Comfy elden ring thread

how's your playthrough going and how are you liking big weapons after the recent patch?

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Other urls found in this thread: Level by Location

I liked ER but it's really time to move on.
The game isn't anything special and your recent experiences and encounters have already been experienced by 100s of thousands of other people.

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Everyone says colossal weapons are fine now because of a few fixes but the R1 combo is still terrible

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Imagine being such a fag you copypaste this in every thread
Jannies are too busy playing elden ring to delete our threads. Cope & Seethe

>posts this shit every therad, word for word
You lost

I haven't played in a week, kinda burnt out after 250+ hours ngl

You havent played a single minute of ER

Ive been playing for 40 hours and... Im still using the vagabond set! Wheres the cool armor?
Also i wonder how big this game is, i feel like i have explored a huge part and yet i always see people mentioning areas ive never seen. This must be bigger than any other soul game

It's miles bigger than any previous Souls game
Unfortunately, a lot of armor sets without farming are back loaded into a questline at the Volcano
But generally, anything farmable drops its armor pieces

Barely have 60 hours, not rushing and enjoying exploring. If only drop rates weren't so ass. You telling me there are no armor sets to find in the overworld? Should have put them in the catacombs.

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For me it's been so long that putting anything else other than my starting confessor set just feels off. At first I wanted D's armor but by the time I got it it didn't feel right

Hey stupid mods why did you delete the other thread? We really need more coombait and /pol/ threads? I don’t care if you’re sick of Elden Ring it’s a great game even though it’s overrated and not 10/10 cope seethe and dilate you fucking mod/janny faggots

There are a shitload of armor sets just keep playing and by the end you will have a shitload

I love Ranni

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how was i supposed to know where sellia hideaway was?

Getting filtered by a boss since Goldrick
I'm starting to learn his pattern but there 2/3 attack i fucking hate
>The gravity grab
I just don't know how to dodge that, even by predicting it, the time I run away i still get grabbed and lose half my health
>The gravity arm swipe
By itself the attack is fair, but when I'm attacking this skull, for some reason his left arm has a hitbox Wich i get it despite being behind it

>The grab bite
It's hard to discern when he actually got for his hyper dangerous bite or a simple teleport.
And my camera kill itself when he do that so i can see jack shit
It's kinda my fault as i should stop locking on him at this moment but I'm panicking trying to run away from the AOE attack

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I'm a melee user user...
It's make the fight way harder
But at distance i can recognize he is super easy

Also how do you dodge his slam attack
He do 3 circles, i can dodge the first 2, but i always get cucked by the third

>Bleed still beyond busted
>RoB untouched
>Madness nerfed into the ground for no reason
>Deathblight still terrible
>Colossal weapons now have the speed of greatswords making those pointless to use
>Endgame magic on password summoned phantoms now faster and harder to punish

Honestly this has been the worst patch for build variety. Every single invasion is either 3 people with bleed nag/RoB or spamming Colossal weapons.

>Spamming this pasta everywhere
Someone's still in Denial I see.

The gravity grab is really the only problem with Astel. You barely have enough time to run out of the zone if you stay right at his skull.
Oddly the safest place for fighting him is right between his jaws. You can time the roll on the gravity grab but I've only gotten it once. The arm hitbox is beating by running into the left (your right) of his skull and rolling.
I stayed locked on and that was the best. Makes it easy to gauge the pincer grab for me. I just ran backwards and rolled away when I saw him rearing up.
ER is just rife with "I just have to wait out attacks" There are too many combos and near-death if not instant death attacks to learn without deep investment.

>deathblight useless
I swear it got shadowpatched to degrade faster or need more buildup. Ive landed 8+ hits with double buffed Eclipse shotels and not had a deathblight proc. Which is frustrating when RoB achieves the same thing pressing L1 twice.

No when he slam his hand on the ground and shot 3 charge of energy on the ground
Each circle become bigger each time

miyazaki hate pvp autists

>beat game after 160 hours
>was running a colossal sword and later dual wield colossal swords
>fuck around a bit more getting achievements before starting a new playthrough as a sorcerer
>new patch buffing colossal swords arrives
imagine the look on my face user

>castle sol faggot
ok, how am i supposed to fight him effectively without those charm items? also, what the FUCK did they do to mimic tear? it does so quickly now

im sure it makes it harder... but astel is still a fucking joke fight

Idk he whooping my ass more than the usual boss
Even radhan took me less try than him
It mostly his bite/grab who oneshot me

I still can't beat Melania, I'm even doing Tiche and a greatshield and still get btfo when I slip up and attack just as she's about to do that waterfowl blade and can't pull up my give up shield fast enough.

