Andrew's game thread
did you beat it?
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Did you do the Golden Chocobo Racing?
did you use assist mode? pathetic
Andrew's game thread
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Im only at like 7 or 8 crystals right now. Doing a more traditional group configuration but Im considering stopping a but to master some classes. A lot of the music is pretty good too.
>Enter Delende the first time
>those banjos
fuck racing that shits garbage
can you dispel his buff with a Warlock?
can you use hunter's mark on him?
can you stack ninjas for double hit? Samurais?
Warlock / Nomad Therapy stance > Remedy AoE removes debuff yw
Delende is 9/10 song
you can turn on a setting to auto win the races now
There's a "skip minigame" option if you want to avoid it. That's what I did. Makes getting the Golden Mount much faster and easy.
remove debuff will help for sure
the rest no because he avoids all magic/attacks for 15 uses. ninjas/samurais could work
thats exactly what i did
My favorite field tracks are Delende and Salmon River. So much soul.
>enter salmon river
>hear this for the first time
>playing a game before its finished
thanks for beta testing cucks, i'll play it in a few months after andrew is finished with bug fixes, balance changes and new content
>Sauce Skay
>"Nothing personal kid"
god dammit
Andrew picked those royalty-free themes well.
you don't need to damage him. he has 1 hp. You just need multi-hits. Ninja/samurai use Swift Ember/Wind then press Attack. Will do many multi hits.
i went "heh"
>If you steal from the mountain woman / variants of mountain woman warrior, you get Milk
What are some OP combinations, or fun ones, besides Warlock/Nomad?
>1 hp
oh neat okay. so really just survive and break through his buff
Samurai / Chemist
Not necessarily on the same person, even better if someone else is the Chemist so there's no CD on AP Juice.
AP Juice > 60 AP > full Samurai Burst.
is samurai the only way to increase max AP?
Sleep Bow hunter / Rogue will make you clear Sky Arena for FREE
you can buy the bow right next to the arena in the quintar vendor north of it.
Sleep > Quick shot > Snipe should do 9/10 of the enemies
Then for the final boss just tank one hit at the end and you win. You can go Smokescreen or Pocket Sand for extra caution. Personally, the 100% damage on Snipe just nuked the boss.
You can also use this cheese outside of Sky arena but it is a gimmick, and you'd have to have a sleep on each character or at least all except healer, so you have 3 big burst moments with Quickshot > Snipe. Shaman has Sleep if you don't want the casters going rogue sub.
It's the only class that has a passive, or anything for the matter, that increases max AP.
I believe the Samurai Armor may have a passive that does too. I didn't get it or needed it to 100% the game.
I feel like a lot of people think fencer is a shit class because they fall for the -dmg +critdmg stance when its actually a noob trap.
ninja/fencer, +crit -acc stance, +crit +acc accessory, crit chance/dmg gear, spam nighthawk or swallowtail every turn, tanks barely keep up aggro
assasin/anything, but usually hunter, fucks up trash encounters really well, and still does well against elites/bosses since it has atk/mag down debuff
If you get the 50% more dexterity Armor from one of the bosses of the depths this makes having a Rogue or Assassin good. They're the only two with dex value attacks, but you can make a build for the rogue to have no threat. Rogue/Assassin with passives lowering threat. Goes with chemist as well with the buff making you go bottom threat and sinergizes with debuffs for Coup de Grace, the highest damage value formula in the game.
Do you double hit nighthawk as a ninja due double weapons?
>tanks barely keep up aggro
you're a fool for using tanks anyway when ninjas / smokescreen / Tira auto evade shit
The highest DPS attacks for Fencer are Piercethrough (bypasses 25% defense), Swallowtail is the AoE and Checkmate is the 10% chance to hit for 500% damage
as asked, do you hit twice with the specials as a ninja? if so Checkmate would be really good.
smokescreen is good on high aggro
pocket sand is good on everybody.
ailments are actually good in this game.
I mean there's a good 50 hours with post game in exploration and content.
i always check pierce to see if its ever better than nighthawk and most of the time it isn't, i've only used it a few times on select bosses
checkmate is too much rng even with double hit for my taste - you're not just hoping for a 10% x5 damage, (aka +50% damage on average, MEH), you can also not crit when it procs.
>smokescreen is good on high aggro
smokescreen is good on everybody since most enemies cleave.
Guess what? Aggro is useless if most enemies are using AoE. Thread is a mechanic only for rogues.
Also, to shit on tanks even more, late games bosses tend to clear their threat tables, so there's that tankies.
I also feel threat was a mechanic specially made for rogues
Valhalla is good on the healer due utility.
Aegis is good for Magic Break/Resist Break, and most of your dps should be casters
The one tank that is useless is Warrior, it's too basic for end game.
assassin/rogue with nomad armor also cheezes sky arena because you can just rupture turn 1 and crit for their entire health on everything
Samurai is more DPS than Ninja, it just needs a fluffer to give him AP (AP transfer, AP Juice)
but if you do have a chemist, Samurai has to be in your party, they go hand in hand. Some classes just make party comps like chemist or Nomad.
