some suspension of disbelief with Jimmy's law license, but that was impossible to watch without thinking "uh he really should be getting disbarred here".

He's mentally ill

no, this is.

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>Series where the sequel (prequel) was trash with trash pacing

Kim is gonna die isnt she

>I always told you I'd get better, you just never believed me

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because it felt realistic and grounded. I had an Eric sparrow like "friend" in high school.

pacing might be off but it's certainly not trash