Hot take: Hideo Kojima is only considered a decent writer because of the monumentally low standards of video game...

Hot take: Hideo Kojima is only considered a decent writer because of the monumentally low standards of video game writing.

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Well, yea.
His plot premaces are really cool, but the delivery is so cringe. Manchild stuff.

That's a pretty lukewarm take.

> plebs get filtered by MGS2 20 years later
His writing is somethimg that works only on videogames though

cold take

Hideo Kojima is considered a good writer by pretentious pseudointellectuals and gaslighting game journos, that's it.

MGS2 is one of the most nonsensical games ever written. It has some cool ideas and bridged the first with Snake Eater well-enough, but hot damn is it a fundamentally bad game in writing and gameplay.

Yep, filtered

Why don't you explain what is "fundamentally bad" with the writing and gameplay?

The only requirement video game writing needs is to allow fun to happen.

> Hideo Kojima is only considered a decent writer

because the fucker should hang his cape and go to a place where the fun comes solely from narrative instead of gameplay.

Oh yeah? Then why is it that whenever i go take a normal shit i have a fuckin loose as fuck dump an hour after it?
Hack writer.

There are games with narratives worse than this or Delgo, or Independence Day Resurgence?

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Yes. He's the best of a terrible, terrible bunch. The big fish in a little pool full of drooling retards that don't understand basic concepts like 'Show, don't tell' and insist on forcing entry-level political propaganda into everything.

Literally everyone that has ever thought about it knows this.

Raiden moves incorrectly. It's almost like they're tank controls, but instead of being relative to the camera, it's relative to the radar position, meaning if you have it deactivated or aren't paying as much attention to it, it's very easy to make a mistake. He doesn't turn around, but instead runs in a circle just wide enough to throw you off, making precise movement extremely obnoxious to execute. All the bosses are shit, too, especially non-lethal. Snake Eater, for all the shit it gets, was extremely creative.

As for the story, everything is dumped on you in the last hour. All the twists, character exposition, and themes just appear uninvited and unwelcomed. They're all handled unbelievably poorly, too.

I should also explain that the camera perspective changes so frequently that properly orienting yourself is always an issue.

Pretty cold take desu

Hotcold take

Hot take: the best video games have the least writing.

>They're all handled unbelievably poorly, too.
don't care
the nerd otaku fucked his stepmom and drowned her in a pool. that's all I needed to know.

Oh yeah, and that Jack was a katana-wielding child soldier and leader of the "small boys unit" and godson of the President of the United States. The only reason why this game is of any renown is because of the Matrix AI controlling the internet like censorship is a foreign concept.

This goes for Yoko Taro too.

>what if bad guys not really bad
>maybe good guys not really good

>Loner man has something precious taken from him from some dickhead prince
>In exchange for getting it back he has to go and bring a princess back for the prince to marry
>Along the way he falls in love but doesn't want to admit it
>Changes his mind and crashes the wedding so he can marry the princess himself
I liked it better when it was called Shrek.

The most frigid of cold takes, I still love him though.

>it's relative to the radar position, meaning if you have it deactivated or aren't paying as much attention to it, it's very easy to make a mistake.
This just sounds like a long-winded way of saying that you're bad at the game. If you're good, and playing the game intuitively, you won't make a mistake, even without the radar on. You can easily use first person view mode to look around for enemies like the game explicitly tells you at multiple points.
>He doesn't turn around, but instead runs in a circle wide enough to throw you off
You can make direct and quick turns to the other direction by moving the analog stick. Precise movement isn't obnoxious to execute if you play well enough and learn the map and enemy positions, which is what you should be doing in a stealth game.
>All the bosses are shit
No elaboration here.
>Everything is dumped on you in the last hour
There are more twists and expositions in the last hour because it explains the other story beats that have been happening for the past 15 hours. Why wouldn't it? It's the conclusion of the game; meant to wrap things up.
Sounds like your reasoning was come up with on the spot when I asked you to explain yourself, but you couldn't even put in the effort to make it seem like you actually played the game instead of watching it.

Anyone got the interview where the woman who translated mgs2 talks about how shitty the writing was while praising modern American tv?

His best ideas are just stolen from movies, it's the only reason his early games are any good

Thanks for saving the Thread.

I thought that was a dick for a second lol

Hot take? more like facts, lmao

MGS as a whole has an objectively horrible story because it has cutscenes, voice acting, dialogue, and cinematic moments in it. A good video game story would ONLY be told through the gameplay, environmental narrative storytelling, or implied hints that aren't shoved in the players' face.

>hurr durrr that's souls shit zanzibart le forgive me
This was something that existed back when Super Metroid was a thing. You just hate it because it doesn't give you enough anime waifus to jerk off to, and epic marvel capeshit moments.

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>"hot take" thread
>its always the most predictable shit that's been said repeatedly already
Every time. Does any one have some actual interesting hot takes?

amy hennig and chris avellone(pre-fall of grace) are the best writers in the industry. say what you will about the LoK series' gameplay the writing was god tier, as was planescape torment. classics that are likely older than the majority of posters on this board right now

>Does any one have some actual interesting hot takes?
Yes. i think Sony games are good

Counterpoint: the epic marvel capeshit moments are indeed very cool
Counterpoint 2: the two examples you picked (super metroid and dark souls) still have dialogues and cutscenes, specially the intro cutscene
Counterpoint 3: following your advice would make most games samey. Dark souls storytelling was cool because it was one of the few vidya at the time that used the gameplay to tell the story/lore, every game doing that would just make that feature to lose uniqueness and make it less especial
Counterpoint 4: You are a TF2fag, your opinion shall be dismished no matter what you said


>2 minutes of pressing up
>pretentious artsy fartsy music comes on

What was the last ANYTHING you watched or played that was as fun and well-scripted as mgs3?

