Is completely inept at adding cool races in your path

>is completely inept at adding cool races in your path

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I used to think nagas were inevitably going to be playable when i was like 10

You mean to tell me you don't like THESE?

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Love that toe splaying

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It died a long time ago. We've been telling you for 10 years at this point. Just let go.

>90% of the game is BELF/NELF

>new gnoll model announced
>new Tuskarr model announced

and then they chose BELF but dragon

The only cool new addition was goblins in Cata. Chad male goblin and hot female goblin.
>that would be “STEALING”.
Their starting areas sucked, though.

pardon me, but it's actually BELFs + humans, get it right.
I actually think humans unironically beat or are on par with NEs as far as number go

for sure, Dark Iron Dwarfs, which was just a skin option they should've added
and Goblins are the only ones with a real soulful flavour.

This and ethereals.
People asked for them so often and for so long I thought it would just be a matter of time.

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Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag'har are both great additions.
Too bad it was too little too late. They should've been playable a decade ago.

This is the lead narrative designer for WoW btw. WoW is the definitive game for furries.

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yeah it's just secondlife at this point

This is all WoW is at this point. A social game where all the content is practically automated, the game drops loot like candy, and the only people that are still paying for a sub is lonely 40 year old single mothers and furries.

they could have added dark iron and wildhammer as a part of normal dwarves just as different skin and tattoos back in cata when they advanced their story and made peace between them

I unironically think they probably notice how many furries are left playing with the rising number of vulperas, so they tried to please furries/scalies, elffags and humanfags all at once. I fucking hate what WoW has become, and adding Belfs to Horde in BC was the biggest mistake they ever did.

still better than humans with cat ears, human with rabbit ears, and human with scales

>the most fun content in the game is the old content
>get to 60
>1-touch hit-kill any interesting mob that ever mattered

or this, not sure which is worse
>pay for the expacs
>free trial locks at 20
>can't do anything fun in the only zones in the game that are fun

I was so confused when they didn't.
Didn't make any sense that you could suddenly be a Dwarf Warlock or Shaman but were still locked to being a Bronzebeard.

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WoW lore sucks and is unsalvageable. Just move on to ESO, WRPG man.

miss me with that zanzibart shit

>what are worgen
>what are dracthyr
it's only a matter of time before they add a cat-person race with a blood elf skeleton

The difference between the classic Horde playerbase and post-Belf Horde playerbase is like night and day.
That race attracted the worst kinds of faggot. I blame them for the community going to shit.

I don't think they'll ever add a gruesome or conniving SICKO race for the Horde ever again.
The only races that needed to be on the Horde in TBC were Ogres and Gobbos.
High elves would have made way more sense for the Alliance, BELFs just destroyed the entire feel of Ogrimmar

Worgen are cool because they're genuinely a rip face beastial race. Dracthyr were specifically designed with transgender representation in mind.

>b-but dood
>the asian markets, they don't want to play stinky orcs
yeah, fuck blizzard

they could have done the same for dragonmaw orcs since they sort of join with the horde and garrosh in particular
also still no buff forest trolls not even a splinter faction rejoining the horde or anything

It's just fucking baffling because they already have the base for cool things and opt to make shitty new things instead. There were already cool dragon humanoids in the fucking game, instead you give the players dA furry OCs.

I've always had mixed feelings about them.
The player model never quite had that edgy savage look vanilla Worgen did.
That and the female model is an absolute abomination.

people asked for mechanognomes and got monkey-pawed beyond belief on that
just be glad you didn't get them

Worgen suck because the execution was just awful, and they already had made the best version of it they could, just needed to rig for armour

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gnomes and undead are top tier races

to be entirely fair, the point of the Gilnean worgen was that they never quite gave in to the worgen curse entirely and still remained civilized to a certain degree

>Be blizzard
>Stories of sexual abuse
>Becomes gay afterwards
Ive seen this before

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>trillion elves
>mecha gnomes
>fennec foxes

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I'm still mad.

