
Why is she so cute bros

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Nice tattoo

>implying any korean has an ass that fat

>I love porn

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she looks like she fucks white guys

Hapa but Nancy from momoland

What ?
She is built for my cock only

>tfw used to have a D.Va dom that would bully me and make me buy them lootboxes
>they are gone
like tears in the rain

You are white.

>Nancy from momoland

you could have said Hwasa at least or ssunbiki. that's fucking nothing you faggot.

Yeah but only my cock will fuck her

I have never played a single game of OW and have zero desire to do so but I have spilled actual oceans of ejaculate to its girls. The ass game is on point in this franchise.

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Have we still not seen her OW2 desgin?

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Why does she got a monkey butt like a negroid?
Isn't she supposed to be a gook?

>trace a niggress instagram photo
>slap anime head on it

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Attached: D.va Rip.webm (720x1198, 2.86M)

hope I'll be able to pump to her in game

She grew out after she bore several of my children.

give me a D.va gf

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She was the only reason i wasted 500 hours through 2016/17 in that piece of shit of a game.
Good lord the cringiest community, devs and prd of any game in the vidya industry

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This guy’s D.Va animations are fucking godly, too bad he only uploads something once every 2 months.

Her ass is way too big here.

It's the future you never know

I want to smell D.va's asshole


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I can't wait to see her OW2 design. My cock won't survive this.

Sounds like you are gay.

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I love Hana Song desu

It's funny, girls this hot will never have ANY reason to settle with anything less than a 10/10 guy before they turn 35.


She's a very solid 5/10 at best it's just a mix of yellow fever and cosplay make up doing it for you.

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for me its this artists d.va

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For me it's mommy mercy

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There is OW2 ?

If that makes her look like a 10, I'll still marry her.

loves cowboy cock

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Such a sexy name
She is average

Why the fuck does most porn of her not have her correct proportions like this does?
I like big tiddies and ass, but I'm not looking specifically for a skinny girl so she can be thicc.

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In reality? Sure.
On social media where her ego is being inflated daily by coomers and simps? She thinks she's a 10/10 which is enough to make her think she's worth that much.

skinny fertile is the best bodyshape

Most porn artists usually only know how to draw the same generic "thicc" body type, but since they get paid thousands by patreon paypigs with no taste, they have no reason to ever improve.

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What matter is hip to waist ratio anyway
A girl with inexistant hips has a shit body just like a girl with ugly eyes has a shit face

Wide hips are great but if you have no thighs to compliment them and subsequently no ass then the proportions just look weird. The ratio is very important but too many girls suffer from having nothing but their hips

Its not that far in the future man. all asians are flat.

>What matter is hip to waist ratio anyway
Fair, but that doesn't excuse artists for drawing girls off-model. Either find girls who do fit the one body type you CAN draw, or don't draw them at all.

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I think the crazy shit they put in food is going to change that but I'm probably wrong.

Why are you people obsessed with race?

>this guy is Ukrainian and his content will probably slow or come to an end

Hips are mandatory for girls
Whitout them they look utter shit

Attached: Cute.jpg (720x681, 69.08K)

wait really?
fucking rip
loved that dudes stuff

low t reply

I wasn't disagreeing though?

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Dva if she real...

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I was responding to this >too many girls suffer from having nothing but their hips

God I love D.va so much!

Tits too big

Me too