>This just sounds like a long-winded way of saying that you're bad at the game.
I'm worse than bad, I'm absolute shit. But this isn't from a lack of trying or impatience, I would take the time to count and create a mental map of guard routes and timing, but the controls were just sensitive enough that there would always be something that goes wrong, and after a certain point I just didn't care. My performance shows, my stats in MGS2 were about three times worse than either MGS or MGS3 and that's not counting the times where I shut if off without saving. Not being able to exit a shot from behind cover is a massive sin as well. I'm not sure if it was the only game to do this, but this game needed it more than anything.
>You can make direct and quick turns to the other direction by moving the analog stick
Yes, but WHY? What is so inoffensive about it having it turn you around rather than a semi-circle. It's just that much more inconvenient to have to align yourself every single time to guarantee that you won't fuck up
>No elaboration here.
Olga is so-so with a lot of gimmicks, Fatman is piss easy, the Harrier is repetitive and a downgrade of the HIND fight because you don't even use audio, Vamp is stupid hard at least non-lethal, the RAY fight is a repetitive slog, and Solidus is piss easy.
>Why wouldn't it? It's the conclusion of the game; meant to wrap things up.
Because it's not the conclusion, it's effectively the entire story of the game. Between the end of the Tanker chapter and rescuing the President, there is almost nothing important that happens. It's all events, and while it may have been a theme to just being a soldier and following your orders, but that doesn't mean you can't have anything interesting happen until the very end.

I have put a lot of thought into this game because I wanted to understand how I could like every other game in the series and despise this one.

When people talk about Kojima being pretentious, it's because of MGS2. Sure the guy made pretty general speculations about the future that loosely came true. But as a compelling story, it's just not good and basically boils down to repeating MGS1 with an androgynous twist, yet fanboys swear its the pinnacle of vidya stories.

>detailed discussion about flaws in mechanics
>nah bro you just suck, git gud fag

Wow you really gottem
Based kek

> basically boils down to repeating MGS1 with an androgynous twist

You got it. And its great for this

This is something Saitama would say and give zero fucks about it.

Is the manga past the shitty Garou arc yet? It's been like 6 years already.

They just got to the part where he turns into nigger garou

>Hot take:

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Hideo Kojima is considered a decent writer because he's an excellent director, and most people are too stupid to tell the difference between these roles.

I think it's funny the Christian Apologist David Wood has used this frame as his Youtube channel icon for at least 3-4 years.


It's because of stupid fanbase.

Video game writing was better than his slop with MGS1. But because he's Japanese, people interpret stilted dialog and his absurd conclusions on philosophy as part of his Japanese worldview.

He unironically uses Richard Dawkins as a trustworthy intellectual when his work on the selfish gene has already been debunked while Kojima's games ALSO advocate for free will.

At least the old school Devil May Cry and Nintendo fans don't pretend the shit they like is some intellectual beautiful creation.

Every kind of story point the man has done better before, after, and he doesn't even do it well in his own games (even including 4th-wall breaking and discussions on morality).





He's a shit director. All of his characters past MGS3 all sound the same (which is because the people he worked with were talented and not him).

He has interesting ideas, and no execution. He's a hack who has no understanding of pacing, story structure or character arcs that don't rely on extreme contrivance or idiotic reasoning. Even MGS3, the so-called "best story in the series" absolutely shits the bed towards the end because of how inconsistent the Boss' worldview is when finally confronting Snake.

>But as a compelling story, it's just not good and basically boils down to repeating MGS1 with an androgynous twist, yet fanboys swear its the pinnacle of vidya stories.

Everything done in MGS2 was already done in Deus Ex, and it didn't take 30x as long to get to the fucking point. I also loved how he couldn't decide on how to portray Raiden. Is he a newbie? An old vet trained by the....President that he just had amnesia about? Who knows? Because the man does not understand how backstories work.

And Rose is the biggest cunt in the entirety of fiction that the stories she's in for some reason has sympathy for.

He is not s good writer
Like Yoko Taro he is just good at making interesting scenarios you play through

You're confusing the roles once again.

Director's direct the actors and compile all the elements of the production they're working on into a cohesive vision. Thanks for playing. Try again later.

Gamers don't understand good writing at all.
>Characters are having a conversation that advances the themes of the game and establishes character traits
>"This is purple prose just tell me where to go"

>Characters are having a conversation that advances the themes

Oh, god. Here we go. "The THEMES" argument. Fuck consistent world building, character writing, and stakes. It all depends on the larger message regardless of how poorly it's delivered.

>And establishes character traits

Yep. Doesn't matter if they're contradicted either. Like Raiden suddenly remembering a child soldier history 4/5 through MGS2 or the Boss challenging Snake to a fight even though if he loses America will never get the legacy.

Kojima has no idea how to write stories and keep them consistent.

>Hot take: (commonly accepted opinion)
very steamy, OP

>Hot take: Hideo Kojima is only considered a decent writer
nobody thinks this you brain dead retard. His games always have shitty stories.

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>Hideo Kojima is only considered a decent writer