>Aegis is good for Magic Break/Resist Break
While I agree on that, why not just run a shaman/beatsmith instead of a gimped tank?
Not only you'll have way more utility and more debuffs, beatsmith is one of the few classes that restores mana.
Threat really needed more mechanics associated to it besides attack highest/aggro drop/attack only works when lowest.
Enemies getting buffs or unlocking attacks at X aggro on a single target/whole party, aggro switches instead of drops, counters/instant attacks if anyone gets aggro besides the first target, not giving every enemy 80% aoe attacks lategame, fuck
Don't get me wrong. I agree with you.
I'm just saying that at least some of the "tank" commands can be useful.
I never found use for Beatsmith. little dps. Don't like being stuck 3 turns doing the same since it limits your turn versatility. I found chemist better for Mana, IF the boss was a long term fight.
I didn't even need Mana for any fights except maybe the Enforcer. Warlock/Nomad consumes little Mana and when you're not using mana you're using AP anyway.
I fear that the developer fell for the trinity trap of healer/dps/tank and in the end, it all defaulted to dps
agree. Hope andrew expands on threads on future content like the examples you gave.
thing is tanks were never good in job based system turn based jrpgs.
Not in FF4. Not in FF5. And they were only good in BD because of gimmicks or because they synergized/buffed a DPS with either passives or an ability.
unironically post this on the steam fourms and andrew will read it and consider it for some kind of future patch/game
he's been really good at taking feedback and implementing it
im a poorfag pirate, you do it
while its good that the dev is still updating the balance, most people who have completed the game wont be coming back to see any of this unless there's new content.
this game would benefit from a dungeon crawl roguelite system like Kingmaker have
You don't have to own the game to post fren.
Meta is using both mana /AP or CDs/AP for maximum DPS
Let's see
Basic. You drop it the moment you get other melee for DPS but until you have enough crystals to synergize it will be around. get your passives learned then drop.
Will be later replaced just like Warrior. useful for curena midgame until you get nomad
unlike the other two it's actually strong and can have synergies with other caster debuff applications. Basic, however, so not the best choice for main job later on
Actually good and slept on. Game really relies on weapons for damage increases so monk is very good at actually feeling the power increase in levels as you progress until end game. Solid DPS for most of the game until you get to the end.
garbage in the beginning. very good later on. Eye gouge wins boss fights. until you have gear and passives to manipulate threat you won't really use rogue, so it's only truly good later on
the move pool is good. Weaver/Scholar is nice support caster. Reverse Polarity is the strongest gimmick in the game. 20% less mana usage passive is VERY good until end game. everybody should get 25 LP to unlock learning once you learn scholar. good on andrew for making it an early crystal so you can get abilities right from the beginning of the game.
5/5 Mind for your nuke dps caster in growths. Hex Magic is good until your melee has poison and blood coat, your Warlock is gonna apply Blaze anyway so Shaman falls off end game, with Nomad, Warlock and the nuke/AoE nuke magic being more dps. Good until end game just like Monk.
good as sub for Ninja. that's it.
the AP dump melee version of Nomad.Top tier
perhaps the best class in the game both for being the only Magic AP dump . It can either nuke and stance change aoe heal when needed. It does everything for the caster.
good with late game armor with daggers.With bows its good until end game, basic but very strong mob clear for the story
I kept warrior as my sub for a while simply for the damage stance
Goes with Assassin. That's it.
Can also go with Rogue for threat reduction
Also goes with Weaver for fat mob clears for LP gathering.
It's strong, but basic and not endgame/post-game material. its best setup is dependent on sleep bow if you really want to use bow and arrow, but it's a gimmick and limits party comp.
Perhaps the most tanky melee in the game once you get slime coat. You literally just spam Nightfall or Guillotine and heal for more damage you get done. Requires gear to make it work, and it is limited to Reaper/Mimic for the setup. Outside of that, it can go with AP dump like Samurai as a sub, but you lose 10% leech and defense, making it just a poor man's Samurai with 30 AP.
garbage. skip.
garbage. skip
Excellent mid game caster that nukes and sweeps. you will use a dervish until you unlock Warlock/Nomad and you get the gear that makes Nomad OP and stronger, more efficient DPS. Actually Also very good for final boss final version and the ancient labyrinth. level it on your casters.
Weaver / Hunter is good for Mob clearing while exploring or playing through progression. Weaver as a sub is very good on your caster support for slow. Auto-speed is a top tier trait everybody should have if youre not using a weaver. If your healer is weaver, conversely AoE haste off the bat. Healer and caster support should level it
Valhalla command is actually very good for the healer (auto-life, AoE regen + initial direct heal, AoE Protect + direct heal). If you have a dedicated healer The healing breezes do 750 + buff application. It's also the best actual tank in the game if you really want a tank, with a ninja or beatmaker sub for support or even more tanking if the boss does single target. The Valhalla command is better used on healer or your support caster, though.
