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mech thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

>chromehounds gone
>hawken gone
>Mechwarrior is shell
>Armored core gone

It won't stop hurting

But hey
>new front mission just announced
It's a phone game

only good front mission was 3

Are there any modern mech games out there that aren't a mech flavored FPS? I have MW5 but I need more


There's Phantom Brigade. I haven't played a lot of it, but it seems pretty good.

any good mecha action adventure games?

Heard it was kinda shit. Is it not?

Looks pretty cool

I wish mw5 was good.

Maybe Mechs were popular during the 90s because you could get away with more blocky models?

>Heard it was kinda shit. Is it not?

No idea, I wishlisted it. Gonna grab it next steam sale as I'm also itching for another mech game, it's only $2.50 on g2a though so I'm tempted.

I'm having fun, got about 80 hours in it, I play it and get burnt out then I get the itch to play it again every couple of months. It does a good job being a mechwarrior game, it does more than any other previous title, it's just too repetitive, but it can be modded to hell to make shit interesting.

Armored Core 6 was leaked retard

Not the guy you're responding to, but I enjoy it a lot. It can be bullshitty difficult at times, but I might also just be a dumbfuck

Mechs are amalgamation of mechanical engineering, anatomy and fantasy, epitome of artist struggle. They were a thing before the rise of 3d graphics.

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I meant in vidya.

do you guys not have phones?

>hawken gone
>it's still in my Steam library
it hurts bros

>Phantom Brigade
Fuck this game for being Epic only. it looked so cool

is Mechwarrior 5 as bad as everyone says it is?

The radar in the game doesn't work so you don't see the enemies spawn in. The issue is the spawning is still jank so you will see tanks just appear. This game fights you tooth and nail for your fun and makes you wonder if its even worth it.

It's pretty shit. Apparently they updated a few of the things that sucked like enemies just spawning nearby to attack you right away, friendly AI being more or less worthless offensively, stuff like that.

Haven't been back to play it in months, playing it around the time of release left too bad a taste in my mouth for me to really bother returning to see if it's marginally better. Unless it went from the 2/10 I would've given it before to like at least an 8 it can't undo the terrible reputation.

Vidyas are part of the global popculture, i don't think it was limitations of technology that pushed mechs in the 90-s. Yes, it's played it part, but in general mechanical romance was a dream of the time. Industrial innovations reached their peak tempo, cost optimizations didn't settle in, people dared to hope for the future, had faith in the engineering.

Was RF Online mecha?
Any good server now?

it didnt help the game ran like absolute dogshit and was an epic games exclusive for a while

they were popular because there was arcade mech simulators in every big city


I personally have had a bunch of fun playing MW5 both solo and with friends.
I feel like it definitely needs more in the way of map and objective variety(which is maybe addressed by the DLC but I have not purchased it), and I feel like you don't get enough active mech storage. I haven't played in almost a year so I don't know if they've fixed a bunch of the stuff other people are bringing up.

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why did it never get a game

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What is even the point of having arms if you can't punch with them?
Western mecha is a joke

battletech was good but after it finally let you off the leash and had you do your own thing you realize how repetitive it.

thanks, dude

Sweet thanks user.

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battlemech always let mechs punch and kick though


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Mechs are fucking gay

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dumb motherfucker

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Holy shit thanks user

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Cheers user, Thanks

Playing artillery in chromehounds and doing nothing but spam shit and missing was extremely cool

>First code on the list
>Last one I tried
>Only one that wasn't claimed
Much appreciated user.

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>want to play some Battletech
>do a single mission
>manage repairs and crew members afterwards
>select next mission and start travelling
>close game
I just can't get myself to play more than one mission of this at a time

>Heard it was kinda shit. Is it not?
Its unoptimized shit and the vanilla game is pretty mediocre but its also all we have. I've gotten 500 hours out of modded play throughs, though.

Would you suggest any mods for a first playthrough, or is it better to experience it vanilla? Never touched BattleTech before.

holy shit I missed codes fuck me, just found out about that game through the thread and it looks pretty cool indeed so good on ya user

If you arent going to do a second playthrough then yes use the mods

just pirate it. 40 bucks is highway robbery for what you get (which doesnt include the dlc that adds more content and mechs). also the game has pronoun shit if that annoys you

>STILL no Patlabor game

I found it on grey sites for 5 bucks so that might be worth the deal I guess, although I do miss mecha games where you're in first or third person instead of isometric or strategy stuff

punching in mw5 is a meme

MWO might be coming back................maybe.............i heard it might be coming back for the past 5 years now.........

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>PC on the verge of getting Gundam pseudo-sim
>Devs completely botch the first test
>All subsequent tests cancelled
>Total radio silence since

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I'm pretty biased, so when i say that I really did not enjoy my vanilla playthrough, take it with a huge grain of salt. Mods essentially made me fall in love with the game.

There are a few options. Battletech Enhanced and Battletech Extended are basically vanilla+ mods if you don't want anything too drastic.

BTA3062 is the mod I played the most and receives constant updates. Its more of a total overhaul of even base gameplay systems, and adds a ton of mechanics that make the game more enjoyable (imo). Its starting to get a little bloated though.

