Hogwarts Legacy
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Hagrids fat giant cock foreskin rule 63
Fear: the concept of wand motion and pronunciation will be completely forgotten as it was in every book and film after the first one.
Joining Slytherin and hunting mudbloods for sport
Is there going to be a star system like GTA?
>comes back for more
Glutton for punishment are we!?
Now the leaked soundtrack makes a lot more sense
>Hopes: Romance, free-form RPG, quidditch, going to school as the main gameplay mechanic, and doing missions as side content/content you must do in order to progress the story
>Fears: Linear bullshit, only a set cast of characters you can interract with, no romance, school grounds only working as a hub for content, no quidditch
I have seriously little to no hope for this game at this point. We all know they will try to focus on the "adventure" part over the "going to hogwarts" experience.
Either way, if some glorious modder manages to make a nude mod for the female students I will buy it regardless.
Don't even care about sex mods, just nude females walking around Hogwarts is enough to pique my interest
Imagine having something like the imagine breaker or the Anti Arts Attachment in Harry Potter
The combat looks like generic AAA shit where you have one button that counters all incoming attacks and another button that knocks out enemies, and you mash your way through every encounter. I expect it to be the kind of game where not a single fight in the whole game is memorable or interesting. We didn't see much of the stealth so maybe that's better than it looks. It doesn't seem like you can use magic in creative ways at all.
The environments look really good and it might be fun to just explore. Unfortunately that aspect of the game was ruined by one second in the trailer where they reveal that you just turn on your Toucan Sam vision and see collectables through walls. It will almost certainly be the kind of game where instead of exploring and discovering the world yourself and finding genuinely meaningful secrets, you brainlessly follow the little minimap markers which lead you from one stupid collectable to the next.
It's Assassin's Creed: Hogwarts. Like Assassin's Creed it will probably be worth pirating just to explore the nice environments but the game itself looks aggressively mediocre.
wow it looks so good reminds me of zombie panic source, co-op horror, free on steam
just play an INT build in elden ring
It's just not going to be a good game.
This is my assessment too. Modern westoid developers can't create engaging gameplay to save their lives. Much like the books and movies, the setting is going to make or break this game
From the preview it basically seems like a game you'll burn out on two thirds in. Not going to get it until it's cheap.
I dislike that they copy what magic devolved into in the movies. Just a bunch of wizards throwing red, blue and green bolts at each other. It's like watching people shoot each other with blasters in Star Wars.
Joining Hufflepuff for the friends
Staying for the weekly polyjuice orgies.
Have you even seen the gameplay reveal? It will be a woke fest
My hope is simply that it's Bully but in Hogwarts. I hope that every student is actually unique with their own name and schedule but I really doubt that'll be a thing.
Actual quests with decision-making
Varied puzzles in the open world
Nothing, I expect it to be shit either way
I have absolutely no idea what to expect so I bet I'll probably be impressed.
That it's an ok game that I can avoid caring about after release
That all the inclusive pandering and anti-trans comments switch gears and start shilling this game ad nauseum and we never hear the end of what looks to be a mediocre game.
Eventual quidditch update
No quidditch
I wanna take a scenic ride on the Hogwarts Express
That's always nice user.
That the game is good and fun to play.
That the game is not good and not fun to play.
There's rumors going around that there is no quidditch, however you can clearly see the quidditch pitch from the trailer, so who knows?
That the brain damaged children of this board cry and screech when this game flops harder than a circumcised fish
I get the impression that the combat is probably going to feel similar to the Batman Arkham games myself
that feels optimistic
does the game have girls
Its a hard part of the Potter lore, there's already a quidditch game on the PS2, there's no reason to not have quidditch.
there's literally no games i'm interested in playing at the moment or in the future. this better be good.
Yes, the cutest one being on Hufflepuff.
I hope there's a questline where you find out the culprit of some kind of mystery is a tranny, and you get to decide what to do when you confront them. Decide not to turn them in, turn them in to the teachers, or slay them with Avada Kedavra where they fucking stand.
All trannies WILL be slain.
I have a genuine question here: Do developers not realise the players want an immersive Hogwarts sandbox experience? Literally the entire internet has been begging for exactly that since the game was announced. They MUST know that's what we want by now.
Might be a bit hard to make quidditch interesting while keeping to the lore. I mean the Nimbus 2000s obviously didn't exist in the 1800s, so naturally they'd need to make it play a lot slower.
Is that not what this game actually is?
Where do you get a staff instead of a wand?
Not terrible.
It's WB so the worst case scenario is Shadow of War but somehow even more Jewish.
this game is starting to feel really overhyped. i have a bad feeling its kind of going to suck
Who cares it's gonna be super faggy
>Is that not what this game actually is?
I hope so. But at the moment it looks like it's going to be a mix of Shadow of Mordor or Assassin's Creed or Arkham Knight.
how in the fuck are you getting any of those vibes from this game
its not like the books lay out the clock speed of a nimbus. They can just peg it to whatever speed they want without breaking anything. The only thing they technically can't do is have nimbuses in the first place, since the company is relatively new in the first book.
Fish don't have dicks dude.
Just go full redneck and tape your wand to a random tree branch or something. If Hagrid was able to turn an umbrella into a makeshift wand by using the broken pieces of his old one, you should be able to do the same shit with anything
I want to use the woman's restroom as a transgirl
I think mine's broken
You can't expect today's devs to program an AI that acknowledges the Y axis
I WILL use avada kedavra on you, and they will bury you in a grave marked with your male name.
That spell is for pussies, there are other spells out there that are perfectly capable of killing people
I know this is a fantasy universe but cmon keep it grounded please
I just want Merula Snyde or someoen like her as a romance or just friend option. They did say there'd be a Gryffindor/Hufflepuff/Sliytherin friend option (because realistically no one will go Ravenclaw) so there's a chance!
I just finished jerking off to Cho in Witch Trainer Silver.
fugg :D
I meant the Z axis
Good Job Man!
I completely forgot about this. Changelog since I last played looks fucking huge.