How do we stop dogshit internet content creators from influencing games becoming dumbed down messes?
How do we stop dogshit internet content creators from influencing games becoming dumbed down messes?
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jeremy "jerma985" elbertson raped the olsen twins back in '92
>retard with annoying tumblrite viewers
>not the perfect example of the people getting games dumbed down
Imagine getting mad about Jerma
more jerma being anti tranny but having to put a a facade because thats his main viewer base now
We’re almost there.
don't care he's funny and beat the game
how is it his fault
Im trans btw... dont know if that matters...
When his mods and new community are pushing him to become another annoying internet leftist despite him apparently wanting his content to say away from that I say that deserves hate. Especially when his inability to play games are likely why devs always make them idiot proof.
He barely ever plays new releases so hes not really influencing the industry in any meaningful way
Friendly reminder that even trying to be entertaining, even reading chat most of the time this guy is completing ER better than most faggots on Yea Forums. The only reason he isn't /ourguy/ is because he is frankly too fucking good for Yea Forums both as a gamer and as a person.
>how is it his fault
Directly feeding into it and not telling them to shut up since they're his breadbasket now.
we've unironically lost him bros...
he only plays fart simulators idk what you're talking about
>directly feeding into it
I seriously had no idea this was Jerma's face until the tier list
you would say the exact same things if it meant being a millionaire for playing vidya
God I fucking hate trannies and leftists for sucking the fun out of Jerma's content.
He lost like 4 viewers
Good riddance
Not even Malcolm Reynolds was cynical enough to fuck with him and snipe him when he matched with him in Elden Ring
If you get off the internet you will learn the average person does not give a shit about this. Seriously no one spends there time thinking about trans or being anti trans. They do not think about it all.
Chudcel cope. Jerma has always been a queer ally.
trannybros... I dont feel so good....
most people think it's weird actually
jerma is based and i dont blame him at all for paying minimum lip service to tranny freaks top keep the cash cow of being paid to play video games going
i would do the same thing in his position
oh and Im trans as well...
No one thinks about people who dont even make up 1% of the population, the chances of actually running into one is incredibly rare, and i say that as a person who lives in a shitty lib city
See , his new "friendship" with faggots like Ludwig and going full in with "muh trans rights" nonsense.
Also going on a socialist tier rant in newer streams like in
welcome to the worst site on the internet
Unironically there was nothing wrong with his audience until he pick up traction on this website and on twitter. Yea Forums is a cesspool of shit, you attract the trans and anti trans people where Yea Forums is
It's a shame jermas fan base has a significant amount of filth who supports what he says. Rip to the good days I guess thats what happens when you're popular, you have to be politically correct.
>muh trans rights
Kek awfully desperate aren't you, call me when he starts going out and making public speechs and rallies
Blame Jerma for bringing it into his content now.
Almost all these twitch people come across like such self absorbed narcissists who require constant ass kissing from their chats. Clint Stevens is the only one I've seen who acts like a normal average person.
they don't at all, just ignore them and they go away, retard
I don't care about this schizo shit if you think being trans/left wing = makes you a worse gamer
jerma's a real gamer
>ignoring the latter half of the post because it proves me right.
I don't agree with the whole transpride thing or intersectionality because it's my belief that these people and their problems have been coopted by unelected radicals who don't speak for the majority of the groups they claim tp represent and twitch seems to be alright with supporting these radicals. However, jerma is right here, you shouldn't harass people online just because they have a different view than you. To me that's basic ethics and that shouldn't be trampled upon by a disagreement but yeah kill trannys
People care about native Americans.
This mindset has never been successful and it never will be.
Really grasping for straws aren't you bud, if you need to make something up to create an argument maybe just dont bother instead? Thats the kind of shit a mentally ill person or gasp a tranny would do.
they don't, woefully
anyone saying hes pushing his political beliefs on chat is just .. wrong. human rights arent political. they should be considered normal. ive seen a lot of shitty stuff from jermas fanbase but im beyond happy to know that its not him, its just them. as a trans person who loves his content and the persona he puts out online, I’m glad that I look up to someone like him for this
>trans/left wing = makes you a worse gamer
Statistically they're the exact people demanding games become dumbed down walking simulators while also calling for content to be ripped out for retarded reasons.
yes it is. i've never seen a second of jerma content. i'm vaguely aware of who he is but to think he affects game dev in any way is insane
You type like a tranny. Very curious.
Being trans is a choice, being a native american isnt
I had to install an external chat filter to hide all the trans pride emotes because the spam was insane. No, he did not take care of the spam, and neither did his mods, because they would rather get virtue points than have an actual chat.
Fuck Redskins. Never met a more contemptible people in my life, should have killed them all.
Step one would be to stop making obvious shill threads about them.
Nobody's forcing you to agree with his political viewpoints
He hardly brings it up anyways, so who cares
>I had to install an external chat filter to hide all the trans pride emotes because the spam was insane
Triggered by pixels lmao. SJW much?
hey YWNBAW faggot
Its just about maximum profit
Majority of the people spanning the trans flag are just annoying /pol/tards trying to start shit, just watch them reply to this pretending otherwise.
Post the filter, I want this shit fucking gone.
>tired of seeing sexual flags everywhere
>can't speak up about it or you'll get banned
And I say this is as a fag
YWNBAW tranny kys
is this the funny reddit guy who made the funny epic sus face and became relevant for a while because of it lolol sussy!!!
>He hardly brings it up anyways,
Thanks to his new community this is rapidly becoming less true now.
Do you have any original thoughts?