Honestly i always forget you can jump in this game to dodge
I usually just jump to dodge regular ennemy attacks not bosses

Will try thanks user

You can time waterfowl

Down heavy Malenia and slink back until waterfowl comes out. Make sure you have high stamina.

its a shame the roll back 200ms ping means it registers the hit every fucking time

It may not be unique but it sure is fun

>Done nothing but PvP since I finished the story
>My gf is still in liurnia
>I try escorting her to Altus plateau through the cavern
>We get invaded twice
>When it happens she'll get behind me while I solo the dude
>Had a moment where I had to solo a guy power stancing brick hammers while she fought that choir singing bat man
>Never had an escort mission Feel so fun
>Same kinda vibe as Kratos and Atreus almost
>Makes the PvE mean more because she has to overcome the enemies on her own and it makes her feel more confident

And that's what's great about multiplayer. These moments that almost feel like an episodic anime adventure.

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You can't jump Waves of Darkness, unfortunately

If you're getting wrecked by colossal invaders you're just bad. I really sincerely mean that, I have never lost to a single colossal fag not even bloodhound step greatsword poke losers. Colossals only have the jump attack and good players can catch panic rolls with timed r2s but thats it. Also literally every retard with a colossal has no poise Because gay anime nerd fashion so just get a poke machine and melt them every time they run in. The only time I would be scared of a colossal is if it was obviously someone not shit at the game and using high poise armor looking to force a trade. I've yet to see one of those in over 150 hours.

some merchant sells a note about it iirc

Tried to position yourself to the far corner of either Niall's summons, you can kill one of them before the other reaches you if your build is any decent, before killing the other summon. Niall usually won't move until either one or two of the summons are dead

The only guy who hard pushes you is a dual wielding knight. Deal with him while circling around the edges of the area, I can guarantee you both Niall and the other guy won't be able to touch you. Then it's obviously the other knight in the same fashion and Niall himself.

Finally did it
I ended up learning that light attack was the best way to stagger him (my ash of war was useless)
And i could just jump over his light bites and that would put me behind his head making easier to see his attacks and dodged his magic hand swipes

Also you can roll over all his grabs even his big gravity attack,just need to time it correctly

Only thing I couldn't cope was his meteores but he did it only once

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Yup learnt the hard way
I didn't find a way to dodge his quick slam
But when he get in his hair and got 4 orbs in each hand, you have plenty of time to run away

I think I've done mostly everything there is to do.
I missed out on a lot of storylines so I'll focus on that in my second playthrough.
I'm currently grabbing all the weapons I may want to try out before doing NG+
Is this the most kino Souls Series final boss theme ever? Even more than plin plin plon?

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What I want in a DLC:

>you can modify the ash of war of the Crucible Knight shield
>an ash of war that lets me cast incantations using shields
>Full Crucible Knight cosplay
Swapping the shield to a seal just to cast incantations breaks the immersion desu

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Feels good. The point in your playthrough you choose to tackle this guy makes a big, big difference (same with all bosses, really).
He was decently challenging on my first playthrough, steamrolled him with power and experience on my sorcery playthrough.

Thoughts on this level guide? Level by Location
I was playing as blind as I could but that ended up in me stomping my way through the Weeping Peninsula at lvl56 after defeating Rennala and that was kind of lame.

Skimming over the guide, it looks fairly accurate to what I ended up being with heavy exploration.
Weeping Peninsula can be done from the very beginning of the game, from what I can tell. I did it a little bit earlier on my second playthrough, and it really seems like it's intended to be one of the very first places you go, which is bizarre because it doesn't really seem like anything of importance is there.

I finally got hit by giant hand's projectile. It's a binding spell.

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If you have something to rush down the double sword knight, focus on that. He's extremely high pressure and needs to go down immediately. After him, take down the shield guy and put Niall in his second phase. From that point he's got a pretty well telegraphed set of moves. Minus his spastic full arena lightning dash shit but I have only ever seen it happen like once.

I like the second half of the song a lot more. The first half is simply a more bombastic version of the title screen music. A bit too on the nose for me. I like when the main theme of a game is brought back in its final battle as a leitmotif or worked into the villain's theme in a creative way. But this seems like they just traced directly over the title theme and added some instruments/increased the tempo.
If you're strictly talking about Elden Beast's music, yeah, it's really good.
>It's a binding spell.
It looks like you're (actual minor spoilers): just outside of Dung Eater's cell. If you decide to fight him in there, you can employ the hand's binding ability to freeze Dung Eater and get free hits. Not that he's too difficult to begin with, but still fun to do.

I want to replay the game and cant decide between new game plus or just a fresh playthrough.

Wat do?

New game plus sounds more fun NGL
I couldn't bother reget every items all again

I hate what they did to Carian Retribution. It obviously needed nerfs and bug fixes but they straight up gutted it. Its not even worth using for PVE. Risking eating a magic blast to the face in exchange for a good damage counter is fine. As long as they fixed the invis daggers and removed self parry it would have been fine even with the old damage since they're easy to dodge when you can see them and without self parry only bad mages would get wrecked by it anyway. Instead they just made it worthless.