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WoW still looks like a game from 2012, it shouldn't be difficult to just rig them up

All 8 polygons look great!

not to mention that it could have given gnomes some legit interesting storylines
them figuring out how to create mechanognomes and slowly giving up on trying to repopulate their doomed species the biological way could have added some legitimacy to them as a race

instead, we got diaperbabies

so true

Might have actually been a cool Alliance race for once if they gave them an exclusive Tinker class

I still can't believe someone actually greenlit this.
The only possible explanation is it was done out of spite. There is no way they actually thought quadruple amputees were an acceptable compromise for mechagnomes.

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I think Dragqueens are as bad as this tbqh desu

Tinker should have been a class ages ago
actually relevant to warcraft, tons of interesting things to do and lets face it, engineering is neutered to hell an back

I hate them both.

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not to mention how silly they went
like, the mechanognome limbs would actually still be pretty sick as prosthetic arms for gnomes
like, imagine Mekkatorque being almost mortally wounded and rebuilt partially with mechanognome parts

The fact that we get multiple furry races but no ogres means we are in the worst timeline

giving belf/nelf, which were already by far the most popular races Demon Hunter just exarcerbated the Second Life rot.
If they gave Gnomes and Gobbos Tinker it would have been FAR more deserved.
The Blizz staff have wasted so many good community ideas it's not even funny. Every expac since vanilla people have said,
"ok but Naga, Ogres when?"

I like the vulpera for their porn

Funny how they also never added High Elves that everyone wanted, saying there aren't enough of them around in Azeroth to warrant being playable, but then added Void Elves who are just a small percent of said race but gayer.

>doesn't appeal to modern Horde players (99% elves)
>doesn't appeal to Asian markets
>doesn't appeal to furries
They never stood a chance in a post-TBC World of Warcraft.
It absolutely sucks, but it's the honest truth.

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I would say besides Gnome/Goblin giving Tinker class to dwarves and forsaken would have fit both of them and given a bit more variety

Exactly, I don't even think Blizzard wants their original fanbase playing the game at this point.
Easily top 5 game dev company that resents its playerbase.

>so many chances for cool playable races, instead of existing ones have these instead
>drag queen dragons instead of drakonids
>dumb foxes instead of gnolls or furbolgs
>fat blue humans instead of the already existing fat blue ogres
>never even add nagas even when you add an entire underwater zone

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loot hasn't dropped like candy since mists user

naga don't have legs which means blizzard would have to put in extra work to make sure they don't clip through mounts and stuff

imagine if instead of demon hunters looking like uninspired crap, we had tinkers with stuff like missile launchers, death rays and mechsuit tanking

now that would be HECKIN EPICCCCCCK

>4 toes instead of 3, like normal reptilian fantasy races

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I honestly don't think people would complain if they just gave a cast option for Naga to slither really fast or something and not use mounts.
People want them in the game that badly, it's such a tired meme that it costs 112 raid-tiers to do this.

looking like a mall goth fucked a mall ninja is so much better right?

I'm not saying people wouldn't mind
I'm saying it would require work on Blizzard's part which means it wouldn't ever happen

that shit is cringe

It's still annoying how furbolgs and ogres were planned for Vanilla, yet never came to be. Furbolgs are literally the only race I have ever wanted, and since vanilla they have had animations for most classes.

don't worgen have some ability that lets them run at mount speed?
and in beta tauren were supposed to have something similar
seems like the code already exists for naga, but I understand that if players use that then they won't buy their 100th shop mount which is bad (here's why)

Letting them shapeshift into a highborne form whenever they're riding on mounts would've been a decent compromise.

Naga don't make sense lore wise and never have. There are much better options, I may hate blizzard but this is one thing that I agree with them on. They have always been betrayers and always will be.

>Azshara wasted in a single patch
>Nzoth wasted in a single patch
I'll never not be mad