Ninja/Fencer is its best comp and a very braindead but consistently strong DPS choice. Blood Spiller, Poison Coat and unload fencer abilities stacking crit/crit damage. Nightingale (best in slot rapier) + a strong dagger of choice. Ninja/Samurai is the poor man's version, double hitting the samurai abilities. Samurai is more DPS and synergizes with the party more, while having one free sub command slot to put what you want, but either works since this one requires no setup.
slept on support. One of the best growth stats for your healer due being the fastest speed growth stat while having high spirit as well. everybody should level chemist. the passive goes with hunter, goes with weaver for AoE AP Juice, goes with samurai to fuel yourself and have one person the assigned item uses in case of going out of mana, while requiring no Spirit to apply heals since it's item usage. It goes with any cooldown dependent class or as support. Top tier. level on all.
it's good for support, but it's not top tier. Chemist is a better mana source without stucking you in a dance unable to do other actions. Best combined with Valkyrie for tanking as a support sub command so the tanks can at least be useful / goes with spear.
goes with Reaper for its melee build or with a preferred choice of Caster command. Party members that go with mimic are summoners and nomads for massive pump. definitely level it on all your characters
very good to have because, with the exception of the true final boss, all other bosses (including true final boss' cohort/adds) are affected by summon's ailments.
the 20% more mana is also an excellent passive for the healer or your 2nd non-nomad caster. Basically if you're not going Warlock/Nomad or Nomad/etc, it should be a summoner. The healer can also be a summoner baseline with heals as sub command. One Summoner is enough, since the mimic/caster command mimicking the summoner's summons.
It is meta and you really feel the power difference having a summoner's toolkit in your party. Best on healer or your 2nd non-nomad caster.
it's not bad until you get more crystal. It's basic, and once you get better subs you'll replace it.
One thing Warrior brings is Power/Armor break, specifically Power Break which is more rare since late game gear has sunder armor on hit, while more classes have sunder armor too like Reaper
If you play with a tank (you don't need tanks in this game, but if you do) Warrior is the best subcommand for the tank until late game. This way the tank can actually do DPS.
what/where is slime coat?
If you really want to have a tank, Valkyrie/Ninja or Valkyrie/Aegis are your best choices
Valhalla on your deck means the healer doesn't have to carry it, and he can go weaver, scholar or something else to have slow/haste, barrier, reverse polarity. You're not really a tank, but just a hold aggro and support, which is the best way to utilize a tank in this game since tanks do no damage. AP transfer is delegated to the tank so the healer can do other things like debuff /buff application.
You can also go Valhalla/Beatmaker for mana song and AoE. Tank is the best mainc ommand for beatmaker due Crescendo. Aegis works well as subcommand because of entrench, then your mimic can mirror all your entrenched buffs (which includes the stance)
Outside of Valkyrie the rest of the tanks aren't really viable, and also because Valkyrie has Gungnir as best in slot spear, which applies Armor Break debuff on hit for your melee dps.
You're better off having a Warlock/Nomad to debuff for your caster nuke and offheal/dispel buffs/debuffs for your party since Warlocks have Resist Break, DoT application and Magic Up for your wave armor ripples every turn. It's just more utility and more damage. Valkyrie having valhalla isn't as good as the healer either, because healer's AP Transfer is affected by "Gives x% more healing" items, so your healer will restore like 23 AP while tank will only give 9-10AP, not to mention heal less on regen breeze.
The Boss Undergrowth drops it. Under the Eastern Chasm.
To access it, you need to glide from Chalice of Tar to the eastern side of Dione Shrine, which gives you access to the eastern chasm.
From then, just fall down the spiky holes.
what does it do?
75% damage resist, -75% max hp.
Which is a joke, because max hp doesnt matter.
75% less damage taken
75% less max HP
it synergizes with Reaper because its innate passive bypasses this, meaning if you hit hard with the reaper you go from 300hp to like 2k health, normalizing your health while keeping the 75% damage reduction.
it also reduces the cost of Reaper abilities since your max health is low, so you can spam guillotine, its strongest attack, without any repercussions.
For reaper you should stack Physical Lifesteal.
Blood Shield
and Slime coat goes well with bone trophy (35% less max hp but 35% more phys damage done) since the reduction is very low already due slime coat already in effect.
Problem is,
it's not that the tanks aren't viable or bad
it's just the the end game and post game all bosses have AoE spam, which makes Aegis innate of cover useless and the whole "tank the boss so others don't get hit" useless.
Also the final post game bosses have amnesia so they have no threat threshold or anticipated target, making them even more useless for the final challenges.
I've seen that suggestion, with a mauramasa as the 1h or something like that. But wouldn't you want to use a scyth for the actual scyth skill?
I couldn't remember the name of this game for the life of me, thanks for the thread OP.
Yes, you cant lifesteal without a scythe.
Which is one of the melees many problems and why magic is busted.
Almost all melees jobs are locked to their weapons, unlike magic.