None shall pass.
None shall pass
Other urls found in this thread:
>None shall pass
Roberto, my arch nemesis
NONE shall pass.
>None shall pass.
>Promise me, Ned
>you killed a good and caring daddy
I mean, his answer to his son's illness was to take him on a dangerous journey chasing down a fable. His heart's in the right place, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
All From worlds are depressing shitholes, what else is he going to do?
>game has two whites
>one is the "chained ogre"
>the other is this guy who wildly smashes a sword around like a retard
Why was this blatant racism not called out?
>He wouldn't go to hell and back for his own son
Never have children.
I have no quarrel with you, good sir knight. But I MUST cross this bridge
Do what he can to make his son's final days peaceful, comfortable, and pleasant.
Whites? Complaining about racism? They already do it all the time!!
do you even find out what happened to his son at the temple? Did he get infested by a centipede or something?
>your sword attacks in a game where you kill armored samurai, demons and dragons do absolutely nothing to a European knight
I don't know about you but that's rad as fuck to me
i assume his son ended up being one of those hundreds of pinwheels that marked dead kids' graves or someshit, just another sacrifice on the road to immortality
Should've let me pass
Stupid memes. Gandalf only confronts the demon to not pass (to harm the fellowship of the ring). Only the movie asserts that Gandalf actually dies in the battle. The book left it up to interpretation, but the imagery of Gandalf transforming into the tier of the white due to Saruman’s betrayal and corruption (the black Saruman) did fit in with the movie’s claim. And it did draw attention from critics who didn’t like that there is a resurrection of the dead in stories. I guess it makes some people feel uncomfortable over their religious beliefs if there really is such a thing. They didn’t seem to care that there was a real live flaming demon from hell though.
I believe I will be passing.
I bet the car of the future will float, but not with magnets or propulsion, but by directly altering local gravity.
Meh, it will be with exploding and fire and gas type fuels. Electric wieners are weinies.
he wasn't too difficult, more sad than anything as you kind of figure out who he is and why he's there. I did like From throwing a kinda "foreigner" boss in there as well to give it more of a feudal japan vibe where white ppl would occasionally pop up to sell guns, religion, etc
>about 1,000 meters into the vast 1.3 mile cave.
Jesus christ can you at least decide on a metric
>would've been invincible if he didn't forget that japanese buildings are made out of paper
who's roger?
And technically he found that fable and almost managed to cure his son. The only problem is that the monks cure is faulty.
Wow I can't believe they allowed this kind of transphobic content
I really hope one other user got your EYE reference. Otherwise this place really has gone down the shitter.
user, this isn't reddit. We don't have to do +1 and give gold just because we got a joke.
No, the cure was a work in progress at that point. The child helped complete the divine heir
>for the sake of your son, put down your sword!
>sounds fair, I have no plans to hurt your son
>splendid, any chance you can help me find him? these monks are taking awhile
Just admit you didn't get the joke and that you're a newfag.
Games that have combat with the feel of pic related?
+1 for you good sir! Well done on getting the joke!
Edit: Holy moly, thanks for the gold kind stranger!
You seem to enjoy pretending to post on reddit. Maybe you should hurry on your merry way back there so you don't have to pretend?
Any VR game with swords
>muh robert
>muh zanzibart
can fromdrones just off themselves already?
Why was he guarding the bridge anyway? Did he know you were killing all the monks?
The fuck are you on about? Divine Heir is Kuro, and he has no ties to Senpou
If you got the Rice loli and Divine Heir Kuro mixed up, then regardless, we don't know why she is the only "success" to come out of Senpou
Only conclusion I can arrive to, is that she was a miracle of sorts. A once in a blue moon occurrence
The deal he struck with the Monks was that he'd tirelessly guard Senpou
To converse with and team up with an invader would be nothing short of nonsensical
He came with his son from some European nation in order to find a cure for his son's supposed terminal illness. There used to be a thread schizo who was adamant in proving that the guy was Dutch or Portuguese, I don't remember the finer details
How they got hold off news of the Rejuvenating Waters is not explained. But they come to the conclusion that it will save the son
While travelling across Ashina in search for these waters, they made and sold firecrackers to make ends meet. Which ends up becoming the Firecracker prosthetic
Once the two reach Senpou, they strike a deal with the monks. The Father will guard the entrance to Senpou as the Monks try to cure the son via Rejuvenating Waters
... Except the son was probably long dead before Wolf even faced Armored Warrior, the Monks probably wasted the child's life away in their pursuit of immortality. As they have done so far to countless children, as you can see numerous corpses of decaying children littered across the area
is sekiro unironically a christian game?
No Christianity anywhere, I'd say it's more of a Buddhist game
Even though it shows how twisted the monks become in their experiments, Buddha seemingly helps Wolf a LOT
Both the sections of Hirata are pocket dimensions/sandboxes that are created by Buddha for Wolf to achieve his goals. Either that, or it's straight up time travel
Why is Buddha so benevolent towards Wolf? No one knows.
Buddha helps wolf because he knows Sekiro can get Kuro and therefore, the Divine Dragon to get the fuck out so he can be respected, worshiped again, as can the native gods, and clean the lands of all is stagnation from this foreign, corrupting power
Aren't Ninjas known for being Nichiren Buddhists?
Oh. That's actually a fair conclusion to arrive at
I vaguely remember reading how the Dragon's arrival had diminished worship for the other gods too
Whenever Wolf commits to executing a fellow shinobi(Owl and Butterfly), he raises one arm in a prayer like motion. Owl does the same when executing Wolf
So the answer is probably yes? I know nothing about Buddhism
You can see it as the snakes have been forced down into the Valleys when its shown that they were once everywhere like ashina outskirts and mibu village. Buddha's statues have been burned and hidden away towards the monkey cave. Most of sempos and Mibu's have been hidden too so buddha has been pushed aside along with the natural gods in favor for the DD
why is the regular owl fight piss easy and the owlfather is on 1000x steroids?
More soul than any single character in Elden Ring despite being zanzibart tier.
Great Shinobi(normal Owl) is harder, Father(Hirata Owl) is stupidly predictable. Try fighting both with Demon Bell and No Kuro's charm. Great Shinobi is one of the harder bosses
Regardless, Inner Father of the gauntlets is the hardest boss in the game