ITT: signs a game is japanese

ITT: signs a game is japanese

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But it’s a clever deconstruction!!!!

It's good.


Attached: 2022041417083700-DA63EF8B2BE5AEAE8F5ED0DD0100B403.jpg (1280x1438, 408.19K)

it presents entry level philosophical concepts as being something mindblowing and is full of flowery over the top 2deep4u dialogue that is just a roundabout way of saying nothing
japs are good when they just embrace being trashy but when they actually try to be "deep" they're horrible at it

>he typed unironically

It's woefully unoriginal

I just realized that there hasn't been a single good non-Japanese game released in the last 10 years

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it contains the Japanese language

>But it’s a clever deconstruction!!!!
how the fuck is danganronpa a deconstrucion

let me know when you're ready to move the goal post.

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>it presents entry level philosophical concepts as being something mindblowing and is full of flowery over the top 2deep4u dialogue that is just a roundabout way of saying nothing
We aren't talking about contemporary philosophy here. You're in the wrong thread mate.

"It can't be helped."

Anyone who calls any media a "desconstruction" deserves to be beat over the head. Nobody who ever says that term never tells you what they mean. They're just saying words

Isn't it strange that Makoto is average but is always taking the lead in class trials? His IQ is definitely pretty high at least.

Your sister is a romance option

I got a funny feeling
That user was being sarcastic

>ITT: signs a game is japanese
It's trash and clearly meant for soiboi bugmen who have never fucked a girl in their lives lol.
kek based

well yeah I got that but it's implying there are people who say it unironically.

2011. nope.

Makoto is average, the mysteries in dangenrompa could be solved by someone average easily. Everyone else is just very stupid.

It's made by a japanese company

God of War Ragnarok
Cyberpunk 2077
Horizon Forbidden West
Elden Ring (teeechnically it's Japanese but it's made with a Western mindset)

No one says it unironically you fucking retard.

>Elden Ring (teeechnically it's Japanese but it's made with a Western mindset)
the worst westoid cope yet

I will never understand this meme

I will now pirate your game.

GTAV (in 2013, not the third version of it that just released)

really ugly menus that are hard to navigate


it has attractive females

Attached: mua3 hela 2.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

You call that attractive ?

Game doesn't support mouse despite being 3d.

The line "it can't be helped"
No normal person would ever say that!

Ion Fury

A character being straight is presented as a normal thing.

oblivion BTFO skyrim out of the water

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They do all the time in japanese

I don't get why it's always translated in the most autistic, stilted way possible. There are so many ways to get that sentiment across in a more natural way in English, but they always use "it can't be helped".

Look I agree it's overused but do you really not understand? Like, are you really unable to intuit what someone means when they say that?

The characters have japanese sounding names

it has good music

>generic ubi open world isn't western mindset
Keep consuming trash because le """""japanese"""""" devs made it lmao

>4 niggas in a row can't be helped.

Play Fire Emblems

As you can see

... The Meaning of Existence is to X

... My X is for justice!

... Muh friends!! I will never give up!!

>The Meaning of Existence is to X
To be, or not to be X...

That's not funny. They end up fucking for real.

>There are only two types of people in this world...
>...Those who do X...
>....And those who do the opposite of X...
>...I'm part of the former or the latter because of my principles...

No thanks

It's a japanese role playing game

WTF based!

>Final boss is God
>Power of friendship ass pulls constantly throughout the story
>'I'll keep living... For my friends!"
>Menu song plays during the credits with accompanied lyrics
>Like 9 different endings depending on the most obscure shit
>At least 60 hours long but it gets good 20 hours in, I swear!
>Protag is a highschool student or around that age
>Has one "kyaaah!" scene where an over exposed female is accidently breast-faceplanted by the protag
>Guns are the weakest category of weaponry

Because anytime a translator attempts to make it sound more natural because it's overwhelmingly autistic sounding every faggot gamer in the world throws a huge fucking bitchfit about "STICK TO THE FUCKING SCRIPT IDIOT DONT FUCKING CHANGE THE WORDS YOU FUCKING TRANNY JESUS CHRIST JUST DO IT 1 TO 1 YOU STUPID RETARD".

>>Guns are the weakest category of weaponry
Play SMT Strange Journey. You just need to pick the games westaboos make.

It's iconic catchphrase just like the retarded "Well well well what have we here~" line in mutt movies. Trannylators should be gassed for their incompetence.

Are you a fucking retard? Translators do translate it as an iconic catchphrase, which is what that guy was complaining about. So you just said, "It's an iconic catchphrase, that's why they shouldn't translate it." Then you followed it up with, "Translators are translating it like that and are incompetent!".

>killing intent

Attached: what does it mean.jpg (1280x720, 41.38K)

I guess it can't be helped senpai

Female character has no ass

Attached: 1650555645544m.jpg (1024x573, 109.76K)

I think a better translation is "bloodlust".
Not that you can feel someone's bloodlust without looking at them, but w/e

Weeb community that will defend anything and everything.

Never heard of it
However i do know of a game called GTA5 that has been released like a million times while i'm waiting for GTA6

>it presents entry level philosophical concepts
What's wrong with that? And what exactly qualifies as "entry level" in a negative sense when the subject matter itself isn't something most people think about on a daily basis.
>as being something mindblowing and is full of flowery over the top 2deep4u dialogue
Projection and trying too hard. If you are as smart as you think yourself to be, you wouldn't be playing video games much less shitting on it on a mongolian basket weaving site.

>Schrodingers cat mentioned
>Quantum anything
>It can’t be helped
>Killing intent

I should ask you the same thing. That retard was accusing that we should tolerate the butchered translations and stop blaming the trannies just because this catchphrase is translated literally and the faggot has a problem with it.

>character screams the name of his ultimate attack
>it's some poorly pronounced norse word

>>Schrodingers cat mentioned
To be fair the western media abuse this just as much as nips

A sword will do more damage than a handgun.

The final sword will do less damage than the last gun or another characters final weapon