Take care of your fucking hardware, it's not Nintendo.s fault. Sony's fucking DS5 has worse drift than what nintendo SUPPOSEDLY has yet nobody ever talks about that
Why are they so hell-bent on pushing this meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
>play switch
>first controller owned to ever just break from use
>"you just aren't taking care of it!!"
nigger i used to chuck ps2 controllers at walls and those fuckers would rarely break
have you considered that they're made for the hands of small children and cant handle the strength of an adult male?
L + Ratio + You’re Balding
That's not a real issue
Fuck off back to redit
both of my joycons drifted, got an early version
I just play it in my room and keep my hands pretty clean idk
never sent them in, just bought new sticks off amazon that work well
My first joycon drifted, both of my second pair have been screwed up since I first got them, and the only other person I know with a Switch had a joycon that drifted so bad it was unusable.
>Sony's fucking DS5 has worse drift than what nintendo SUPPOSEDLY has yet nobody ever talks about that
Of course snoys would never admit it.
Just get a pro controller already, the joycons are shit little toys you get out of a happy meal or something, they're meant to break so you buy another pair. Also the buttons feel like shit in general.
My joycons live in a drawer and still drift the few times I use them.
my launch dualsense is fine after 2 years of heavy use, i have it plugged into the pc regularly and there's no drift at all.
The pro controller drifts too. I had to make the deadzones huge just to use it on Steam.
That actually would not cross OP's mind since his has the hands of a child
Jesus christ look at this defending ass faggot I fucking hate Yea ForumsintendoGAF
I had to make my dick huge just to use it in your mom
Weak bait
This garbage controle hurts my hand, the buttons are so tiny that feels like needles it's horrible
It's literally the same drift issue but you don't hear as many people bitch about the ps5 controllers because there's at least 10 times as many switch controllers out there and it's been available for much longer
Is anyone on this godforsaken board capable of making threads without acting like a room temperature IQ contrarian retard?
kek got'em
Switch owners have small children hand strength regardless of age.
couldn't resist, I don't actually care about this retarded bullshit
My switch joycons started having finnicky issues and I hardly even touch the damn thing
kys corporate cocksucker
I bought three sets of the pandemic batch that fixed the drift issue that came out after animal crossing, and they have not drifted at all in the two years since.
>Yea Forums is so fucking deep in Nintendo's asshole that they'll accept an objectively faulty system issue that costs $80 to repair if you were to just "move on and ignore it."
Kek this
please, switch owners in the west probably averages on 400lbs and could easily crush this shit
I knew those things were a piece of shit the first time I held them. Bought a pro controller immediately and use it as much as possible. Even with minimizing how much I used the joycons, the left one still managed to drift after a year or two. They are not durable controllers.
>purposely use dogshit supplier for sticks
>pay the price later
What was their endgame here? Why didn't they just change their supplier? Is it really cheaper to run a sweatshop that fixes joycon drift for free than it is to make joycons without the issue in the first place?
>play switch
>joycons drift within a few days
>play ps5
>play consistently for a few months, have not drifted at all
I was a Nintendo kid, I only recently started getting into Playstation
Nintendo fucked up with those cheap sticks, they simply do not hold up well
>the eternal hamhands
go back
You will never be Lee.
>Sony's fucking DS5 has worse drift
No, it does not
How easy is it to get Nintendo to repair one? I've got one that's broken, will they give me the run around if I RMA it? Doubt I kept my receipt from 2017.
If I was looking for a second hand controller, Switch, or something delicate. And I had the choice of getting one scrawny five year old or a 250 pound roided out linebacker. I'm going to have to go with the linebacker. Have you never seen how children treat their things?
I think they'll just ask for the serial number and then they'll send you a shipping label. Been awhile since I sent mine in for repair. Took about 1-2 weeks.
My launch day joycons still work 100% same with no drifting. Fucking zoomies dont know how to treat electronics as anything but disposable and then get pissed when they break it.
Every single dumb fucking falseflagger in this thread has abused their controllers and will screech about the drift. Pathetic.
No they don't
Could be both
I'm 31 and have a large video game collection. I take my systems apart yearly and clean them even when they aren't dirty. I take apart my controllers when I notice even any gunk and full wash them, inside and out.
