I'm Solo, I'm Han Solo, Han Solo!

I'm Solo, I'm Han Solo, Han Solo!

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still not as embarrassing as nuStar Wars is

the reaction to this was overblown and was just a dumb joke, bitches dont know how to have fun. star wars was always a movie for children, and i loved star wars growing up. fucking manchildren losing their minds over parody songs for a shitty rhythm game

absolute kino

Accidental Soul


Btw is there a way to emulate kinect games yet? I kinda wanna play this one



Some boomer saw kinect dancing games and thought "man this would be better if I could dance with vader" and thus soul was born.


If I recall Yea Forums got upset when this was released, right? Like Star Wars was being defiled or something? Memory hazy

>I will deal with this one myself
This was peak star wars kino

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Game was crap though.

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with the current state of star wars this shit makes me laugh so hard, its amazing
when this first came out i was cringing, what the fuck. what does it mean

I'm Han Solo has been based ever since its conception

Maybe you realized Star Wars is just a media franchise and shouldn't be taken so seriously like it "matters"

>The Stormtrooper moonwalks away from him when he says that

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i'm glad someone finally said what I was thinking because this never really invoked a reaction in me. I don't understand why everyone was getting upset

Remember when we thought this was considered StarWars "selling out"?

the pain is gone

See for yourself


>Like Star Wars was being defiled
Star Wars was completely defiled by the horrid re-releases in 1997. Everything after that has just been tapdancing on the grave.

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At the time Star Wars fans were VERY sensitive after how crummy the prequels were and were very into "defending" its integrity. Now they sort of just don't care so they think whatever it's a stupid dance game, Star Wars has been a money grubbing cartoon franchise for like 40 years now


The last good Star Wars thing...well, outside Lego.

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Alright, a bit mixed reaction, I remember some genuine angry threads being spammed when it premiered, but maybe it was worse in my head than it was in reality. I remember some youtube fanboys were made though

also worth noting that Kinect was heavily disliked. so any game attached to that has to carry that baggage.

I also agree decapitations, and the death of millions of people is for children.

Star Wars Kinect came out in 2012, this would have been seen in 2011, that thread is from 2015

You're doing it again
Trying to make Star Wars something it's not.

I was a kid and thought those were so bad it's pissed me off. I still have the original Jim Henson star wars on VHS

You recall incorrectly. People thought it was stupid as fuck but Star Wars was already ruined and had been for some time. It was treated as an unintentionally hilarious joke from out of touch corporate suits.

Those things actually happened though

No user, they were in a movie

In the movie. They were more for teens than kids dude

They didn't help with that marketing

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They were for kids. Families, really.

Ah, yes, nevermind. You're right, those are people remembering it years later, back in 2012 it was definitely hated
Yes, movies in the 70s, 80s, and (most) of the 90s treated kids as intelligent enough to understand real world negatives and how to learn to rise above them. Most of my favorite childhood kids movies from the 80s/90s have some truly terrible stuff in it, and thats a good thing

I sure as hell watched them on VHS every weekend when I was a kid, but in today's standards it would be too violent for children.

Yeah I agree

I found it funny back then, didn't understand the butthurt. Imagine taking Star Wars seriously.

Star Wars isn't a kid movie. Or family movie.

Its made to sell merchandise.

I don't care about "today's standards". Star Wars didn't come out in 2022, it came out in 1977.

Actually it was made based on a bet between George lucus and his buddy Steven Spielberg to see who could sell more tickets

>The farmboy saves the princess from the evil overlord
This is a family movie user

This turns something like Indiana Jones gay. Bad for Star Wars. Good for marketing, which is what the empire does. In the end, bad for prosperity (loses money).

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Not entirely true. More accurately the Prequels were made specifically with toys sales in mind. if OG Starwars had that same intent, than Lucas would not have signed that horrible contract with Kenner.

Thing is families didn't go to see it.

Wow that guy is such a bad ass

You do recall that he only got the OT made by keeping the merchandising rights so Fox would fund it, right?


Families didn't go to see STAR WARS?

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Ah yes, Indy. The guy who got raped worse than Star Wars.

For me, it's Hyperspace Hoopla

Lucas absolutely was money grubbing about the merch from early on, he got to keep the merch rights in the deal finagling around the first one. He had to go with Kenner because they were the only company who would take it, it was an unknown property and bigger companies didn't think it would do any business. Kenner was notoriously not able to meet the massive demand because they were smaller than your Mattels and whatnot and the demand was exponentially higher than expected.

By having one crummy film? Star Wars got loads of those alone.

There's a reason this is the one minigame people remember from that shitheap, and that's because it had some soul. I think only hardcore spergs got really upset at it.

I didn't even know it was hated, I thought it was a fucking riot and when I showed it and Palpatine dancing to wubshit to my friend he did this really drawn out groan.

I thought this was moderately entertaining and then the harmonizing from Vader kicked in.

SOLO is still my favorite but the other ones are growing on me.

I wonder how the actor would feel if a small (~6 year old) child went in for a hug and said Palpatne was his favorite character and he always hoped he would win one day. Like, it's a cute kid telling you he loves you but also you're space hitler.

The main game was a crummy rail shooter dressed up like it was Jedi Outcast and very deceptive implementation of the camera controls. Look at that demonstration goof above with his over the top swinging for obviously canned animations.

If there was one thing the Kinect could do well, it was dance games. So the Star Wars one actually works.

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Wingman and not a scratch are legit dance moves, thanks for the reminder

Dude kids start watching star wars at like age 6 and still do, what the fuck are you smoking?

I don't care for Wingman myself but Not A Scratch is 100% cool as fuck. I like 3-Pointer, Double Blasters, and to a lesser extent, Tuskan Raider.
Back when I wasn't an aging loser my signature dance move in clubs was a wink + shrug combo. Went over well because it was kind of an apologetic admission that I didn't know how to dance very well but still put myself out there.
I am forever mad that the credits song for Solo: A Disney's Star Wars Presents: SOLO: A Star Wars Story from Disney wasn't this.

the dancing game is unironic soul

It's strange. A lot of children's cartoons now are extremely violent... but in a sugary way. Like Adventure Time, Steven Universe, etc. Say what you will about the content but half the show is bizarre violence and fighting. But it lacks grit. Star Wars on the other hand is almost wholesome compared to some of the content and themes in kids shows now... but the violence is more "realistic" so its an issue?
It's such a weird thing. the premise and characters and story of star wars is so fucking childish, yet its now too violent for children

based boomer

What's wild is that Fortnite basically did the same thing except it's soulless as fuck. Somehow boomers are the only ones capable of making soul.

this is unironically the best thing to happen to star wars in 10 years

Holy kino. Disney wishes it could be this good