Roguetech, on the other hand, is completely bloated and I recommend you avoid it.

Its only been a week user, we'll be okay I hope

Plus there's always EVO whenever the fuck that's gonna come out

>still no melee focused Broken Blade Mecha game

dont worry bros we'll be getting gundam operation 2 soon and all the problems it had on the ps4

I don't care for the Battletech videogame. Call me a doomer, but the plot was pretty bog standard, the salvage rights and missions were pretty shit(oh hey what if, get this, what if WE DROPPED ANOTHER LANCE ON THEM?!! HAHA ORIGINAL RIGHT?!), repair and customization times were too short, and some of the mech choices were odd. I also hated how bone dead broken the AI is. Maybe I care to much about Battletech and Mechwarrior as a whole.

Its sorta been always alive. I pop on and play when I get the itch.

This holy shit.

I was going to say it feels like Rougetech is made by tryhard faggots who pretend to know what the tabletop is like, but have never touched it in their lives. Everything is made to be an asspain, some fights are made to to keep you in the medium lance range forever. I say this as someone who used to play the tabletop religiously when I was growing up.

I didn't realize MW5 even existed. I loved 3 and 4 as a kid and bought 5 for the nostalgia. I expected mediocrity but it's actually >fun even if it's no masterpiece. To me it feels like 3 and 4 but with modern graphics and added stuff, but granted I don't remember much about those.

The graphics in the tutorial were terrible and put me off, but the more I play the more I think the game actually looks pretty gorgeous given the view distance.

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Have they fixed friendly AI so they actually fire their guns? Have they fixed enemies spawning in in plain sight 400m away? Have they fixed it so you can lock on to targets you can plainly see straight infront of you so that missile mechs are actually worth using?

I occasionally watch that one german MWO streamer who also does RTech playthroughs and it looks like a total slog to play, and the community around it are a bunch of miserable gits.

BTA is starting to get too big as well, but it absolutely scratches my collect-a-mech autism, and it also lets me mix IS and Clanner gear together like the heretech that I am.

Friendly AIs being mostly useful as meatwalls is just something I'm used to in every game. As long as they don't die and drag me down I don't really care. Getting to shoot things myself is more fun anyway. So to actually answer your question: probably not but I'd personally find it boring if I could just give the AIs assault mechs and afk.

I never actually see the enemies spawn. They appear out of sight at least.

Target locks seem fine to me. You just lose your lock if the target hides behind buildings or terrain long enough.

Then again I never played this until earlier this month so I have 0 point of comparison.

Or to reiterate about friendly AIs, they do fire things but I don't know if they do reduced damage to enemy mechs or what but they do take LONG to kill things if you're not around, sometimes. They kill tanks and helicopters all the time, but if I tell my lancemates to target an enemy and then go hide behind a rock myself, they take a long time to do it. I think the game really wants you to contribute to killing mechs. I feel like they get more done in fights if I'm actually there and doing something too.

So if there was some issue where they literally wouldn't shoot, no, that doesn't happen.

>don't die and drag me down I don't really care
My main thing with them was they'll deal X amount of damage and the amount they received was always disproportionately high compared to myself. I don't want to AFK and let the AI handle it either but having to spend 40% of every mission reward in repair bills because the AI don't understand tactics or cover or focus fire, don't follow orders and are unable to left click used to piss me off in a big way.

Played at release and they were terrible for this. Might download it again and see if they've fixed it

I enjoyed Battletech, for what it's worth. Some people say it's repetitive but as someone who likes roguelikes and finished an XCOM long war campaign I don't have any issues with that.

The only thing is that I don't really see a ton of strategy in the mech combat, but I have that issue with every single mech game I've ever played.

I also started with 3, never played 4 or 2 but pleasantly enjoyed mw5 despite it's shortcomings. It's still a really fun game and the online co-op and ability to mod it easily is great.

It is very much a slog I always hated the fact you rarely get a whole mechs as salvage, and have to hope you get the right parts. At least let me frankenmechs if you're going to cuck me like that. And don't worry, some of my favorite mechs to use in the tabletop are hybrid mix's that are utterly disgusting. Maruader is my mechfu and I'll fight anyone over it. Might want to check out Megamek, its got a clunky interface, but you can play whole campaigns against the also braindead AI, and make anything from infantry to warships.

That has stopped happening to me after the very early game. Now that they all have heavy mechs I haven't lost an AI mech at all. In the random money farming missions early on they'd sometimes eat shit in their light/med mechs and force me to restart, yeah. Game seems a lot smoother when you're in a heavy/assault mech.

theres also mechwarrior: living legends, which is a free multiplayer fps that still has a sizable community and lets you use mechs as well as tanks and planes too

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Didn't LL get shut the fuck down?

Which mech game has actual good gameplay that isn't necessarily slow and/or clunky while also having a lot of customization

hey remember when they announced they got new devs and were working on it again only to reveal that the update was console only and they only thing they even released was the fucking poop emoji as a sticker?

I hate F2p games and I want it to fucking die so they can make something better.