None of my controllers have ever had a single issue and I've been collecting since I was 6 years old. Even my N64 controller has only just recently developed issues and I've used it since I got my N64 in the 90s.
My JoyCon started drifting 3 months into playing Breath of the Wild.
>my controller is fine so it’s impossible for anyone to experience any issues with it
Open up your early gen controllers and the current gen. You'll see the plastic quality is much worse.
>yet nobody ever talks about that
because it doesn't
Retard, even Nintendo themselves acknowledge the issue.
sometimes I think nintentranny zealots are worse than apple zealots
If they were made for kids they would be even more durable and funny enough I bet a baby toy manufacturer would claim the joycons are a choking hazard you retard.
>tardrager who literally threw controllers at walls
>denies claims that he doesn't take care of his controllers
Sure, build quality has gone down, but what's wrong with you?
What does that pic have to do with moviebob?
user is right it takes like 2 weeks. I sent in my left because the drift was so bad I couldn't even farm in Stardew. The right I was iffy about so I sent both, you can send up to 4. They sent the right one back with a note that said they found nothing wrong with it. The left one was clearly a different one. I know some people are iffy about sending in their special ones because they are afraid of getting a generic one but I was excited to see if I got some random color. Just got the colors I sent back though.
You fags are literally incapable of defending Nintendo without resorting to "BUT SNOY"
I would say there is a possibility that QC standards were higher when they launched it. Then it sold like hot cakes and they needed to cut time sinks to push more.
>offer repairs at no cost
>many customers take advantage of a free service
how is this news?
If they were smart they'd fix the fucking quality of the design so they don't have to run an expensive 24/7 refurb/repair factory.
after the mario party "glove" thing, nintendo learned something.
Band aids are cheaper than actually fixing the problem, because not everyone is going to ask for one.
It is their fault, i barely used my joycons before they drifted. Tons of people have the same issue.
All companies cheaped on parts and made cheap controllers.
You forgot how microsoft replaced xbox 360s for free while continuing to push disposable hardware. It was about pushing numbers at the time which looks good to shareholders. I don’t think joycon drift will affect nintendo console sales like it how it ruined microsoft’s buyer confidence before the parolebox destroyed their reputation that entire gen
small children still get drift.
It's not everyone but having an overworked repair staff where half the staff is returning every controller they get in with new parts or flat out just giving away free new ones while the rest of the staff is tinkering around with God knows how many that just need a little foam pad inserted and a cleaning certainly can't be cheaper than just changing the initial quality control and initial manufacture ever so slightly.
Nigger I got my Switch at launch and the Joycons started drifting within a month and those were the only console controllers I have ever had that have drifted. They're just trash.
>I don't think joycon drift will affect nintendo console sales
It worked for me, I'll never buy one lmao
Then again, to be fair, I decided to stop buying Nintendo products during the DS hardware iteration bullshit. I bought a DS lite and like 5 months later they came out with the DSi, I was fucking furious.
Not saying you're wrong but I've bought brand new late gen Dualshock 3 controllers that had drift out of the box. It's not solely a Nintendo issue. It's an industry being cheapskate kikes issue.
They aren't, but they are obviously the worst video game zealots.
Nintendo amd sony should build tbings better for the consumer instead of making things so they break
Really? By then I was use to it from Nintendo and realized you needed to purchase at certain points. I got the Gameboy when they came bundled with Donkey Kong Land. I didn't budge for either Gameboy Pocket or Color. When they came out with the GBA I went in. SP came out and I held out. DS came and I kept holding out. Then got a DS Lite. They came out with a DSi and I held out. They came out with a 3DS and I held out. With Nintendo there is little reason to get their hardware ASAP and wait for a second iteration to decide if you want the first or second model. Their software on the other hand is another story because it is either limited print and becomes hard to find or just maintains its price for the whole generation.
The bitch sells like hot cakes because parents keep replacing them whenever their kids break them. Its not built like a brick like the gameboy lineup. Ripoff console with a big name behind it.
Youre a zoomer retard if you think current controller standards are okay I could beat my brother into a coma with a PS2 controller and still play bibeo bame
>claims former supervisor
Wow, this guy totally doesn't have any sort of agenda against Nintendo and can clearly be trusted.