I'll never forget the day when he was just doing his shit then suddenly a bunch of faggots start spamming their tranny flag that was the day when chat was the downfall of him
I mean he didn't really make the face
aw tranny gonna rope HIMself?
if spamming the trans flag gets /pol/tards to stop watching thats a win in my book
>Majority of the people spanning the trans flag are just annoying /pol/tards trying to start shit,
So over 60% of his community on shitholes on plebbit or Twitter are now some niggers from a shithole board like /pol/ instead of the more likely scenario of annoying faggots being faggots?
Pretty sure the point he's trying to make is exactly what he said, no deeper meaning. Leave your personal problems at the door. If you don't like someone elses opinions, just shut the fuck up. This isn't the place to discuss it. This applies to both sides. Just because you believe in the same thing Jerma does doesn't make you teachers favorite. Leave the social political bullshit at the door and enjoy the stream.
Your parents will use your birth name when you die.
>aw tranny gonna- ACK!
Video games?
I think most normal people, gays straights and everything inbetween, find the oversaturation of lgbt pandering exhausting and annoying.
Only terminally online people and companies looking to make easy cash support it.
I support lgbt people, but certainly not the movement that is doing much more harm than good.
>MFW I was engaged to his current girlfriend
Feelsbadman, hoes be hoes.
I swear to god some of you fuckers in this thread don't understand basic empathy
Lol 60% of his chat? Seriously fuck you guys are pathetic, there is barely any trans flag, apparently you see one and you faggots get so butthurt its all that apparently exists afterward. No, /pol/ has made fucking threads about him. Seriously you are upset about politics that no one outside the internet cares about.
Not happening anymore, chud. Jerma's stream is now a leftist place
jerma is literally the exact textbook antithesis to this, every bit he ever does has himself as the butt of the joke
Wait, before this all devolves into weird arguments about tranvestites, what game did Jerma somehow influence? What are you even talking about?
>Jerma's stream is now a leftist place
They always has been, the right cannot create any interesting content that is not just plain shouting nigger or for boomers
He's done the whole teacher rant thing before, can't remember when
Why should I be empathetic to trannies, liberals, and niggers? This is a legit question.
Games are unironically too intelligent for me these.
I'd love a return to the brainlet 6/7 gen.
What is it about Twitch in particular that bring this awful mentality and attracts such people anyway?
I mean, even vtubers act this way over on that shit site, when they are completely different on YouTube for example.
by killing them
in minecraft
lmao, Americans don't give a fuck about native Americans. Go look at your nearest Reservation if you want more proof.
What are you revealing here
Do you have ANY sort of proof
Jerma you literally are the one who brought politics into chat by including the emote....
you don't. Now shut up and give me your money. Neener neener neener!
Something about being a part of a live, social community in the form of chat attracts them more than plain old youtube comments.
the emote was added by twitch tho
I don't show empathy for people who call for me to be ethnically replaced and humiliated for something I had nothing to do with.
I have tons, including pictures and videos of us together, for now I'll answer questions until the thread gets deleted, if you have any ask em now.
>has to repost a Yea Forums meme in HIS tranny remake
Maine is 98% white
Also could have removed them.
We get it you're an angry incel who thought you could get some pussy by being a "woman" fun fact you're still a guy in a dress faggot.
Youtube has live chat too, however the fact streamers get to decide which emojis are allowed from the get go cuts down on this shit it seems.
2% too many, won't say that way for long if these people keep getting their way.
Jerma takes fucking forever to touch his emotes, i recall it taking over 2 years back in what 2018?
user, no public figure actually supports trannies. They just pretend to in order to make money off them.
I will never understand how there are people fragile enough to think they need to worry about what anonymous people say in internet chatrooms.
his freak furry girlfriend has poisoned his mind as evidenced by the sheer number of times he's brought up "Are werewolves furries haha guys are cereal mascots furries haha just wondering" recently
If you are who I think you are, I never thought I'd catch you around here.
>2% too many
And you say you don't deserve it, hilarious.
I don't care, when you bend the knee and compromise the content you put out you're as shit as the rest of them.
Ah man, I don't know what I hate more.
Streamer fans or /pol/ fans
Can everyone here just off themselves?
Does she have autism or any other sort of neurodivergent condition? I'm not saying that to be mean, what she does for a living makes her come across as if she does though
Why are you not together anymore? Why do you seem resentful of the fact that you aren't together?
Really? Who do you think I am? She's had a few exes recently before Jerma, what do you think my initials are?
>eceleb shit stays up
alright time to spam vtuber threads
>not liking niggers means you deserve to get replaced and killed by niggers
The Jew shows it’s face.
Why would I want my community overrun by people who say they hate me and are waiting to "lynch whitey". Why are white people not allowed the same spaces that non-whites are allowed to have.
daily reminder trannys are dying
>49% suicide rate
and its still going up no matter how much you pay for your favourite video game voice actor to say "trans rights!" YWNBAW
If you're a more recent one then you're likely not who I'm thinking of.
Tranny thread
Yet you still get butthurt about them
>Does she have autism or any other sort of neurodivergent condition?
She has very bad anxiety that causes her to act strange sometimes, when we were together she was on multiple meds for it
>Why are you not together anymore?
She cheated on me with someone she met online, when I found out she left to go "visit her parents" and then just ended up leaving forever, she left a ton of her shit here cus we were living together
>Why do you seem resentful of the fact that you aren't together?
Because of how things ended, she cheated on me and never gave me a reason why, I was paying for literally everything while she sat around drawing and talking to other guys online on a MLP Minecraft server.