Just beat the game as a sorcerer I can't believe how easy the game was on my str character it felt like a challenge I beat a good chunk of bosses on the first try going for one last playthrough for the frenzy ending

Carian Knight armour is hidden in the runup to the Academy of Raya Lucaria in the graveyard. There’s a set of regular knight armour sold by the Twin Maiden Husks at the roundtable. If you figure out how to destroy the chariots in the Auriza Hero’s Grave outside the capital that rewards you with the Tree Sentinel set. There’s a caravan in the consecrated snowfield guarded by two Night’s Cavalry at night, beating both of them gives you the Night’s Cavalry set. If you can find and work your way through the entirety of Shaded Castle, Enia at the roundtable will sell you Elemer of the Briar’s set, which damages enemies when you roll into them. Volcano manor questline rewards you with some nice sets too. Unfortunately a lot of the good drip is hidden towards the late game. There’s a merchant on the northeasternmost tip of Caelid who sells the samurai armour if you’re into that.

I just beat Malenia and even after beating her I still say the fight sucks dick from a mechanical standpoint.

I spent the last few hours helping people fight this guy because it's fun. I'd use a big bow and just be there to make things a little easier while not robbing the summoner of the glory of the kill. This is a good boss for summoning players to help because he's easier to read when he's attacking someone else.

Aim for his arms themselves when you can. When he's doing a thing that doesn't involve them it can sometimes mean his arms are just resting there easy to reach.

>biting grab
Don't run from the biting grab, he almost always does it right after teleporting behind you. So when he teleports too close start rolling. You'll almost definitely dodge it even if panic rolling the whole time. The usual tell is that he teleports close (and usually behind) rather than to a random part of the room. This isn't always the case but almost always is.

>gravity grab
Unless you have the timing down when you start seeing him bend his head straight up with all those glowing distortion lines showing gravity shit is happening, start rolling away. You'll most likely roll through the point he lifts shit up, after which point you sprint far enough to be free of it dropping back down. Otherwise you'll just roll out of the area first.

This boss isn't so bad if you have reliable range. So either get someone with that to help, or level up a bow. Then you only really need to learn to dodge the tail swipe and the big laser.

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>giant hand
>rot kindred
>giant demon crows
>the catacombs cat statues with magic AoE ground pounds
>ulcerated/putrid tree spirits
Literally and unironically what the FUCK were they thinking?

Where the fuck do I find more Shabriri grapes? I want to do the Frenzied Flame ending.

>The first half is simply a more bombastic version of the title screen music. A bit too on the nose for me.

I see what you're saying, but consider: the title music is just radagon's music. He is truly the Elden Ring... Unironically fits with the whole radagon being in plain sight thing in the intro. You've been listening to his music all game without realizing it.

They're usually near wherever you meet the girl you need to give them to with a few exceptions. The trick is that the truth about them and the girl are both tied to castle morne in a kind of sad way.

honestly there's no logic connecting the different locations for the grapes quest. It's just random that you find any without using a guide.

westoid devs can't cope

Enemies that are never worth fighting under any circumstances. I'll start.

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Malenia first phase will ALWAYS do waterfowl when she’s reduced to ~60% health, unless you interrupt her recovery in which case she’ll pull it out of the RNG bag at any point after that. Turn and run from the initial attack, then dodge under the second which should throw off the tracking for the third enough to make it easier to dodge. It can also be dodged at close range but I don’t fully understand how, just that I’ve done it by accident a few times. You have to understand that Waterfowl Dance is some of the laziest shit in the game, instead of giving it a proper animation that lines up with its hitbox and when it actually hits you they just have her stick her arm out and paste some shitty anime afterimage animation over the top of her, keep practicing and you’ll get the timing for where and when it’s actually hitting you. I would recommend doing runs against her solo with no summon to understand her attacks and how to dodge them all, she becomes a lot less predictable with more bodies in the arena. Good fucking luck with the second phase, though. I’m pretty sure on my second playthrough I beat her thanks to pure luck.

The knight summons will also disappear when Niall is reduced to 50% health, it’s a very viable approach to kill the two swords dickhead and then focus on Niall as you can chip away 50% of his healthbar that way before he becomes truly obnoxious to deal with. If you kill both knights he instantly moves into his second phase regardless of his health.

This is the one enemy everyone complains about I unironically find easy. Just get under it bro. I can see why it would be hard for ranged builds though. Also fuck the ones in snowfields, but fuck everything in snowfields.

But anyway, I would say big dogs and big birds. Especially the moghwynn birds (yeah, THAT one). The one that jumps you while the invader spawns is such cancer.

What level do people typically do auriza hero's grave? I'm SL70/+15 and not getting any takers with my summon sign in the room in front of lmao2crucible

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But they drop seeds.

pretty much all other overworld enemies as well.
But especially fuck the iron maidens. What a pain in the ass they are to fight unless you're a caster.

It's not a question of easy or hard, it's a question of whether they're worth your time. Rune bears are just tedious with how much HP they have and never give you any good rewards. So there's no reason to ever bother. But they're also aggressive as fuck and chase you halfway across the world if they aggro. Just fucking annoying all around

They put one of these in the smallest room they could and called it a day

Yeah, that's true. The worst part of them is how they chase you so far with their ranged attacks.