why are PC gamers like this?
Why are PC gamers like this?
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what about it seems pretty cool no cap frfr
Because he's based.
Autism (the bad kind)
Post movieblob cringe
What's the problem here?
>le pointless collectible sitting on a shelf good!
>le using pointless collectible for something practical.... bad!!!
At least it wasnt an Xbox devkit
It looks like a fire hazard also it couldn't be that powerful either seeing how small it is.
That anyone would call a PC running on an igpu "functional gaming PC"
>Pc gamer is creative and makes a pc out of something a console retard would never think to
>Console neanderthals get cheetoh dust controller drift let their shitboxes build up dust and die because they're too retarded to clean and it "seems complicated" to them
Really makes you think
>Always illuminated by a blue screen light
It turns orange at 11:30
>Lives to consume a product, and then to get excited for the next product
If it's a product that I like, yes I like playing/watching products and getting excited for the next products
>Willing to eat bugs if the marketing is viral enough
No, bugs are nasty. Looking at them gives me shivers.
>Eight second attention span
My attention is short but it isn't eight seconds long.
>Only reads the headlines
>Veteran of the Cola Wars and Star Wars
I don't know what this means
>Actually enjoys watching commercials
Here are my favorites:
>Doesn't ask questions, just consumes
No, sometimes things I like get ruined, so I have to ask questions
>"They wouldn't be able to sell it if it was bad for me"
Basically yeah
>Decorates with marketing mascots and product logos
I have a few formula 1 hats and a jacket so I guess so yeah
>Identifies with people that consume the same products
That's normal
>Doesn't use an ad blocker
>In debt
My parents payed my tuition and my car is completely payed off
I look like the guy in the pic but my hair is light brown and not black, and I don't have a vape or an iphone (I smoke weed and have a Galaxy S20)
I..... Is this pasta?
Go back to rebbit
Still mad
>I look like the guy in the pic but my hair is light brown and not black, and I don't have a vape or an iphone (I smoke weed and have a Galaxy S20)
Better than making it collect dust.
simple as
Why not? Simple DIY projects are fun and a good way to keep your skills from going to shit
A computer without proper ventilation isn't 'functional'
The only problem I have is that IGN had to report on some dude doing something.
sounds like a fun personal project, nothing more
Ok this is epic
Linus did it first
You literally cannot name anything wrong with eating bugs other than "ewww icky". I thought conservitards were supposed to be men? Scared of bugs? Get a grip.
Creative projects can be fun and rewarding. You should try it sometime OP
it's kinda cute, i guess
What's the problem? Why do you give a shit so much to make a thread
>You literally cannot name anything wrong with eating bugs
Meat and milk are important for growing boy, if he is planning to be a man, not a fucking degenerate tranny. Bugs are protein and nothing else.
Gee i don't know anons, it turns on in the pictures that pretty much looks functional to me
Not everyone can have hole technology
I own that anthology
my dad got it for me for a birthday
no sex
you never ate bugs. shut the fuck up.
why are nintendo gamers like this
why didn't he show a functional game to go with it
The average city slicker.
man i hate white people
Because they are not NPC like the consolefags - PS5 looks same as others. My own rig is unique. Others' rig are not same. Just individual aka non-NPC.
>Makes a PC from a Fallout collectible
>Demonstrates it with Skyrim
The ultimate dab on fallout fags
Seriously though you know this got a bazillion updoots from Yea Forumsedditors
good job falling for the milk industries lies, sheep.
>not playing fallout on it
The real crime is using it to play Skyrim.
>Fallout Anthology
>Fallout fan
>customizing hardware for fun bad
>buying overpriced hardware that voids warranty if you remove a screw good
>im consooming
I think that's pretty cool
>It turns orange at 11:30
on pc we have programs that can turn the blue light down slowly and at peak is far heavier than the tiny bit of lost blue on a phone, mobiles take another L
It's bad because of the motivations of the people wanting us to do it
So what.
Like the dude didn't make a computer from scratch, he just put the components in an unusual chassis. Seems like a fun couple weekend DIY project.
You could put a computer in anything, even leave it open to the air if you really wanted to. Airflow and ESD concerns aside.
>no pics of guts
It's probably not even a PC in there, just cables to turn it unto USB hub
Twilight exists on mobile too, you dumbshit
Yea Forums just wants everyone to be as useless as Yea Forums feels.
Pretty cool.
Pretty neat honestly. I remember making fun PC builds was somewhat popular back in the day.
You will be forced to eat bugs, while (((elites))) would be eating steaks.
A friend of mine dodged rrod during the 3rd gen by moving his 360 components into a PC case with appropriate airflow.