What can we do against the increase of incels in online games?

What can we do against the increase of incels in online games?

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have sex with them

Government appointed girlfriends.

Bro it's just Yea Forums relax T.T T.T

Sure your answer is being a stupid cunt.

that's gay. what about legalizing prostitution and the goverment hire thoses sluts to suck incel to avoid a school shooting? it's still stupid but better than what you said

>Shut the fuck up inc-ACK

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are these "incels" in the room with you right now user?

Mandatory Blowjob days in public schools

Star Wars fans have become incredibly insufferable people over the last ~10 years

So incel is now a definiton of being anti propaganda? Here i was thinkg it was a slang for woman haters or it could be that redditors are nothing but uninformed little npcs

This. The Last Jedi was a great movie and I hate how GamerGate retards took over the fandom. I wish Mauler would jump into a vat of acid.

the worst thing to these people is a person who can not have sex.

>So incel is now a definiton of being anti propaganda?
nah, it's just an insult that has zero relation to it's origin, like calling someone a faggot

by the teachers, right?

Well, duh, your gene pool ends with you. Your far-rightist personality repulses every woman on the planet. You know how sad that is? How pitiful that is? That literal down-syndrome people and homeless and even homosexuals are passing down their seed while you waste away in your room yelling about those dang libruls taking away your toys and giving them to the girl next door.

Anybody got these videos? They make me laugh every time

its a slur thats woke

you okay?

>by the teachers, right?


Incels are conservative, therefore conservatives are incels. Simple as.

Fix divorce laws
Ban women from the workforce
Deport all non-whites

star trek got it worse

Of course. Why did I never think of this?

wouldn't a pedo or a serial killer be worse?

>The Last Jedi was a great movie

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cucks are liberal so liberals are cucks weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Decriminalise rape.

This is why you get called an incel. Go shoot up a school fashy.
Conservatards are both.

yeah, basically
and don't forget to remind them that "chud" is a racist term for black people

Bro, it's just a post relax ToT ToT

>Go shoot up a school fashy.
sure thing, what's your address?

that's why rape should be legal, but only if it's done to w*men

you will never be a mother

And you'll never have kids, meanwhile Tyrone will continue to have a phone book's worth of baby mamas.


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Hear me out: bespoke sexbots that are painstakingly detailed to the incel's tastes.
Want a female deathclaw to use your head as a dildo every night? Done.
Want to impregnate Renamon every night? No problem.
Want Flamedramon to fill your stomach with seed? Easy.

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>internet argument
>first thing >she thinks of is black men fucking
what did >she mean by this

You oppressed a class of poor disfranchised people, and now you will pay the price.

>Tyrone will continue to have a phone book's worth of baby mamas.
but he'll still be a nigger

Well for one you can stop using buzzwords from /r9k/

The government and women are the cause of incels, how about they fix themselves first?

well then those kids should be killed, that's what male lion coalitions do, they team up and murder chad and then kill his kids so the women are receptive to mating

>The government and women
>fix themselves
well kekked good sir

What can we do about redditors screenshotting posts they're too pussy to reply to and posting them here?


Who will have passed on his seed while your gene pool will end with yourself. Maybe not be so intolerant towards minorities and not only will they not feel inclined to bite back against you, but women wouldn't be driven to them simply to spite your god-awful mindset.
>white men literally advocating for rape and murder
And you still say #NotAllMen. Yeah this is why your tweets fall on deaf ears while people are more inclined to listen to women and embrace humanitarian (necessarily leftist) ideals.

yep, its discord time

oh you're a woman, post pussy

>women being powerful cause men to go postal and harm themselves and others
Good hopefully they'll all get locked up and we can have a matriarchy because it's clear women are superior when it comes to basic human morality.

i ain't reading all that, you're on Yea Forums getting called a kike nigger cunt faggot and trying to make us what? feel bad? you're screaming into the void and the void is like

Right, it's obvious men will never be able to feel bad about anything, no matter how many people get hurt. And then you wonder why we take your toys away.

lol women taking away anything. you need men to deal with men, you can't even be tyrants without men

Thankfully there is a minority of men that aren't sociopaths and it just so happens they all vote Democrat and have jobs in gaming. You know, the job you always dreamed of having but weren't able to get because you fell asleep in class and didn't go to college because "it's a meme" lol.

damn bitch, you got some daddy issues? or did step-daddy touch your no-no place?

you okay?

tits or GTFO

Male on female rape is serious business and it's gotten so bad that women can't even trust their own fathers or brothers anymore. Like the last time I saw my brother was like 10 years ago. Sure we got along well but I'm sure as hell not going to another man's house, even if he does have a wife and kids.

>Thankfully there is a minority of men
lol a women nature always comes out.

okay this has got to be some kind of elaborate rp or really lame troll attempt

Damn either you're baiting or you got hugeass mental issues. I would recommend to go see a shrink but the best ones are usually males and I can't really expect you to get alone in a room with anything that has a penis.
I hope your brother is doing okay now and that growing up with a nutcase like you didn't affect him too much.

Why are you faggots replying to obvious bait.

>legalizing prostitution
That would be smart


The government will never do it because

1. Due to having prostitution outlawed for so damn long the sexual repression has gotten so bad that things like OnlyFans are now contributing to RUINING the economy as more or less the price of pussy is way too inflated The way they have Divorces work where the richer person HAS to give like half their assets to the poorer one doesn't help either,but they would choose to die before admitting that


2. It has religious beliefs,standards and voices shoved too far up its ass to even really consider that. Even that pure virgin shit that incels go on about comes from religious horse shit and people are just utterly brainwashed from its obsessive bull

So don't ever ever think that'll happen in the US. Especially right now.

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>what about legalizing prostitution

>The Last Jedi was a great movie

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>t-that would be smart
Legalised prostitution is a stupid idea
Fix the reason why men need prostitutes

nooo you cant just call out the blatant demographic pandering shut uppp