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I got this game because I heard the intro song while walking by the video game store and couldn't get it out of my head for weeks, still the only Sonic game I've ever played. It was mediocre
Im sorry you suck.
Why is Sonic Heroes having so many threads lately?
It was the only 3D Sonic game I played as a kid and I always found weird how it never had threads here.
Everyone that played it killed themselves because of how bad the game was
it was the worst of 2 more popular entries
why would anyone care about heroes when you can discuss adventure 1, 2, or anything else
I legit think shadow is better and Im no shadowfag
Some big youtuber probably made a video on it
This is where Sonic games started to feel like chinese knock offs.
No, this game sucks.
We get it, Cory. You like Sonic Heroes. Now let Zach and Chris talk about diarrhea asmr.
Fun game with rewarding puzzle elements, understandably misunderstood game with a crazy development story, most of the levels were created by a single guy who didn’t even sleep for nearly 6 months. When he finally finished the game he took some time to relax and play some of the “popular American games”, played Jak 2, and that is why we have Shadow the Hedgehog.
oneyplays are playing it with cory
where can i read up on this?
>Game is so shitty that immediately people bring up the soundtrack
never. It sucks ass and marks the turning point of Sonic Team as a respected developer
Why has sonic never had his rad as fuck running shoes outside of adventure 2?
No. This game fuckin blows.
Buggiest 3D sonic game until 06 came out.
The level variety was great but every single piece of gameplay was nearly unplayable.
Heroes is an insult to Sonic, to the Adventure saga, and to well designed 3D platformers. It doesn't matter if the graphics, level themes and soundtrack are good, because the gameplay is contemptible
for what? this game sucks ass
For what
I'm sorry SEGA is too incompetent and/or lazy to give you the proper remake that makes you a 9/10 game and make Heroes haters seethe.
>in order to open these doors, either Speed or Power character must come to a stop, grab these switches by pressing the action button also mapped to other abilities, and then pull the control stick down or up. This is present in several stages
because that's what i look forward in a Sonic game. Not a single speed stage in the Adventure games had this shit
I don't remember shit about this but I remember feeling hyped up and having fun as a kid
the reason why some people defend Héroes, nostalgia aside, is because there is something masochistically enjoyable about its overwrought gameplay style and bottonless pits heavy 5 mins stages
It’s also the last 3D Sonic game before the entire cast got replaced with the 4Kids VAs.
What does that have to do with the quality of the gameplay at all though?
This user again. I've been playing through the game trying to 100%, something I never did as a kid. The game has a ton of problems.
>way too little friction
>sensitive controls
>scripted scenes in stages that have a greater than 0% of killing you, Lush Jungle is real bad about this
>not properly explaining important mechanics like grinding, special stages and holding A to get the most air time out of a homing attack
>yet feeling the need to explain how to do a triangle dive in every stage, including Final Fortress
But even with all that shit and more, Heroes is still a blast to play and I love the game as much as I did as a kid. Six more to polish the game and people would've loved it.
Nothing, but in a way it marks the end of an era for people who grew up on the Adventure games, so there’s some sick part of someone that enjoys it for that reason.
Love how this game makes classic cucks seethe endlessly. Giving it free rent is natural to them
lets goooooo
>oneyplays are playing it
God-fucking-dammit. Every-fucking-time.
Oney, love ya', but your fanbase is terrible and I hope your Let's Plays eventually fall out of relevance. I can already picture the little memers making more threads tomorrow with their little inside "tee-hee"tier jokes and contrarian spat on a decade old game we already knew is mediocre with some good ideas.
Makes me yearn for Jon era Grumps again.
look at all of those eggman's robots!
I'm still assblasted about the $30 I wasted on this 17 years ago.
I dropped the game after about 15 minutes.
lol retard, this was a solid rental, i 100% it in 7 days flat
>17 years ago
Vidya rental stores still existed back then, what’s your excuse?
I thought it was a safe buy since SA1 and 2 were such kino. Also I was 16.
No. How about Sega apologizes to me for wasting my time with that utter garbage.
there's probably more playtime in Heroes than Adventure 1
>quantity over quality
Yeah, I expected as much from Heroes apologists.
oh yeah, because adventure 1 was so high quality with amy and tails campaigns
The chao minigame in SA1 alone is better than Heroes.
you didn't even have a VMU, admit it
I did actually.
i got it as a kid expecting adventure 3. so naturally that sucked but i can appreciate it more clearly now
Jun Senoue is a genius.
SA1 is fucking dogshit
you retards love to complain about how you have to play heroes 4 times to get the final story but never complain that you have to do it 6 times for SA1. Out of all of those 6 stories, only 1 isn't complete garbage
The only thing SA1 has over heroes is that it's easier to control sonic
The only thing SA1 has over Heroes is the entire game. Heroes is soulless trash and was a precursor to Sonic 06. SA1 is kino that zoomers will never understand.
The only Sonic game that deserves an apology is Sonic Unleashed since it's still the most original and best graphically produce game post Adventure.
The special stages were shit
Neo carried it
>Heroes is soulless trash and was a precursor to Sonic 06
You and I both know that you're spouting bullshit since that garbage tried to be like the adventure games
go back
No. Werehog is terrible and that's the majority of the game, if anything the game should be apologizing to me for being such an aggressive waste of time.
Heroes felt like it belonged in an arcade.
I like sonic heroes and played it a lot.
Final Boss was kino as a kid. Still haven't gotten around to SA2 or SA1